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Everything posted by Gothish520

  1. I totally agree with this. And last night it seemed that Janelle was more open to Nancy's suggestions and willing to work on things. Meri is soooo closed off sometimes. She keeps things in, yet she wants to be understood but doesn't seem to know how to ask for what she wants. I just wish she would make a straightforward statement - spit it out woman! Yeah that was all for show. It would've made more sense if they had waited until everyone finished eating, at least! I understand what Meri wanted, and I like that Janelle understood as well and had no problem with it, but the way it was done was obvious and not well-executed.
  2. Yeah I thought Ashley was more a victim, but not anymore. She's in on this, it seems she fully expects Dimitri to sleep around. That's all well and good for them, but they are not being honest with the women that they are "courting". It sounds to me like the former "sister wife" was expecting a faithful husband, sharing him only with Ashley, and a best friend in Ashley. Instead she gets a cheating dog and woman who puts up with it, even sanctions it, and wants her new sister wife to be her lover as well. Yikes!
  3. I'm wondering if Kody is worried about things getting violent. As for Meri, I don't have children so I can't say for sure 100% how I would initially react, but I am very liberal in areas like women's rights and LGBTQ issues, so I believe I would be very supportive right away. But I do understand why it may take some parents a minute to adjust to something like that. It must be quite a jolt for many, especially if there were no indications that their child might be gay. I remember reading that even Cher, one of the top gay icons in the world, went crazy when first hearing that her daughter (at the time) Chastity was gay. Not saying it's right, just saying I understand why some parents may need an adjustment period.
  4. A Gap long sleeved knit top that is at least 15 years old. Canyon River Blues Jeans from Sears, and Isotoner slippers. Where's my endorsement money?
  5. WOW they are worse than I suspected! Even if only part of what this woman says is true, grossss. Ashley you can wipe that smug look off your face, the truth is out there now. Dimitri...blech.
  6. Yep, I agree. I've worked with the public my entire career, and people always try to make their screw-ups your problem. Sounds to me like Tony tried, but if this customer had done what he was supposed to do from the beginning, instead of shirking his responsibility and dodging phone calls, he wouldn't have been in that mess.
  7. Agree that Meri needs to ditch the mustard yellow - a nice deep pink/red or royal blue would help tone down the sallowness. As would an ash-toned hair color vs that brassy blonde. Picture her with light or medium ash brown hair and a magenta top - world of difference! Chick with the pink dress - if your clothes are clingy, please wear a seamless bra. The dress looks better on Meri's friend - but those pastel colors aren't helping anyone. With her dark hair, a deep jewel-tone would look much more flattering.
  8. Christine is overcompensating because she feels bad about how she reacted when Mykelti and Tony got engaged. And just like Kody, she was not on board with most of that wedding nonsense. From it being held outdoors in December to those pinatas, I don't think she liked any of it. If I had been a guest at that wedding, I'd still be snarking about it to anyone who'd listen! My husband wouldn't have been able to shut me up on the car ride home.
  9. No need at all to apologize! I'm so sorry to hear of your family loss, and of course I agree that time shared with loved ones is precious! I was just projecting my own feelings of inadequacy on the situation - I can be lazy, have the best intentions of doing something and then just let time get away from me. It's important to take the time to enjoy life with the people that are important to you and to not take things for granted.
  10. Thank you and I agree, point well taken! My bad - sometimes when an observation is made, and I know that it's something I would or would not do that it is getting criticised, I feel like I have to kind of stick up for my point of view - but it's not something that should be taken personally and there are less inflammatory ways of responding. So apologies to @Kohola3 for overreacting! LOL, very true, and thank you for being gracious in your response!
  11. Ha, those are great! Especially Christine's. Robyn: "Seems like yesterday, I was just the favorite wife - now I'm the legal one too."
