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Everything posted by A-Lo

  1. Those eyebrows were very coveted back then. I don't know if you remember Brooke Shields around that time...when she did the infamous "Nothing gets between me and my Calvins" ads for jeans...but she was rocking the thickest brows ever!
  2. What is going on with Carrie Ann's camera? It's jerking around so much that it made me nauseous and I had to turn the show off.
  3. I completely agree with your husband. When they were showing the Cricket and Lauren "murders" I wish they'd shown the next chronological episode so we could see what actually happened to them. I mean, we know they survived but it would've been nice to see how...especially Lauren on that blown-up boat.
  4. Amber and Dimitri seemed very disinterested in each other for a couple being in a new relationship. I can't imagine what they have to talk about. Abandoning their kids? The way they kissed goodbye at the airport was underwhelming...no passion there whatsoever.
  5. I am beyond disgusted that Maci allowed Taylor to have that pre-"birds and the bees" discussion with Bentley on air! What the hell are they thinking? That poor boy has to go to school and face his peers after all that foolishness! Fortunately, he acted "shy" (according to Taylor) and didn't spill much. I really think Leah and Bentley should be off-limits as far as filming goes. I can just see the two of them suing both MTV and their parents for invasion of privacy and their resulting cases of PTSD.
  6. Watching some of the very first episodes of Y&R got me remembering how the show started out with obvious class differences...the Fosters and the Brooks, for example. Not everyone was rich nor beautiful and it was a lot easier to identify with some of the characters then than it is now when everyone is both. Well, except for Butt Biscuit, of course.
  7. Was any reason given for Dimitri to spend three MONTHS at Amber's house? Only on 90 Day Fiancee have I ever seen anyone make such a stupid move. In my dating days I wouldn't even spend one night with a complete stranger, much less move in with them for three months. Also, he couldn't have looked less into her during that last scene where she was droning on and on about being so hurt in the past. There's something really weird going on between Cait and Tyler. It's almost like they've decided to play happy family on camera when in "reality" they've given up on each other and the marriage. Their reactions to one another...esp. Cait's...are so unusual compared to how they've acted toward one another in the past. Is anyone else seeing that?
  8. It must hurt KKL's heart to see this wedding episode with a Ridge that actually liked her!
  9. I had never heard of the DrinkWorks machine before. Amazon, here I come!
  10. I keep thinking "Where are the adults in their lives to guide them?" and then remember that they have Cate's mom and Butch...not stellar role models. Tyler's mom has at least had a steady career but I don't think I've seen her on this season? If they hadn't blown things so badly with Brandon and Theresa, they might've been the only adults in their lives who could provide some sensible guidance for their post-MTV future. Which Cate and Tyler don't seem to realize is right around the corner. Aren't they aware of the ratings? MTV isn't going to continue to pour money into a show that's losing viewers in droves.
  11. Baby Girl Lisa is the human equivalent of sand paper.
  12. Seriously! Like she's never seen a bathing suit before and doesn't know which part to wear where? So insulting.
  13. We get a CBS station that comes from Philly. Everyday there's a press conference from Philly, a statewide one, one from NJ and others from various counties in the state. Fortunately, we also get one based in my state...DE...so the interruptions aren't as frequent.
  14. It was wall-to-wall endless coronavirus press conferences in my area for many, many hours on Friday so I missed Show. It sounds like a was a revisit of Hope and Liam's Aussie wedding? I'm sorry I missed it. Sane Sally and Thomas were smokin' hot together! I wonder if this is how they're going to preserve the life of the new shows they have left by showing reruns on Fridays? Y&R was also a rerun of Nicki and Victor's original wedding. Watching the hair/makeup/fashions from that time was a hoot! Until it got pre-empted halfway through for more press conferences.
  15. Ridge running over to Shauna's and telling her he'd follow her to Vegas was the middle-aged version of Liam placing Hope's still-warm engagement ring on Stuffy's finger. This is a man who just hours ago was thrilled to have been reunited with the "love of his life". I get that seeing that video was shocking, disturbing, whatever, but who in their right 50-something years old mind runs directly to another woman? On the same evening??? It would've made far more sense for the Ridge-drunk-at-Bikini scenario to have occurred after the Brooke/Bill video made its worldwide debut. Then he'd at least have some kind explanation for tossing away a marriage of how many years for a one-night stand with Shauna. Then, again...I'm once more expecting any of these storylines to make sense. PS. Not condoning one-night stands after a shattering breakup.
  16. That was very uncharacteristic of Quinn to come clean like that. And then...poof...we're in her living room with Ridge. No fall-out with Eric. No slinking out the door of Brooke's home. Or even better...Brooke kicking her ass out! Tres disappointing.
  17. What doesn't make sense about the Sally scam is all of those scenes where she was obviously experiencing symptoms of her mystery disease when she was alone. All those times we saw her grab her shaking hand when she was trying to draw? And if Dr. Peleton isn't a real dr, how would she be able to get into a room at the hospital where she delivered the news to Sally and Katie? I know...silly me for expecting anything on Show to make sense!
  18. Hey! I just said she was my hero. I never said she could act! 😂
  19. Paris Hilton is positively orange! 😳
  20. Thanks for the explanation! I saw the book you mentioned but it had only Kody listed as the author.
  21. Last night I heard Robyn say that she wrote a book that made it onto The NY Times bestsellers list. Does anyone know anything about that book? I searched on Amazon but the only book I saw written by a Robyn Brown was a book of poems. There was not even one reader’s review on it. I find it hard to believe that it became a NY Times bestseller unless fans of the show are crazy enough about her to buy it.
  22. Our new drinking game? Taking a shot every time one of the characters says”our little family”. Also works if another character says “their little family”. We’ll all be drunk enough to endure watching!
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