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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. + About a Boy + Frontierland - Monster Movie 19 - Folsom Prison Blues 19 - Hollywood Babylon 19 - Tall Tales 18 - About a Boy 18 - Bad Day at Black Rock 17 - Slash Fiction 17 - Weekend at Bobbys 17 - Fan Fiction 15 - Dog Dean Afternoon 15 - Frontierland 14 - Hibbing 911 13 - Reading is Fundamental 13 - Changing Channels 11 - Mystery Spot 07 - The French Mistake 04 - It's a Terrible Life Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow... Swap Meat Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! Fallen Idols Slumber Party Clap Your Hands If You Believe Party On Garth The Curious Case of Dean Winchester How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters LARP and the Real Girl Ghostfacers Out with the Old Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie The Usual Suspects Wishful Thinking The Real Ghostbusters Nightshifter Hammer of the Gods Yellow Fever Everybody Hates Hitler Hunteri Heroici Monster at the End of This Book Hell House Ask Jeeves Monster Movie The Black and White tribute to the old monster movies was a fun one. Dressing Dean up and Sam calling him Hansel will remain one of my fond memories of that ep. I thought it was a risk worth taking.
  2. I think I need to experiment, how can you tell the difference between Demon Dean and Dean...Catrox14, do you think a kissing test would do the trick?
  3. Was watching Dark Angel "Season 2" and Ty Olsen is in the ep...also saw the single tear falling down Jensen's face. Some of his expressions he has done more than once. Does this mean he's cheating on Dean? lol
  4. Well to be fair if we allowed you to leave... You now have two choices...go insane trying to make it be logical OR Pick what you want and ignore the rest. Hell with their mistakes, if someone says your not following cannon you can show plenty of proof to ask the question, "which cannon?" I'm really innocent, I did nothing wrong. I see how it is... :) I don't get why Awesom04000 is getting off Scott free, stomps off mad and sees Dean...shirtless...did you say something...excuse me I think I need to go get something....(Follows Dean)
  5. Dean's control was cracking and for him it was unacceptable to allow an innocent, Ruby be killed. Just like Soulless Sam, he in a way caused his death. How much longer he could stay human, was questionable. Plus he harmed Cas. Yes, he didn't kill him, but he was being haunted by it. So I don't see Dean being able to take the blame road without ignoring what he did, and that would mean ignoring Dean's natural traits. Now that he doesn't have the mark, it will certainly be on his mind. Hmm maybe I'll come up with that fic anyway...well I'll let it simmer and see what pops up.
  6. @Awesom04000 But this time, Dean has the fault, blame on him. He took the mark without knowing what it meant. He killed Death instead of Sam. Sam didn't trust Rowena, but he was desperate to save his brother. "I can't do this without him" speech was the driving force. Dean's done the same. Jensen saying he's so done with the guilt. The audience so done with the Blame game. So if they go there, you won't be the only one ready to stab someone, namely a writer. Or we could shoot him...perhaps hang him? I know do all three. :) It's against my beliefs to harm Carver in person, but I sure could do it in a fanfic....yes I'm evil. :) So I hope that your predictions are false. If not we need to figure out a campaign to send to Carver to see if he can get our displeasure. @Sue B,I didn't see Sam as stupid last season but mainly blinded by desperation...the same stuff I've seen Dean wear as well. At least Carver likes to dish it out to both of them...
  7. No, I'm talking about TV in general, hence the red shirt from Star Trek. You knew the main character would never die. The first few death on SP did mean something. Now they don't. But in general I see many TV show's that are guilty of just killing someone off as a cliffie for the season ender. See Grey's as an example, who will they kill off this season. It's now as tiresome IMO as when they never killed any main characters. Sue B, I know that Jensen is stretched thin when he directs and acts. So it could be he is just tired and distracted. Time will tell.
  8. + Frontierland + Fan Fiction -- Hell House 20 - Bad Day at Black Rock 19 - Dog Dean Afternoon 19 - About a Boy 19 - Folsom Prison Blues 19 - Hollywood Babylon 19 - Fan Fiction 18 - Weekend at Bobby's 17 - Hibbing 911 17 - Slash Fiction 17 - Reading is Fundamental 17 - Tall Tales 17 - Frontierland 15 - Changing Channels 11 - Mystery Spot 09 - The French Mistake 06 - It's a Terrible Life 05 - Monster Movie 01 - Ask Jeeves Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow... Swap Meat Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! Fallen Idols Slumber Party Clap Your Hands If You Believe Party On Garth The Curious Case of Dean Winchester How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters LARP and the Real Girl Ghostfacers Out with the Old Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie The Usual Suspects Wishful Thinking The Real Ghostbusters Nightshifter Hammer of the Gods Yellow Fever Everybody Hates Hitler Hunteri Heroici Monster at the End of This Book Hell House The first time I saw Hell House I liked it. It's never been my favorite but the idijits thinking they knew more than our boys were funny. I imagine like a neighbor that believes they are better at solving crime than a police officer. It was time to vote it off.
