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Everything posted by Mahfouz

  1. Rewatching this season. In the history of DR has there ever been a worse one-episode performance from one of the queens than Charlie's? First, she totally tried to un-coo-coo the coo-coo and that was a huge mistake. Also, to just totally throw in the towel on the lip-sync makes me wonder why in the hell she even bothered to come on the show. Also, saying you can't lip sync because you only sing is like saying you can't ride an exercise bike because you only ride real bicycles. If you can sing, you can lip-sync. Just don't make any noise. Total cop-out.
  2. This was the right call by Ru. Of the final three, Nymphia brought the most creativity and originality to her drag. I can't even imagine how PJ didn't get read one time by any of the judges for the seemingly endless supply of one-piece bathing suit outfits she brought to the stage. And in a sense, Saffira already won because the exact same queen won Season 1 only in the form of Bebe Zaharia Benet. Quite a few great choices for All-Stars from this season. Q, Dawn, Amanda, PJ, Megami.
  3. Q missed an absolutely EPIC opportunity to pull off her titty flaps ala timberlake and Janet Jackson (during a Janet song no less) during the Super Bowl. Megami did GREAT! I was hoping they would give her the win (she DID beat Morphine, whose best talent seems to be electing surgeries).
  4. Q and Nymphia were the only two remaining queens who have something fresh to present on the show. Plane Jane is your typical blonde bimbo that we've seen many many times on RPDR. Villian-for-the-Season-wise she is a great fit. But not when it comes to giving us something new. Also, her drag seems to mostly consists of spangly one-piece bathing suits. Saphira is WAY overrated. And her drag is not up to par with previous winners. Forget about her horrible titties (Saphira can thank Mhi'yah for having even WORSE boobs, taking away some of the spotlight) many of her looks remind me of queens who haven't been in the biz for very long. Also, I am tired of the whole "Motha is here children" thing that she gives. Reminds me of Qween Kong from Down Under. I am rooting for Nymphia.
  5. Mhi'yah (sp?) once again choosing to wear the hard plastic titties, complete with hole in the sternum to really cement the fact that these things aren't even close to being real. Also, once again, Ru decides to reward somebody with absolutely zero charisma because that queen decides to turn it up to 1 (on a scale of 100).
  6. I am not sure one could take Lew Roach's opinion on ANYTHING seriously after he fawned all over M'hiya (sp?) and her cleavage. But, the thing is the "cleavage" just looked like hard plastic. Nobody who likes boobs thinks that looks okay.
  7. Mirage going home was fine. Her "hosting" performance wasn't that bad but she wasn't winning this season....Also showing up without knowing lyrics to a Cher tune is not a good strategy. Sapphira reminds me of Zeze Zaharia Zenet (spelling is WAY off). Too much of a put-on of dignity acting as if she is above it all. I find her overrated so hoping she doesn't go much further. There is nothing really original about Plane Jane. Megami can take her droopy potato of a face off of my TV screen ASAFP. Nymphia Wind ftw.
  8. Has anybody seen Amanda Tori Meating and C.C. Deville from the hair-metal band Poison in the same room at the same time? Or maybe ATM's mom was a hair-metal groupie back in the day? The winner (opera singer) was an ok choice. Talent was good. But her outfit was shit. in the front it gave her LONG crotch and in the back it was all floppy around the butt cheeks. Just seemed super sloppy.
  9. Re-watching this season now. I am looking forward to Ken's shenanigans. Forgot what a turd Timothy was. I get sustainable fashion, but when dude refused to have anything to do hair-wise with anything that had been plugged in I thought, uh dude did you create your design by candlelight or do you not think light bulbs plug in?
  10. Did anybody else think the Olive Oli interlude was a bit strange? What's the story behind that?
  11. Seems like they brought that whole thing up to have a likely reason for giving her the boot. I was wondering if they didn't want an American winning the Down Under title?
  12. I never thought Rupaul could outdo herself in finding a less charismatic contestant than Qween Kong. But Rita Menu and Bumpa are just BORING. SO BORING. This season is pretty bad.
  13. I thought the show could have done even a LITTLE to explain what the Four Freedoms State Park was and what the 4 freedoms are/were. If the only connection was the word freedom (in the name of the State Park) and the "freedom" the contestants get to make whatever they choose this week, well that really doesn't work because, frankly, the contestants CAN make whatever they choose each week. It may not get them through to the next round but that is a choice they have to make. Not a surprise that given carte-blanche each contestant chose a tall, thin model. Brittnie's overreactions to EVERY SINGLE announcement can cease immédiatement. I think Laurence gets a lot of free passes because she fits the part: Bored, elegant, French, over it. I just don't understand the silhouette of a line-drawing of a uterus tacked to the front of her skirts. FWIW, her dad sounds like he was a super-asshole.
