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  1. I audition first by sending in a video. They got back to me within 24 hours and then I met a producer for an audition over Zoom. The audition was basically playing a few rounds of the regular game and of Winner's Circle. These weekly Zoom auditions lasted for a few weeks, with various producers, until I was finally invited onto the show 🙂
  2. Nothing at all like this! Game shows have to adhere to very strict laws dealing with fairness, etc. Lots of lawyers on set to ensure everything is on the up and up. Honestly, I don't remember the details of what I signed, but it was mostly having to do with not spoiling the magic of what the viewer sees on screen. Nothing too outrageous. But because I don't remember the details, I want to be careful with what I do share 🙂
  3. Clogs will haunt me to my grave lol I appreciate the feedback. It was so much fun playing and I definitely can't complain walking away with some cash and a vacation. I did sign a contract with ABC about not revealing too much of the backstage stuff, so I have to be careful there. What I will say is that everyone on set was incredibly kind, including not only the celebrities but also the producers and makeup people and everyone. I was there all day (without my phone) so I'm thankful for everyone's positive energy on set. I'd love to play again sometime, especially now having SEEN myself play.
  4. Clogs was a SUPER difficult category. (Richard here, and I've spent the MONTHS since filming coming up with better clues). My big problem was that I knew they were a kind of shoe, but I was getting them confused with Crocs, and by the time my brain got to plumbing clogs, the momentum was gone. Jason Ritter and Jordin Sparks were AMAZINGLY kind people and I was so glad to be paired with cool celebrities who were having as much fun as I was 🙂
  5. Prince had an amazing halftime show, but I didn't like when the other hosts told Sara she was wrong for proclaiming this year's as her favorite. Someone declaring something as their favorite is an opinion, and I think it's disrespectful to tell them "no, you're wrong because xyz was better." It's opinion vs opinion, and someone choosing something different than you as their favorite doesn't take away from that thing still being your favorite.
  6. I really like NuSonny! I don't have any references for him outside of this show, but he seems way more natural than his predecessor.
  7. This was filmed not too long after George Floyd's murder. For many folks, especially Black people, the emotions brought up during that time last year were raw and uncontrollable. I didn't think them talking about it was shoehorned. For them, they were talking about current events and the emotions that were and are still strong in them. I cried right along with La La because as a Black man I know that pain of discrimination, as well as the pain of not wanting to cry while talking about it.
  8. I actually think Sara handles the delay pretty well. She seems to know when Whoopi is going to ask her a question so starts talking likely as Whoopi is finishing to avoid any kind of delay. The crosstalk is a complete clusterf though.
  9. Sarah Haines is announced as guest-hosting today on Twitter. Does that mean Meaghan has a Tucker Carlson-esque day off?
  10. I am not making any sort of personal attacks or meaning to start anything like that, but I would suggest rethinking this statement. As a man of color, I've often had my looks compared specifically to other men of color. It usually doesn't sit well with me because it puts black men into a subcategory rather than us just being the default.
  11. We should flood her Twitter feed on June 2 so she's in one of her special moods on June 3rd haha.
  12. I want to share this on my Facebook page!
  13. RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars isn't enjoyable now that it's pretty much a given that the most deserving queen won't win. #JusticeForKatya #JusticeFor Shangela #JusticeForManila
  14. The queens of RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars react to Valentina's performance as "Angel" in RENT LIVE!
  15. The queens of All Stars 4 react to Valentina's performance as "Angel" in RENT Live!
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