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Everything posted by libgirl2

  1. I think many of us wish to be so content. We might not agree with their lifestyle, but they seem very happy in it.
  2. I honestly think this was a pairing from the heart and not an arrangement. He seems so taken with her and vice versa. And both of them seem like such nice kids.
  3. I agree, they look like babysitters. And what is up with Joy? At least Kendra looks put together.
  4. I had heard that it was legendary and finally was able to see it. What a slap in the face to Kwanzaa!
  5. that might be the case. My mom is from DR but she never sent money back to her family. Interestingly, when she married my dad, who is German, that side of the family did not like her and didn't trust her.
  6. Luis is creepy as h---. I'm sorry but the way he was acting yesterday! He's trying to get something on Molly. Abuse? Cheating? He does get that it is being filmed though, doesn't he? Regardless, he just makes me saw ewwww......
  7. The previews showed Azan pretty happy to see Nicole. Maybe she brought money? Same thing I was thinking. This guy is creepy. I would have called the cops and gotten him out of my house.
  8. I felt the same way. Stop complaining that they don't accept you if all you do is sulk in the corner on your phone. Make an effort, show they you are a good person who they should be happy to know. You might be surprised if you just try. How can you be included if you exclude yourself?
  9. I got the same feeling. Russ even seemed to smirk a bit.
  10. I have a recipe like that, first I cook the chops, then I take them out of the pan and cook the sliced apples with nutmeg/cinnamon and pecans. Put the chops back in and yum! I might make that this week.
  11. Wow, if Danielle won't help you, you are in trouble.
  12. I think you are more than likely right. There is nothing wrong for a girl to go for it, but Nicole can't see that she has nothing but cash to offer at this point. Even with the weight, if she was a successful, kind young woman and mother, she could find a really decent guy. She is a few sandwiches short of a picnic, but she is also manipulative and can be mean and selfish.
  13. i think she is just pigheadedly moving forward
  14. We should start one just for her! I always think the the people who protest too much, have something they are trying to hide.
  15. I know she did not look like she weighed that much when she was walking, only when she sat could you really see it. She really learned a lesson that she can't do it "her own way". I wish her well. She has youth (and nice legs) on her side. She had me smiling the entire episode. She took control, she knew this wasn't just a quick fix that she had to work at it. I was so proud of her. She will succeed, she was no nonsense about it and didn't try to use excuses, she did what she had to do.
  16. She looks great and healthy too. I don't think she is going to have a big baby though. Probably an average sized one.
  17. Azan's family already showed they are more than welcoming to Mae.
  18. That picture and his comments are hysterical.
  19. I think she might just be better of there than here. If only her grandparents would step in and get full custody of her. If they won't (due to something Nicole is threatening or doing), then let the poor kid have a better life in Morocco. I can see her being showered with affection by the family and Nicole locked in her room (and the family glad she is).
  20. As a Dominican on my mom's side and who has pretty much her entire family out there in the actual military (my cousin handles immigration and my uncle was the secretary of armed forces), I take great offense to the Family Chantal treating the country like some den of crime and ignorance. Its not perfect but for goodness sake, is the US?
  21. Yes, I can't imagine Jeremy tolerating an unmade one.
  22. No you aren't. I always thought the same. Remember when he went and beat up Fisher after he beat her? I started getting the vibe then.
  23. That's right. I guess she still could marry Dan if Ed is dead.
  24. Didn't Crystal marry Dan's father?? Its as if she is super human or something! lol!
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