  9. Welcome back but if they rinse and repeat season 7, perhaps Sam will look a little better. No promises...what kind of drink would you like? Would you like some cheese? :)
  10. I've noticed that Jensen is so so in his interviews. I wonder if he had a goal to get to season 11. I know he's enjoying it and certainly he doesn't seem bored but he isn't very excited. Jared on the other hand appears really excited. Although everyone seems excited about the 4th ep. Now that doesn't mean I think Jensen hates the show or thinks it sucks, but I wonder if he wasn't so careful about his responses if we would see he's tired. I know he was tired of the Mark of Cain. But I think he was tired of what it meant. It didn't really go anywhere but if it had would he have been tired? I haven't reacted to the last death's well because it just felt like hey let's do this death to justify this story. But now we are in the reverse. Years ago, you never killed the main characters or important people. Then we've gone through the phase of what if we did. Now if feels as if well what else can we do, oh let's kill so and so. It no longer is shocking. It now doesn't mean much. So for me, if they are going to kill someone then it really needs to have worth. In my opinion it looks like they just slam dunked it without any real thought. IA the WAY they do it matters. I know I have more this season I really like than last and certainly more than season 8...but as much as I like Jared and Jensen, I almost wonder if it would be more exciting to see them in something else. Of course the logic part is worried that I wouldn't see them in something else, but I hope that they can find something else. If the writer's were really writing compelling stuff, then this conversation would be mute. I just wonder if the problem of so many people living the life of instant gratification is making everyone dumber. I know when I was younger, I wouldn't have thought something was badly written. Heck I thought the old Batman series was good until I saw it as an adult. Then I realized how bad it was. Sigh....
  11. May be a little clearer, from Dabb and he let's it slip about Crowley. Also he says we may see something from Sam's past that the fans have been asking for years... The thing I got from Jared's last interview, is that they think it is okay to do stuff that the fans may not like because we will stick with them. I think this maybe some of the reasons we have issues, because they take risks without thinking it all the way through and expect the fans to forgive them. No, I used my last one...sorry... oh wait, I found one but it was on the floor, do ya still want it? For some reason I keep following Dean...don't know why.
  12. IA that Carver doesn't appear passionate. If it is just a job for him then he is ignoring the big picture of what happens when the show ends? I think he's generated several good ideas, but maybe he's just terrible at sequence and closure. His personality is very laid back, so that doesn't help his image. What's worse is the one that is passionate, maybe to a fault they don't seem to listen to.
  13. + Frontierland -- It's a Terrible Life -- Tall Tales 19 - Dog Dean Afternoon 19 - About a Boy 19 - Bad Day at Black Rock 19 - Folsom Prison Blues 19 - Fan Fiction 19 - Hibbing 911 19 - Hollywood Babylon 18 - Weekend at Bobby's 18 - Frontierland 17 - Slash Fiction 17 - Reading is Fundamental 16 - Tall Tales 15 - Changing Channels 13 - Mystery Spot 09 - It's a Terrible Life 09 - Monster Movie 09 - The French Mistake 07 - Hell House 07 - Ask Jeeves Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow... Swap Meat Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! Fallen Idols Slumber Party Clap Your Hands If You Believe Party On Garth The Curious Case of Dean Winchester How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters LARP and the Real Girl Ghostfacers Out with the Old Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie The Usual Suspects Wishful Thinking The Real Ghostbusters Nightshifter Hammer of the Gods Yellow Fever Everybody Hates Hitler Hunteri Heroici Monster at the End of This Book
  14. Oh Crowley, you actually seem like a nice demon, how evil of you to use truth like that. Nice Job. :)
  15. We didn't see the mark on any of the knights of hell that Cain killed. So...I think only who he felt was worthy could get the mark. Hence the reason Dean kill Abaddon. But since they don't stick with what they create, we should feel free to make up our own rules.
  16. Which is why I loved the audience response to the answer in Comic Con and that everyone let him drown for a bit. The defense was half hearted at best. I wonder if we weren't getting so many new fans is Supernatural would still be on the air? I'm so tired of saying there is so much potential in the storyline...if I can see it, an untrained writer, it makes me wonder how much Carver cares?
  17. After reading @Tippi Blevins great Brother's Keeper recap, I really really want Carver to have to sit down with fans and explain himself. I want him to have to answer the tuff questions and not be allowed to get away with because it was where the story took us. I mean is this what they teach when they teach TV writing? I don't know as I have very little training in writing other than what I got from English. I know Jared always states the fans forgives us, but shouldn't they work a little better in having the plot holes connect the dots so to speak? I understand there has been many badly written TV shows that were popular and time showed how horrible the writing was, but can Carver really think he is doing his best? Serious question.
