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Everything posted by Tuxcat

  1. I agree that the social media people should not have posted this. Yes in the grand scheme of life this mess up is trivial. But it was very clearly an early pop - not just a minor flip. She was also off balance and kind of looking around going into her bend over. To her credit - she didn't stand all the way up once she realized she popped too early. I hope she doesn't obsess about this. Everyone does make mistakes and it's not fair to rub it in her face. It is fair - to rub it in Judy and Kelli's face. VK shouldn't have been in that position in the first place unless she was a rock solid seasoned pro. Let's remember, she doesn't have any team dance experience.
  2. Yes, just rewatched that Melissa R./mono scene recently. Is it my imagination or did I read somewhere that K and J apologized to Melissa later on for that? I seem to recall Cassie had mono and then they realized that they shouldn't have yelled at Melissa. Not sure where my head got this thought.
  3. She cheered 84, 88, and 89. I would think she would have a ring?
  4. Is that shadow - or the top of their hose - that's visible above the belt? Never noticed that before. Also, I'm surprised they posted this pic. It's not the most flattering for any of them.
  5. I know this a "current DCC" thread but my question is pertinent as it is for comparison to this current squad. How far up was Cassie Trammel in the formation?
  6. I don't know. I agree that a veteran is more deserving but with Meredith dancing she needs to go somewhere near the back. By giving VK Gina's spot, Meredith can take VKs. Problem solved. VK's blonde is right and her height nicely balances Tess. Plus Judy wouldn't risk putting her there if she wasnt sure she could do it. If you moved any of the "deserving rookies" to Gina's spot, then you have to move someone from the back to fill their spot and then Meredith has to slide in that vacated back one. So it is an extra move. I get that favoritism is in play but Victoria looks pretty good in front to be honest.
  7. I get that Bridget and Gina are superstars and might make other dancers look bad by comparison, but Lisa looks really bad in this? Maybe I'm watching too closely.
  8. Cassie looks pretty in this video. She wasn't the best dancer or a smiley nice cheerleader but she had a great body, could tumble and sing. I wonder why we don't ever hear about the cheerleaders singing on the show anymore.
  9. Me too! She was my favorite in real time. But now, I have no idea why.
  10. Tuxcat

    S14.E13: Game Day

    True, her behind the scenes didn't really show us much but let's be honest. This is DCC - its all about promotion. She has double the # of instagram followers - 30 K plus (compared to 10-15K). TBTB are going to showcase VK at every turn because it helps their brand. I don't mind her. I don't think she's gods gift to dance and I wish she'd stop with the bubble gum makeup. But all and all - she lives and breaths DCC and that's what DCC wants. She looks great on the field and that's enough for me.
  11. I remember that too and was surprised she wasn't cut. She only cheered two years right? Erica doesn't put former DCC on her Instagram page like most of the girls do.
  12. Tuxcat

    S14.E13: Game Day

    It wasn't THAT bad but yes it was still noticeable. I wonder why she's on a corner and not buried in the back like Lily and VK. If VK is the rockstar she should have a more visible position.
  13. Seriously, all future hopeful TCC should watch and practice PRIOR to auditions! The fact that they come in unprepared with kick line or field entrance knowledge is beyond me. I mean look at Jake!
  14. Hmm I don't know. I have mixed emotions about all of this. On the one hand I do believe that the "Most memorable elimination" video was in poor taste. For whatever reason our culture has changed and I found the snarky cackling very uncomfortable and petty. But to be honest, one of the things I enjoyed about this show -way back starting with the first season- was the snark. I loved, loved, loved Judy yelling at the TCC. And I loved the sarcastic remarks and judgement by high and mighty Kelli. It was much more pervasive back then. I truthfully kind of miss it because it was entertainment. Does that make me a shallow and less enlightened person? Or just someone watching a reality TV show. Because that is so often what reality shows feature - human nature - the good yes - but also the bad and the ugly. Do the girls know that it's possible that Judy and Kelli will make faces at them on MTT? Do they know their body will be scrutinized on national TV? Do they know that Kitty will tear them to shreds? Yes! Vivian saw the show. And yet she signed up anyway. Yes, she was young, impressionable, and vulnerable. And yes, to relive those moments over and over again is I'm sure terribly painful. She's clearly an empathic person and one who feels and thinks deeply about things. However if she were genuinely willing to display unconditional love and compassionate forgiveness she would not be calling Kelli and Judy out on Facebook and Instagram. By her stating that she feels sorry for them is in essence shaming them publicly. Perhaps they deserve it! But that is not pure forgiveness nor is it love as she professes this to be.
  15. Tuxcat

    S14.E13: Game Day

    I had the same thought. They looked like diapers from the rear.
  16. Tuxcat

    S14.E13: Game Day

    Yes, they do. VK looks like a "perfect DCC" in this photo! Hannah needs more height on top of her head. She looks so much better when she parts on the other side and flips her hair over.
  17. Tuxcat

    S14.E13: Game Day

    I wonder if Kelli will be in love with her next year too - or will she get cut as a second year like Morgan?
  18. Tuxcat

    S14.E13: Game Day

    That is why I'm confused as well. They've had various squad numbers before - not always a hard 36. And no, they haven't kept girls off the field before. Last year (or the year before) it was said that Charlotte made the 36 rule firm. And this year she said only 36 "on the field." Is this because of budget reasons? If so, does that mean the 37th girl is not paid? If the 37th is paid, then why must there only be 36 on the field.
  19. Just watched Hannah's cut but missed the previous episodes. Why was she cut when Paige and Veronica were just warned (and looked bigger than Hannah)?
  20. Can anyone confirm that it's in fact Lily who is an alternate? Has she been sitting out games this season? I thought it was already confirmed to be Kat and Meredith. When Charlotte was observing she said "this one surprises me." The show made it seem like she was talking about Meredith but in fact, she circled Lily on her picture sheet right after she said that.
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