  12. Oh I completely support the idea of using some sort of organizer to keep track of holidays, birthdays and special events. You can even set your phone to remind you of things. I was commenting on the idea that Janelle should've gotten all the kids together to bake cookies for Valentine's Day, etc. Sure it's a lovely idea, but I don't know too many families that do that and I'm not going to belittle Janelle if she doesn't.
  13. How do we know they don't send him stuff? I am all for snark where snark is due, but sometimes the Browns get critcized for things that are pulled out of thin air. We don't know what the family does for each other. We see what they want us to see, on social media and on the show - some people, even public families like the Browns, don't post every single thing they do and say. It's like someone pointed out on another forum regarding public posts - you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. If you make a public post about something, people jump on you - but if you don't comment on something publicly, people call you out for NOT posting. Just one reason why I'm not on all those dumb SM sites.
  14. Too freaking cute. I get the feeling hanging out with them would be a blast.
  15. That sounds like a nice idea, but how many people really do that? I don't think it's fair to say that the Browns should be held to such standards when many average people don't do things like that. Some people are into giving for everyone on Valentine's Day, some aren't. I know couples that don't even exchange (which I do think is sad), let alone give gifts to other family members.
  16. I think because we were primed by the rehearsals, it wasn't such a shock that she sounded the way she sounded. She can hit those high notes, but she doesn't have the stamina to sustain them. She sings better than I do, that's for sure. I give Christine a pass because she is the first to admit her own faults and limitations. She knew she didn't sing that song all that well, she knows her wedding dress was ugly - it's not like she's going around bragging about it. I think they mentioned tortilla chips and dips?
  17. Ugly leggings seem to be a real "thing" these days. You can find them everywhere. Was this trend started by LuLaNo? Even my usually fashionable middle sister is buying them (from Walmart, no less!) in wacky holiday patterns.
  18. So I finally rewatched the episode with Mr. Gothish. He was tired and not his usually chatty self while watching, but he had a few points to make: 1- The family is trying way too hard to convince us they like Tony - his words were something like "they sound like they drank the kool-aid" 2 - Meri is totally checked out and looks like she'd rather be anywhere else 3 - Christine's singing wasn't so bad 4 - Regarding Tony - "Every time I see him, I can't stand him even more."
  19. I actually like Kody, for the most part. The Browns have all kinds of issues for sure, but compared to the way other plyg families are presented, they're a dream.
  20. I admit, I love the Brown "mosh pit". I agree with Kody that ending a celebration with everyone cutting loose on the dance floor is pretty awesome. I used to be really embarassed to let myself go and have fun at weddings and other celebrations. I'd sit at the table, moving around a little in my seat to the beat, but was too embarassed to actually get up and dance. As I gained more confidence in myself, I loosened up and now I will dance at the drop of a hat. I enjoy weddings so much more now - the pomp and circumstance and food and flowers are fine, but someone pump up the volume, it's time to boogie!
  21. I read Janelle's befuddlement as not understanding how you can get so close to someone that you think you are "in love" with them by just talking to them on the internet and through their "close friend". I"m guessing that she could never see herself really falling for someone that she hasn't met in person. And I have to say, I completely understand that. My sister got divorced a couple of years ago and has been doing the online dating thing. The emotional ups and downs she's gone through are dizzying. It's amazing how you can really connect with someone through texting and talking and then when you meet them in person - nothing. I've made a same-sex friend or two through online message boards like this, but I just could not see myself actually falling in love with someone I've never even seen in a video chat, never mind in person.
  22. Ha! A sparkly vest (if she insists on wearing one) and more flattering shoes, and she may have been able to pull off "elegant". One thing observing all this LuLaNo is making me realize is that, if nothing else, the clothes do look really comfortable. I honestly think that is the biggest draw. But the problem with that is, if one is not in the greatest of shape (and I'm right there with them), then all this stretchy, drapey clothing just makes people look like lumpy couches. Sometimes a bit of structure and weight in a garment is more flattering.
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