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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. our contest is a 40 min. time limit so it is called One Act play. Our play this year is Shakespeare Unbound. In the final count down as it is this Friday. I knew I could count on you to find my brain. lol
  2. Of course it is okay to join! Hi and welcome to the board. We may not agree about everything but we do try to play nice with each other. I think I would skip the 300.00 sleep over too. But I'm cheap and only seen a convention from youtube. I'm usually driving around dallas. If you want to see some of downtown it might be interesting but honestly I've been away from Dallas for a long time. Lots of little cities are around there though. I know Arlington is about 30 minutes away and Ft Worth is an hour. Just depends on what you want to do, and I would have to look it up on the internet as everything has changed and I've forgotten more than I know. Hope you have fun. Thankful today as we had 4 tornadoes touch down in our fair city but my house is fine. Worst issue was losing electricity. Some weren't that lucky. Heading into the the final count down before One Act. Please pray that I stay sane. If not, if you find my brain please send it back my way. LOL>
  3. Tonight's spaghetti western brought to you by... I did enjoy the music choices. I did wonder if they were wanting everyone to think of Frontierland... This one was fun in several ways and a lot to process on rewatch. Mary you are heading for a hard fall and what will it cost you???? I kept waiting to see Dean and Sam on the outside of the restaurant spying on Mom and British Mol. Would she have allowed Dean and Sam to die? Poor Crowley never gets any respect. But he does have a really strong point...you usually die if you go against the Winchesters. I did love Cas's goodbye speech but really didn't think they were doing it yet. Glad that everyone knows that Cas sees them all as family.
  4. It is actually very common for dementia patients to start cussing as the stages get worse. My great grandmother never cussed until the end with dementia. I think it is a sound response more than meaning. I do remember that although I enjoy Jensen's broad comedy, I really wanted it toned down more. I wanted less is more. This is where a stronger director could help with choices. Don't have time for rewatch now, but plan to do so and see how it lands on second viewing.
  5. I wouldn't mind seeing this either. I get your point and since I never thought Dean was dying...as they would let him die. I just sat back and enjoyed the ride of how long would it take Sam to figure out what was wrong and I enjoyed Rowena in this one. So would I liked to fix some stuff, sure but it had enough moments that I'd put this on a good ep and worth watching again. Best ep ever...NOPE. :)
  6. So would you have enjoyed it more as it would just be a permanent loss of memories. I won't say I loved every moment but I did find some moments really good. Some over the top. But it has been one of the better ones for me. I guess I found it better than I expected so that made me happy. But then again I can read the same type of fanficiton and enjoy it. lol
  7. I really enjoyed this one for the most part. A few too big silly moments but I liked that it got real. Will have to watch again to see how I feel about it but I thought some parts were really moving and presented a different view point. Interesting that Rowena needed help and couldn't do it on her own. :)
  8. The wrap up gave some closure but also was confusing at the same time. I loved the movie and I really wanted to love the show. It wasn't awful but with some of the scenes being so dark, it was more confusing than it needed to be. Shame I didn't feel more satisfied by the ending.
  9. Well it's happened I got written up and a warning to change my wicked ways. It's my fault this happened because I said an inappropriate joke and caused the bullying to get started in the first place. If felt like if the parent had let it go, I wouldn't have been written up. The parent is still upset but the kids of this parent is still in my class and in the play production. So here comes the acting skills, act like nothing is wrong and figure out how to address this so it doesn't happen again without making anyone feel I'm pointing fingers. Hey doesn't this just warm your heart and make you want to go out and become a TEACHER...No? I can't imagine why? I'm not saying I did nothing wrong, but you would think they way this mother is acting this child is on his death bed...not what I'm seeing. Also I find out his the reason the other kid blew her top. He's the one that wouldn't stop so if the parent goes too far, the other parent will be pressing bullying charges against him.....Sounds like a play doesn't it??? Sorry my bad sense of humor is showing again. Bad teacher.
  10. Guess I spoke too soon. Parent wants to do assault charges because of mental hardship. It's the case that just won't go away. Not sure what it means other than should hit my head against a wall. ON the positive note we ran almost the entire play today even though we were missing two major parts. Will be seeing what we can do tomorrow. One day at a time.! :) Just a question anyone know why it puts your last post in the box when you start a post ??