  14. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that during a real (ahem, ymmv) client challenge the designer with the most attractive, thin model ended up winning. Imagine stepping on an airplane and the captain comes out in some louche flowing kimono. Would you walk right off of that jet? I would. And I made Mrs. Mahfouz promise that if we were ever traveling by boat or plane and there was even a hint of unprofessionalism among the people who are supposed to keep us safe, we bounce. I'm not sure the lack of masculinity was the problem with that outfit but it surely lacked AUTHORITY. The male crew members reminded me of professional wrestlers. All in (compared to the general population) really good shape. All with a look. But they all look like they've "been through it". Hard work in the sun, I guess.
  15. How in the world could Ru keep both queens after that BORING lip sync? Also, can't believe we had to watch that WHOLE song being butchered by boring interpretation without any footage of the queens actually recording their tracks. May have missed it being talked about but is that an American accent on HollyWould Star? Did she give any background on how she came to Australia?
  16. I have always like Fabio. He seems like he'd be a really good neighbor. Also, if he could switch careers to narrating audiobooks that would be perfect! Over 100 posts and nobody has mentioned the inappropriate behavior by many of the contestants, Christian, and Elaine towards the male models. It has always heartened me to see that the straight male contestants on this show have always acted professionally towards the models. I can't recall even a single instance of an inappropriate remark or look or behavior. But man did they reverse that trend in this episode. So many instances of contestants saying "I LOVE male model day". (Gross). All the weird ogles and fanning themselves in overexertion. Even Elaine on the runway wondering why Laurence (I think) chose to cover up that dude's abs.
  17. I thought Fabio's shirt/backpack combination was really creative! However, not very realistic as a wearable thing that you can actually use. His model would have shown a LOT of boobage if she needed to take something out of or put something into her backpack.
  18. I generally do not appreciate Mimi's contributions to the runway but the last two designers really did a great job of designing an outfit that fit with Mimi's overall look. Too many of the designers try to put her in something that is super SUPER feminine and I think it butts up against the fact that while much of her body screams feminine, she has a more masculine-looking face. The last two designers did a nice combination of hard/soft that really suited Mimi's overall look.
  19. The vitriol towards Anna seemed to come from out of nowhere. I wonder if the Producers were sneaking in some snarky questions during the filming.... Speaking of the Producers, I feel like you can hear their questions in most of the answers the contestants give. Nobody really talks like "My biggest threat is....." or "You know, I'm really concerned for .....". but man do they all, ALL, talk like that in their talking heads. Maybe Elaine uses the same strategy and philosophy of communications that she does at her job that focuses on teenage minds that she does in a room full of adult professionals.
  20. Weird vibe on this episode. It's as if each of the contestants were replaced by a clone that only had about 80% of their personalities. I don't know how else to explain it. I think it's strange that in the 21st century people are still considering anything to do with royalty to be a positive. Most of the world has done away with that whole thing, sometimes violently. Korto said something to the effect of "My grandmother lived in the Empire of Mali, therefore I am a Queen". Uh, no Korto. It most likely means you would be the SUBJECT of the emperor. I feel that when any designer says they are making something that is non-binary what they mean is that either women or non-straight men could wear it.
  21. Positives: No Elaine on this episode. With no previous winners we will get a new winner. Negatives: Hester returning. Talking about one's own boobs ad nauseum. Talking about your colleague's boobs ad nauseum.
  22. I feel a bit weird about cheering for queens honoring Joan Crawford who, um, may have beat her children. The whole "wire hanger" thing is weird. I mean I know the veracity of the book is disputed but, like, at least one of Crawford's kids says she was abusive. Sorta weird to be honored on the show which does so much to highlight the abuse that some of the Queens received when they were growing up. Replace Joan Crawford and the proper placement of wire hangers with a conservative parent and the proper gender/sexual identity, respectively and think about that.
  23. On a show like "Face Off" Kandy would have been dinged for her biologically-incorrect padding. WTF was that? Why were her globe-cheeks up in the small of her back lol. Alexis Michelle continues to deliver! I love her "I want to apologize, I had nothing to do with that" was gold. Perhaps the lack of Esprit de corps she showed during the judging was the cause of that team doing poorly rather than vice versa.
  24. Horrible, horrible boobs so far this season. Alexis Michelle (I think it was her) had a definitive line where her breast plate met her neck. I don't think it was contoured at all. And they were two different colors. Really sorta shoddy.
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