  18. Think this goes here. Jared's thoughtful reply to the candles at comic con. People seemed to be surprised that depression is reported more now...but in the 80's you didn't talk about it. If you did, people thought you were crazy, so you kept your mouth shut. #Always Keep Fighting
  19. ++ Mystery Spot -- Hell House -- Monster Movie 19 - Dog Dean Afternoon 19 - About a Boy 19 - Bad Day at Black Rock 19 - Folsom Prison Blues 19 - Fan Fiction 19 - Frontierland 19 - Hibbing 911 19 - Hollywood Babylon 17 - Tall Tales 17 - Slash Fiction 17 - Reading is Fundamental 17 - Weekend at Bobby's 15 - Changing Channels 13 - Monster Movie 13 - It's a Terrible Life 13 - Mystery Spot 11 - Monster Movie 09 - The French Mistake 07 - Hell House 05 - Ask Jeeves 03 - Hunteri Heroici 03 - The Monster at the End of This Book Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow... Swap Meat Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! Fallen Idols Slumber Party Clap Your Hands If You Believe Party On Garth The Curious Case of Dean Winchester How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters LARP and the Real Girl Ghostfacers Out with the Old Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie The Usual Suspects Wishful Thinking The Real Ghostbusters Nightshifter Hammer of the Gods Yellow Fever Everybody Hates Hitler
  20. I totally get why people don't talk about it. I might one day write what I experienced, but the crazy part was my dreams. I didn't know what I was dreaming about since I had never ever seen the trade towers till after they were being destroyed. I couldn't watch the stuff very long because I felt way too much stuff. Luckily I haven't experienced that kind of stuff again. But it is a day that yes, you remember what you were doing when it happened. I had a teacher friend that was in a panic due to thinking her daughter was in the area, another teacher was lied to by her son. He told her he wasn't in the tower but was, but got out just in time. It was a really crazy emotional day...I can't imagine how awful it would be to be in the area. Hugs.
  21. Shortly after 9/11, I had some students tell me they kept seeing a ghost around the school. The funny part was that they knew they were safe once they got to my room. It was like the ghost wouldn't enter the area because they said my room was surrounded in light. I never told the kids that I had felt an energy that wasn't positive, so I had cleansed my room and the auditorium. I don't see ghost, but I've felt them a few times. Call me crazy. :)
  22. What I'm hearing is the brother's story so I suspect a secret will show up with maybe both brother's hiding something again. It sure sounds like this is the season to try to redo season 7. Jensen gets the emo because he can handle it. He is pointedly saying he doesn't want to do the angst story-lines, so he is pounding out what does bother him as a person. In that way he is asking for a storyline he can enjoy. Carver is also more tight lipped than other show runners. He got burned when he killed Charlie, yet stands by it. If Carver doesn't deal with Dean killing Death, if it doesn't create a storyline for him...then he has failed as a writer. This is a storyline that needs to be addressed. To ignore it would be a waste of good story telling. IA that it appears under Carver that the writers are doing more their own thing than being united together. But the focus seems to be both brothers and if they don't deliver I will not be happy. I'm hoping that Jensen has something but if he opens up it will reveal to much...and I'm basing that on his interview about what he directed. This last one he directed, he really was tight lipped. Usually he gives something away, but he was really careful, so I think there is some surprises that will only work if we don't know it's coming. I mean it could be the most boring ep ever, but somehow I doubt that.
  23. Back from mini vacation with folks, and finally have internet again... how I have missed the internet. :) -- Hell House ++ Frontierland ++ Hollywood Babylon 19 - Dog Dean Afternoon 19 - About a Boy 19 - Bad Day at Black Rock 19 - Folsom Prison Blues 19 - Fan Fiction 19 - Frontierland 19 - Hibbing 911 19 - Hollywood Babylon 17 - Tall Tales 17 - Slash Fiction 17 - Reading is Fundamental 17 - Weekend at Bobby's 15 - Monster Movie 15 - Changing Channels 15 - It's a Terrible Life 13 - Hell House 11 - Mystery Spot 11 - The French Mistake 07 - The Monster at the End of This Book 05 - Ask Jeeves 03 - Hunteri Heroici Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow... Swap Meat Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! Fallen Idols Slumber Party Clap Your Hands If You Believe Party On Garth The Curious Case of Dean Winchester How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters LARP and the Real Girl Ghostfacers Out with the Old Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie The Usual Suspects Wishful Thinking The Real Ghostbusters Nightshifter Hammer of the Gods Yellow Fever Everybody Hates Hitler
  24. Was watching JAG - Defending his honor and saw Jeffery Dean Morgan very clean cut. Almost didn't recognize him.
  25. I admit watching Carver being hung out to dry and no one at first trying to help him much as they all knew that it wasn't a good thing to do. Jensen did half hearted attempt to fix it, but I think Carver felt how much the fandom was upset with the method of killing off Charlie. Doubt it will change anything though. IA that Supernatural panel looks fun. Some I've tried to watch on youtube and just couldn't. Several fun moments and I bet seeing it live was even better.
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