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Everything posted by LuvMyShows

  1. Two things I'm wondering about: What were they talking about on the Afterparty, regarding Mona in Chicago? Have we heard more about what Clint mentioned, that he used to be a pilot and made a big career decision to take the account management job?
  2. Agree about Micah and Paul. Have we ever seen them be physical? When she was at his apartment and he sat down on his couch, she went to sit on the other couch. I found that super odd and cannot imagine doing that with someone I love, especially in the early stages when you're usually super-physical with each other.
  3. I'm watching the ABC show "The Genetic Detectives". It's about CC Moore, who is one of the pioneers of genetic genealogy. In the first or second episode, there was a case that had been cold for I think 20 years. Using genetic genealogy, she solved it in 2 hours!!! And it sounded so involved with what she had to do, but I guess she is just so good at it, that she was able to do it so quickly.
  4. Nothing significant to add...really enjoyed the series, and hope it's picked up for a second season.
  5. Actually, she was a bundle of insecurities from the very start. I specifically recall being shocked at an early cocktail party, when we saw her spinning out of control from insecurity, and then Zack gave her a kiss, and from that point on she seemed to be in the mix. I had thought for sure she would be outta there prior to that. "Love continuum" is the perfect wording! I would think not, because at the RC, Kaity said to Gabi something like, "I know you were the only one." I believe she started losing weight during the season. She looked significantly thinner (or maybe just trimmer) to me on the Proposal Day. The main reason I read this forum, and not Reddit, is that people here are rational, reasoned, and do have an interest in that 'deeper' stuff. But I suspect that we are a minority of Bachelor Nation, and that's why TPTB focus on the stupid contrived drama at the expense of the genuine relationship-deepening conversations.
  6. I also loved how he called her out on the fact that just because she didn't want him to discuss a topic, doesn't mean that he can't have the chance to express his opinions. She is super annoying in those kind of conversations...she will say something that generates a feeling/emotion in him, and the minute he even begins to express something that hints of him having a difference of opinion in a way that paints her in a negative light, she turns all "you need to calm down about this". And he's already being super calm! She just doesn't want to hear it. I also like how he said something about "well then you can go be married to that kind of person", when she started spouting her nonsense about how other men buy cars and houses for their wives. I would have noped out when she said that she wants to be able to say, "my husband bought me this house". She really is all about appearances and perceptions. What about instead, being able to say to your girlfriends, "My husband treats me so kindly, and is so supportive of me, and loves me for who I am." I guess if she has to say that while in a Honda, then it's not worth it!
  7. No, I think he was talking about a personality aspect -- doing things that aren't a good idea just because other people, who really aren't good for you either, want to do them, and you are too weak/afraid/insecure to say no...and those things you end up doing, along with the people you do them with, make your life worse but you keep doing the things and hanging with the people anyway.
  8. It's worked twice on the Bachelor. First, eons ago, when Jason chose Melissa then dumped her on After the Final Rose for Molly. Then somewhat more recently when Ari chose Becca, and dumped her at the cabin where they would meet before they were allowed to go public, and chose Lauren. Both couples are married with kids and going strong, and are the only still-married couples to come from the Bachelor franchise (as opposed to Bachelorette), other than Sean and Catherine. So there's something to this idea of recognizing when you chose the wrong person, and if you're on the other side, being willing to move past it and give love a chance.
  9. A few comments: The alibis cleared the husband and boyfriend of actually committing the murder, but that doesn't mean that one of them didn't have her killed. They concluded that the husband didn't know about the affair until finding that note in her car after the murder, but how do they know that? Maybe he found out and had her killed. Didn't they say something early on about how the husband specifically wanted her to put the letter in the mailbox, or something like that? It's always those specific requests, like "please go to the garage and get me an ice cream from the freezer", where someone is waiting in ambush. I was surprised that they didn't discuss more about what she was wearing, just a trenchcoat and underwear. That sounds like classic/cliched "sexy outfit", and since she was having an affair, I could easily see her wearing that to meet him. So that could point to the boyfriend setting it up. Or, if the husband suspected her, then he could have had someone follow her.
  10. I actually thought it was kind of Mean Girl. I was stunned at that black contraption she was wearing, especially since when she was sitting by the waterside alone talking, it was fitting her in a very unflattering way.