  11. I liked part of this one. For me it is kinda of like reading a fanfiction story. You enjoy it and move on. It isn't necessarily connected to the next story. It's clear they didn't think about certain lines and how week that would sound. Everything was done so they could bring in the next moment. For some reason they NEED Cas broken beyond repair, so that he is willing to do what ever it takes to save the family. They needed the BMoL to find someone to trust them and work with them. Could it have been better, sure the whole reason they got caught in the first place is beyond stupid. Them giving up is beyond stupid. But if I just watch without using any brain cells I might find it all fascinating. :)
  12. Feeling a bit better, student pulled from class. Still tired but hopefully weekend will be better
  13. Much to like and much to have a check off. Check off Make us think Mary will die. Reason to have the boys locked up so they can escape and use Billie Kill Billie Have the boys needing help from the bad guys but hopefully confuse them into accepting them as good guys I'm sure there is more but all I can think of for now. That said I did enjoy and found myself liking and wanting to watch again. Happy with it all of course not!
  14. Still dealing with the fallout and not sure what will happen yet. One student for sure being pulled out of my class. I'm the reason it all got started because of a poor choice of joke. Yeah I'm fighting burn out. Will pm tomorrow. Hanging in there for now. All I can do. right.
  15. Let's see 45 in the morning and 85 in the afternoon. It's our winter. Snow what's that? Feeling a bit bum. Had a great performance with the kids, just a few of them. But then one kid decided to grab a kid's jacket and choke him. Now I'm writing them up and feeling like the worst teacher ever. Why because I started the teasing of "Traitor" when the kid said not taking Theatre next year, I'm joining band and choir. Well she'll be out for sure. Not sure what will happen but it feels like here it goes again. Lately every time I get a new principal something happens that makes them decide I suck as a teacher. I'm hoping I'm wrong but I've got the feeling of doom. Is Dean and I related????
  16. I liked Alicia Witt in several of her earlier stuff, so as far as that goes, I'll wait to see. Expecting them to use logic and fit the lore of the show...NOT. I think they write for binge watchers. I have a friend that only watches after the season is over. She is very satisfied and doesn't think about anything at all. Just enjoys it and says it's very satisfying. I know if I don't expect much I find more spots enjoyable but perhaps this is supposed to give Cas something. I would like to see Cass as strong and more independent but lately that seems to be out of the question. I can hope but don't expect it.
  17. Hope the hangover gets better and consider yourself hugged.
  18. Sad to hear about William Christopher but he had a life doing what he loved. Not everyone can say that. So on a happier note. Happy New Year! I finally saw the new Star Wars film, it was an enjoyable adventure to forget about any worries. Started writing on some very old stories, not supernatural and hoping it will get me on track for the new year. I'm looking at traveling to New York in the spring, around March. Suggestions on what I must see? First time to go. How cold is it in March? Our idea of cold is a few weeks out of the year sometimes or two months max if it is a bad winter. This week has been like 32 to 52( o F) then a few days later 60 to 75( o F). All Fahrenheit in case you can't tell that's all I know. :)
  19. So we have another thing in common, a love of purple. :) Mom mailed my purple coat so it is on it's way. I do laugh sometimes, some students get upset when I don't wear purple and others complain that I wear too much purple. I can't help it...Example I bought a shirt that I thought of as blue, it has navy blue flowers but the background has periwinkle blue but the kids see it as another purple. Oh well guess I'm just stuck as the purple lady. My student that had the surgery is getting stronger. He is now walking into my class and only needs the wheel chair for two classes. He doesn't have that blue tinge around his lips and is looking good.
