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Everything posted by A-Lo

  1. And we didn't get the "feel good" end of the show where all the kids come out and are cute. This was a bittersweet reunion. Emphasis on "bitter"!
  2. Whatever it was made no sense. I think she's just trying to align with anyone who'll take her!
  3. Debra married that lunatic! Or that lunatic married Debra! Either way, there are no winners.
  4. Wow...Amber's "meltdown", complete with unnecessary tissues supplied by nuMatt, lasted as long as it took Dr Drew to ask Christina to "own" her part in their feud. Her part??? Christina didn't go on social media claiming the kinds of things that Amber did about her! And as soon as Christina apologized, Amber was all smiles. Why does MTV cater to her the way they do? It's just feeding her already gigantic ego.
  5. Have you all noticed that recently Stuffy has almost completely stopped the constant rubbing of/and or holding that baby bump? I thought we were in for 9 months (or the soap equivalent in time) of being subjected to that. Now that I've breathed life into that thought I have no doubt it'll all start up again tomorrow.
  6. Except that Steffy could confirm that her mom confessed to him. That is, if Steffy wants to pull a power play if he threatens to go to the police and tell them that Taylor shot him.
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but let's say Bill later decides to turn Taylor in for shooting him...maybe Stuffy doesn't do whatever he demands, for instance and he follows through on his threat...couldn't he be charged with something himself? Like impeding a police investigation? Or prosecution? Clearly I'm not a lawyer...and I don't play one on t.v....but it just strikes me as wrong that he, too, could be breaking the law but somehow holds all the cards.
  8. I'm going to have to go back and re-watch this episode to catch this. Totally missed it!
  9. Do you think she really is? It seems like these women in LA who go through so much plastic surgery that they're no longer recognizable are very proud of how "young" they look. It's a weird form of delusion/denial.
  10. And there's really something wonky going on with the right side of her mouth. When she talks it sort of indents in a curious way, like it's scar tissue or something. I couldn't take my eyes off of it today! Well, except when she was trying to form an actual facial expression that would fit her words.
  11. I started to wonder why she'd post such a hideous picture but then realized that this is what she's working with all the time. So if she wants to post a pic with her loving husband, this is what we're destined to get. Too funny!
  12. I think Hope's hair always looks terrible...dirty (although that's probably just too much product) and plastered to her head. She'd be so much prettier with a more relaxed, free-flowing hairstyle.
  13. Do you remember when Mac first came on the scene and we all liked her and thought she was good for Ryan because she was almost like his babysitter? And she and Ryan had a very nice, agreeable dinner with Maci and Taylor and the two women shared their experiences of being teen moms? How in the world did we go from that Mac to this Mac who seems to ooze venom from her pores when she feels threatened in any way?
  14. When Bill told Steffy he'd not say anything to the police about Taylor shooting him "for now", I was waiting for him to add "If you'll leave Liam and marry me". I wonder if there's going to be some blackmail coming Steffy's way?
  15. I know you're right, Ghoulina. I guess I'm just so incensed at the thought of Cate leaving that poor crying child behind again so she could "attack" her trauma (apparently trauma can only be attacked in a spa-like setting, across the country from your home and family) that I see red and can't think straight on that topic. Look at the body language in this picture. Mack is angled toward him, gazing directly at him. Ryan is angled slightly away from her, arms firmly crossed over his chest, no eye contact with her. If I were in Mack's shoes and my husband treated me like this...on national television, no less...I would not want to attach myself to him for the next 18 years by having a child with him. It's downright humiliating!
  16. Your feelings are what count in this situation...not Nova's. Did I really hear that???? From a psychologist???
  17. I'm not a Steffy fan by any stretch but I did love how, when she walked into Bill's and saw her mom noticeably upset, she put her hand up to her mom's cheek and pulled her in close and said, "Are you crying?". If I could see tenderness and care like that in any of Steffy's other relationship, I might even like the girl!
  18. When Andy introduced Dina Manzo I thought I was looking at Victoria Gotti! Why do these women do this stuff to themselves? Dina was such a naturally beautiful woman! And now she's almost unrecognizable.
  19. Two things... Are we allowed to discuss the comic books here? If so, I'm curious to know what happened in the storyline in the books? Was Negan actually killed by Rick or did this oh-so-stupid turns of events...Negan's dead! No, he's not...Rick saved him!...actually occur in the comics? The only way I can get past my anger at Negan still existing is if it was originally written that way. Remember that dream or fantasy that white-haired Rick had where he was walking with a cane through the house and when he got outside we saw a neutered Negan tending to a garden and being all sweet to Judith? Maybe it wasn't a fantasy, after all? Maybe Negan is now like the Aboninmable Snowmonster in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. You take all his teeth out...or kill Lucille...and he becomes a sweetheart?
  20. The only things that move on Taylor's face now are her mouth (barely) and her eyelids. What a cautionary tale for all of us. But especially for JMW!
  21. I'm so sorry you had to endure all of that, Mama. What you've recounted is REAL trauma. And multiple layers of it! Where's your trip to a spa in AZ?
  22. Absolutely! It may not be in a one-one setting, it may be a group, but each client is receiving some form of therapy daily.
  23. I think what we're missing...and I'm only speaking for myself here...is that for us, a trip to a foreign country is a luxury that we save up for and once we're there, want to see everything we can because we know it might be our only time there. For these ladies who travel across the pond like I take a trip to Target, time isn't so precious because they know they'll have multiple chances to return. That may be why they can while away entire days in a spa or aren't too upset when a travel companion is late. Having said that, I can just imagine Erica and Mikey and the rest of her glam squad cackling about how they're keeping "those bitches" waiting and enjoying thinking about them cooling their heels while Erica gets poured into their latest creation. And how many of you cringed when Erica appeared in her show outfit and declared "She's a little tight in the crotch!" while the squad stood around smiling. Youch!
  24. I think Cate was looking at the possibility of a partial hospitalization program, which in my experience working with clients (I'm an LCSW) are a tremendous boon to a client's re-entry to stability in their home life following an inpt.. hospitalization. You go on an outpt basis but it's a full-day program, four or five days a week depending on the program. She could've dropped little Nova off at school with the assurance that Mommy would be home at the end of Nova's school day. There was a scene...I don't know if it was in last week's episode or this week's...of Nova laying around on the couch at home staring at some object. Not playing with it, just staring at it. Reminiscent of you-know-who. Little kids can get depressed when they feel they're being emotionally neglected just like adults can. So, so sad.
  25. All the while Mack was giving him death-stare looks. Does she think if she gets mad enough at him he'll stop using? You married him like that, Mack. Now you're stuck with him. Remember the old saying "Marry in haste, repent in leisure". Repent away!
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