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Everything posted by Mary0360

  1. I guess Dinah was still hung over from her sorority party the day they learnt about chain of evidence in police school.
  2. Except when she's trying to play tough girl, then she just comes off as conceited instead.
  3. She's doing the same thing Katie would do. Trying to play the flirty banter girl in scenes that aren't intended or written to be played as such, against Stephen who is all no nonsense and gives virtually nothing back. Ergo awkwardness ensues. My guess is Juliana is trying to soften Dinah by making her appear more feminine or something but it just comes off like she's make sultry flirty eyes either at inappropriate men or inanimate objects like broken glass.
  4. Not to mention Stephen is all stilted and stiff in that scene with her. I think he's allergic to any and all canary actresses when it comes to basic onscreen charisma.
  5. Yeah I mean wasn't Laurel all excited over how "ruthless" Felicity was and was saying that Felicity was more interesting to her now that she's going to extremes.
  6. "Laurel is the key to keeping Felicity new found darkness in check"
  7. Also remember when Dinah was all 'the SCDP should handle things themselves and not go outside the system' when both Rene and Felicity asked her for help. But Oliver comes back and all of a sudden she's batting her eyelashes and saying ok. I mean somebody should really let Oliver know that the girl was willing to leave him in jail.
  8. After Oliver leaves Dinah just turns and makes flirty smiles at the broken glass. Clearly the girl needs to get out more.
  9. Are you talking about the tweet where he said he couldn't participate in the ten year challenge because of his traumatic break up causing him to destroy all his photos. All I thought was I'm sure the original Mrs Amell is thanking her lucky stars she got out of that one lol.
  10. Should I be surprised that Stephen regrets showing personal growth, accountability and maturity? Nah.
  11. And is it an appropriate message to be sending in the current real world climate?
  12. I got Felicity! 😊 And I didn't have to cheat like I did the last one where I purposely answered to get Felicity lol 😂
  13. There's a difference between Katie not appearing in every episode and Stephen, the guy playing the title character. It's his show.
  14. I mean this would make sense and is logical...and because of this fact I'm guessing it won't be acknowledge in show. Especially since it would lead to questions about why Laurel is even on the show.
  15. Felicity and Curtis were well received in the beginning. It was only last season when Curtis became irritating as an individual character that people became less interested in Felicity/Curtis and I feel like Rene/Felicity was as mildly well recieved as Felicity/Siren it's just that Rene doesn't have as many fans 🤷‍♀️
  16. As long as one of them is in the all flash forward episode. I don't think I'll be able to handle just Rene Dinah Roy Maya William and Zoe for a full episode.
  17. That's how I read it too. Like he's going to come home from boarding school complaining he was abandon and carrying a chip on his shoulder about it which will then affect his relationship with Oliver and Felicity in the present to the point that he has issues with them in the future. I mean Robert and Moira planned mass murder and destruction, committed actual murder and kidnapped Oliver, Felicitys father abandoned her as a child to start a criminal organisation and they managed to still have some level respect and love for their parents but William spends a couple months in a likely expensive boarding school and he's still a brat about it twenty years later.
  18. Happy about the Olicity teases but want to cry about the all flash forward episode. Please please can Oliver Felicity and Diggle show up in the FF before then.
  19. Was it though? I feel like it was only perceived as successful because anything involving Felicity is generally well recieved.
  20. Well I mean the last time they did a birds of prey inspired episode it sucked and given the choices on the team this go around Black Siren, permantly scowling or giving stink face, Dinah, absolutely no charisma unless you count her attempts to make sultry eyes at inappropriate times and people, and New Green Arrow, who's a wild card but from what I've seen seems melodramatic, I think this one will be a raging success.
  21. Star City is so dumb, would it really be that much of a surprise? Lol. They were running dumb administrations before a certain orange idiot made it fashionable.😛
  22. The thing that bugged me to was that Felicity did seem to pick up something being off when she seemed surprised by Barrys reaction to her as Oliver when she first came to Argus, but because of her and Olivers personal problems she assumed that it was due to their still fraught relationship. Iris seemed more interested in jumping Oliver for a good few hours before she indicated any sense things were off with her husband. So honestly I'd say Felicity showed more initial perception then Iris. Especially given that unlike Iris who spent a substantial amount of time with Barry and Oliver before catching on, Felicity spent about 60 seconds with Oliver and Barry, where she had no interaction with Oliver at all, before they both went off. Yet Cisco, who witnessed Iris showing more interest in PDA with Oliver then she probably does with Barry, basically rubbed WestAllen in Felicitys face and didn't seem bothered by the fact that he'd hurt Felicity and her relationship with Oliver.
  23. I'd assume the whole Oliver not telling Felicity about the switcheroo shenanigans and then Cisco and Caitlyn making Felicity feel like crap about it. Not exactly the greatest subplot. Honestly the Olicity storylines was the least of my issues with the crossover. It was stupid concept executed poorly, made every one look like either assholes, idiots or both, it pigeon holed Emily and Candice to barely supporting roles rather then active characters in the crossover, uncomfortably occuring post actresses publicly calling out their bosses (just ask Eliza Dushku and the OTH girls whether writers will punish actresses in show with or with lack of storylines) yet found time to give storylines to Superman and Lois Lane in all three episodes, it trashed Oliver for three episodes straight and basically seemed like a set up for next years crossover which given its hinting that Oliver will die sounds like a suck fest already. Plus for all the hype Batwoman didn't seem all that utilised. Marcs finger prints were all over that. So yeah maybe he gave one good speech to Olicity- even though 70-80 percent of the work was done by Stephen and Emily rather then the lines themselves- but the was a whole lot of other suck in the crossover.
  24. Isn't Marc writing it? So there's a good chance you could be bitter. It could go either way.
  25. I never out right hated the 100th. I respected the concept but it wasn't executed great especially within the context of the overall storyline of crossover. It felt like a pointless stand alone episode with the unfortunate side effect of convincing a certain section of fans that Alien mind rape is Olivers true romantic feelings. But there were some moments of the episode I didn't mind. The Olicity flash backs for instance and I liked the seeing Moira and Robert and Queen Manor again. Plus at the time I liked Green Diggle- even though season 6 ruined that for me. What pisses me off about the 100th in hindsight is the fact that we got stuck with an episode that has to be worked into the crossover and in the end didn't even add much to the crossover and then fast forward a few years and a certain other show alters everybody else's schedules to accomodate their 100th. I mean if that option was available why couldn't Arrow have had a 100th seperate so then maybe they wouldn't have had to be restricted by trying to workout a storyline that includes Aliens on a show that doesn't normally deal with aliens or accomodate characters from other shows so that they could focus on their own characters.
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