  11. No, that's my point. He had a story for everything, including color, but was trying to explain that Jas didn't bother answering questions even though she had been complaining about not going deep in conversation. Yet the example he used, about a color, isn't something for which most people would have a deep story. So to me, it ended up working against the point he was trying to make. He should have used one of the genuinely deep questions instead for his example, where there would likely be a story or further explanation behind it, to show Jas's lack of participation.
  12. All I could think of was that Pastor Cal called it a "fish bowl", and maybe they've used a fish-bowl style container in the past, but this was definitely a cookie-jar style. If I saw correctly, the preview shows Shaq talking one-on-one with Jas, and telling her she is beautiful inside and out. However, they were both on the Afterparty this week, and Jas was commenting on Kirsten's progress with Shaq in an encouraging way, and they didn't seem to have a thing for each other. Yes! I wonder if he was mixing it up somewhat with 'crux'. He also (as usual) used two 'big' words incorrectly, but I forgot to make note of what they were. I don't know what theoretical mumbo-jumbo nonsense Dr. Pepper was spouting, but I don't think it's the way to fall in love!
  13. I am very very stunned to hear that Sharleen is hosting BiP Canada. Through the years I had loved reading her Bach/ette recaps and fashion analysis of the contestants, and respected her viewpoint as a well-spoken former contestant. Then when the whole Chris Harrison/blackface-defending thing happened, she wrote a scathing post and quit the franchise entirely. Now to hear that she is full-on back in and on board with the franchise, really really really feels like a sell-out.
  14. OK, Starlight925, you don't have to answer, but SAS is the most non user-friendly major tech company software that I have ever used...curious if that was it. That was a weird example that he chose to give whoever he was talking to, because I wouldn't expect there to be story behind my favorite color. So he actually weakened his premise, which is too bad, because I think he had a valid point about some of the other 'deeper' questions were Jas clearly went 'shallow' (although she may have had her reasons). OMG, I could not get over that! Considering it was his idea, and he hoped for it to be something of an aphrodisiac, I was stunned to see how workman-ly he was doing it. Plus he really seemed to have some grand plan for his design, but it sure looked like a bunch of nothing to me! There are two different issues here. First is being matched up. Clearly it can work, given that there are 12 couples still married (Jamie/Doug, Miles/Karen, Woody/Amani, Austin/Jess, Beth/Jamie, Ashley/Anthony, Jephte/Shawniece, Deonna/Greg, Kristine/Keith, Vincent/Briana, AJ/Steph, Danielle/Bobby). The second is the experts, and yes, they are mostly a waste of time, although very occasionally one will drop a truth bomb. But wow, look how long it's been since a marriage was successful!
  15. Same. I just don't get it. And it doesn't appear to be that Zack is being fooled by Irina.
  16. Also just realized that the two newest franchises/movies both ended with the exact same thing, which is the protagonists starting their own detective/PI agency. That doesn't seem very original.
  17. By the way, if anyone missed Nikki and Nora while it was on HM&M, it is on Hulu. And, although I've never seen it happen before, The Cases of Mystery Lane is available for replay on HM&M, although I think it said it's for a limited time.
  18. I had no idea whatsoever who the murderer would be, especially since the cop (Robby?) reminded me sooo much of the Frankie character from the TV show Rizzoli and Isles, who had been working on becoming a detective and was beloved by all, the quintessential good guy. I had a problem with two things. 1) The way they depicted the baseball-playing son, was that he was on a youth baseball team. But the actor is 25 years old, and actually looked older than that in his face. He almost looked like Buddy the Elf in terms of being so much taller than everyone and it looked like his uniform was too small. 2) The sisters hung a sign that said Private Investigators. But you can't just call yourself a PI. You either have to be licensed or working under a fully licensed PI. And with that former owner being dead, there is no one fully licensed anymore. I guess we didn't find out why that guy left them the business, and that is to be revealed in a subsequent movie?