  20. 2016 has had many ups and downs. Happy Holidays late. Just got back from visiting my folks. @Catrox14 so sorry to hear about your fall and injury. I hope the insurance gets worked out and that you feel better soon. I didn't have internet when I visited my folks. We played games and had a good visit. My bad luck seemed to be coming and going. lol. Tire blew and luck was on my side when a stranger saw I was in trouble before I realized how bad it was. He asked if he could help change my tire. I agreed and gave a little something for him being so kind. Then found out the next day my donut tire had gone flat. So got a new tire and got the donut fixed. The trip back wasn't so bad except I've realized I left my purple coat and newer pair of jeans. My folks think I can't remember anything since I always leave something at their place and it's too long of a drive for me to go back and get it. It's only money right? So sad to hear about the death's over Christmas. So hopefully 2017 will bring in good times and oh let's just add world peace for the heck of it. I enjoy coming to this board and I'm glad for a place to share our memories of Supernatural even if we do want to scream at the TV show now and then. :)
  21. I guess for me, since I've seen these two write so much worst...I'm not bothered that much in the long run YET. I think they wanted to wrap up Lucifer instead of just allowing him to be a plot hole of what happened to him, he's still running around lose. Plus they wanted to move in the direction of Sam and Dean locked up Dean and Sam may have the only solution we know of is the cage. How else can the mere mortals take care of him? I don't remember how many times we have talked about hating something that honestly I don't think they put that much energy into. I think they just wanted Lucifer to get excited about creating something to do something better or one up dear old dad. He's lost it and the idea wasn't his. It came from hearing a human talk about why she wanted a child and dreams she had. That's all they thought about nothing more. I think they really are that simple in their ideas and not really thinking about the vessel and all the things that we as fans explore or wonder. I could be wrong... Now if they do something interesting with the boys being locked up the new fans will be excited about it as they aren't sick to death of the rinse and repeat. There is something possible and I agree you don't have to watch more than the last twenty minutes. I think I was more excited when I watched that first and left me with this looks interesting. However starting from the beginning took that excitement away. Teaching kids, they don't think so deep about shows and only remember the high points. I remember many old movies I loved I did the same thing Disney's Jungle book comes to mind. The spots I loved I still loved as an adult and the rest I just went wow it's really slow. This show has always had issues from season 1 through 12. So on that front, nothing's new. :)
  22. One man will not make everything fall, but one person focusing on the positive and getting another to join in can change the world. The problem is people focusing on what's missing instead of what's possible. The positive energy creates the change, not talking about how terrible something is. So I ask you to focus on what you want to see in the world not what's wrong. Then you will feel empowered and take what action you can. If your excited you get another to join you and another. Now I don't have snow where I live so that part I can't help but I know people don't like to come out when it's cold and rainy. So look at what you gave, your time and love. You came when other's felt they couldn't. So be kind to your generous heart and know you made a difference. It might not be as much as you hoped for, but nothing is built in one day. We've never had a president that everyone loved...EVER. So why will everything suddenly go bad? Life is full of up's and downs. The down times show us what is missing and how to appreciate the good times. I'm not trying to preach or offend, but I know that if I focus on the negative, my depression becomes dangerous, so I try to focus on what I can do. What do I think the vote really said...That we're sick and tired of the same old same old -- don't work together. The extremes are not good...so how can we find balance? That's where I'm at... If anything I said made you feel better keep it, if you hated it...let it go or ignore it. ;)
  23. IA it was funny seeing them trying to explain all the things they know to the outsiders. Sam's that's not helping worked. I liked them getting pulled over because that doesn't happen often but the fact that Cas is useless...not a fan. I liked Dean being excited about the grenade launcher and Sam shooting him down but the boys losing a fight once again for a plot twist...mix bag for me. Part because I liked the music they used to introduce Ketch, and so far the character could be interesting but hated that neither boys were strong enough to fight it on their own. I mean Dean took on 3 demons before he got the mark so I wish their fighting skills didn't just disappear because the plot needs it to. I watched the last half first and well that did help my viewing. The boys being taken away in handcuffs might be fun if the boys had a reason for them to be caught. So a mix bag for me. I thought Lucifer was creepy in a good way a few times...but over used. I thought the ending of Lucifer leaving was confusing and very unclear. A few good moments but plenty of bad too. I guess in some ways not bad considering who wrote it. Hard to direct when the script is weak too. :)
  24. I was afraid he wasn't gone because of how his light went down the vent. Most likely dear Mr. Ketch didn't tell the whole truth. Darn I wanted this part DONE. Maybe Ketch thinks he can control Lucifer and finds himself needing backup for the first time. He could be interesting but I'm afraid they will just go the wrong direction instead. Will wait and see for now.
  25. RS did a great job with what he was given, but I just don't care. Dean back as the leader saying we can do this...just tired of it all. I want to see them fail a bit of course they'll blame this on the boys. That was the high note. I did enjoy the part with Dean playing the game with his mom and losing...hee hee. I liked Dean trying to play the guitar badly. Did I read it correctly that Eric Krikpe directed this one? I wish I could say I enjoyed it, but I deleted it already. The best parts weren't enough for me to love this one. I do agree that RS was creepy. But I also agree I don't like crybaby Lucifer. Please please be wrong about Sam offering Lucifer a chance to be his meat suit again. NO, please no!
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