  19. Quoting myself cause I have a few more questions about the movie: The detective guy had chosen Alden as his class assignment person that he was going to follow, and that's why he was at Alden's house when the killer was there? If so, what clued him in that he needed to break into the house? IIRC, the only thing he would have seen is the garage door going up partway then coming down, but I don't think it came up high enough that he could have glimpsed Alden taped to the chair. Are we to assume that Birdie is going to quit her lawyer job to do PI work full-time with Alden? I thought so, because of how she wasn't cut-throat enough for her mom, but it wasn't entirely clear. In their very brief discussion of the cryptocurrency debacle, I couldn't tell if Alden had lost only "his" money or if it was "their" money, and how much of a conversation they had had at the time about doing it. If she went along with it, that's one thing, but if he invested "their" money without even discussing it with her, that is an entirely different thing. And almost most troublingly, when discussing it even now, he said something like, "but the blogs were very enthusiastic", and he didn't say it with any irony. If even now, after having lost apparently a lot of money, he still doesn't see what was wrong with that investment 'strategy', then they have a lot more talking to do!
  20. I don't know what to think about the movie. It was different in tone from the other franchises, which I guess was kind of a nice change of pace. But the problems in their marriage can't be simply glossed over just because they now have a shared hobby. I had a different problem with the PI class, and that is that Birdie joined after the class had already been going on for months, which makes no sense. But the most glaring problem of all for me, was that at the end they made a big deal about "no more secrets", yet Birdie still hasn't come clean about her internet gambling!
  21. I was surprised that no one commented on the closing/thank-yous (or whatever it's called). You guys here clued me in to looking to see if anyone greets the host, and absolutely none of the cast came within a mile of Jenna for as far as I watched. She was only talking with The 1975 while the cast greeted everyone else. Yes, the ending made no sense at all. The upstairs neighbor comes down because of all the ruckus due to the demon, then voluntarily suggests having the demon come to her house (in the form of her husband)? What I wonder when there's these awful impressions, is why they made it this far. Did the writers, cast members, and/or Lorne think it was a good impression?
  22. Watched ID's Killer in Question show, episode 1, "The Hunted". I remember seeing this story on another franchise and not thinking there was enough to prove the guy was guilty, and that they were really stretching with what they did think was evidence. I'm glad he was released, even though he did spend a long time in jail. On the other show, I seem to remember they showed more about what convicted him, and there was even something about the expression on his face in the picture where he is pointing at where he discovered the gun. Him discovering the gun, after the authorities had already searched the same area, is also used as evidence against him. But apparently their search was at night, and only went so many feet beyond where the victim was found. IIRC, it had occurred on his pretty big hunting property, and he kept looking, in daylight, beyond where the official search radius had been, and found it. I think this is also the one where a man was seen speeding off right around the time of the murder, and ended up in a ditch, and didn't want the police called to help him get out, but the authorities never really made an effort to find and identify him. And when asked about it, their logic was something like, "Well it wasn't that guy, cause we caught the right guy."
  23. So I watched the DC eagle cam pretty obsessively for awhile last year around the time of the eggs hatching and the baby eaglet emerging (something happened to the second one after birth), and the timeline they used here for an egg hatching and the baby eaglet developing was waaaayyy speeded up.
  24. Watched ID's Killer in Question show, episode 1, "The Hunted". I remember seeing this story on another franchise and not thinking there was enough to prove the guy was guilty. I'm glad he was released, even though he did spend a long time in jail. On the other show, I seem to remember they showed more about what convicted him, and there was even something about the expression on his face in the picture where he is pointing at where he discovered the gun. Him discovering the gun, after the authorities had already searched the same area, is used as evidence against him. But apparently their search was at night, and only went so many feet beyond where the victim was found. IIRC, it was on his property, and he kept looking in daylight, beyond where the official search radius had been, and found it. I think this is also the one where a man was seen speeding off right around the time of the murder, and ended up in a ditch, and didn't want the police called to help him get out, but the authorities never really made an effort to find him. And when asked about it, their logic was something like, "Well it wasn't that guy, cause we caught the right guy."
  25. Interesting conclusion...I think you may be right. OMG I forgot all about that. You are right that Virginia's was the worst. I agree that his reasons for taking sex off the table are purely selfish. I think it's because his disinterest now is making him look like the bad guy, so he wants to just remove it entirely as a topic. Yeah, I think it's that she was controlling things when she was withholding intimacy, and now she's still controlling things by being seemingly willingly to increase intimacy but putting (vague) requirements on it.
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