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Everything posted by Tuxcat

  1. I'm all for snark and I have no problem saying that I hope Robyn and Kody are not deliberately exploiting their daughters anxiety issues on next weeks episode. However, I will not judge Robyn's parenting when it comes to Dayton. It can be absolutely exhausting to raise a child with special needs. A mother might be living in a constant state of worry because of past history. It's simply not fair to say she "should do this or not do this" when we don't know the full extent of his problems.
  2. I'm no Meri fan but in this episode I'm team Meri. First of all, people are attacking her for not wanting to be the center bridge between Meri and Christine when they were in Utah. Well I agree with that. Who would like being the pass through? Janelle gets her private area. Christine gets her private area. But Meri must relinquish her privacy? Watching two wives and 10 kids passing back and forth? Don't vilify her for that. She's right. Secondly, yes she has a history of being indecisive and also manipulative. And yes she's never happy but in this case she has a right to question the house placement on Coyote Pass. Christine said - they haven't even had a surveyor out there yet! It's clear that this decision was never solidly discussed. They never sat down and hashed this all out. Kody hears that she likes trees and so he sticks her back in the trees. She never agreed to it. Then he says "you like trees right? " and she said "I don't know. They make the house dark." She never agreed to not wanting that lot either. They never sat down and agreed to house placements at all. She has a right to change her mind about things as none of this was set in stone. Kody jumped the gun big time. And presented misinformation to Robyn who ran with the storyline "I'm getting table scraps but I'm not complaining..." In this situation, someone is always going to get the last pick. The only true and fair way to do this is to draw straws. Also FYI, Robyn had the best lot for the Vegas house.
  3. Meri is intentionally poking the others and I like it. I'm hoping next week she throws a Meri-esque fit. Hopefully it's really just to drive the others crazy and not a vintage "wet bar" moment. I honestly don't think Meri has any intention of living on Coyote Pass. She's only there to get the check and have a little fun.
  4. After all these years they just figured out that longer hair looks better on her? So much better! Why'd that take so long? I love Hannah and her a$$. That being said hope she does a less raunchy audition routine this year.
  5. Right. And why don't they talk about that on the show? I don't understand why they cover up so much of their past.
  6. I have trouble remembering this is a real life family - that they existed before reality TV. Would have been a much better show if we started at the beginning with them. Imagine watching Janelle divorce Meri's brother and marry Kody. Imagine the 4 of them then living together and popping out kids left and right. My mind really doesn't even let me believe that happened (I guess thankfully). But far more entertaining than whatever this is... doesn't even seem like polygamy - and certainly not polygamy success.
  7. They are correct in that the older children absolutely have a better sister/brother bond. They raised them as one. Since Vegas, they've been raised more like cousins. Not a bad thing but absolutely a difference. However, moving into "one house" NOW won't change this at all. It should have been done years ago to see any impactful change. I don't understand why there is any discussion here? The "why column" is empty.
  8. This is very true. He is very manipulative.
  9. this photo seems stretched. Kat's hair bad. VK sucking in a lot. Alexis hmmm. Not the best photo.
  10. Have to say they've done one thing right. In an age where kids are taking longer to grow up and fly, the Brown kids have all moved on pretty quickly. I read so many stories about how kids aren't leaving the nest and the Brown's just don't seem to have that problem. Now, if they build a mansion - I wonder if any return home and stay - you know to fill up the empty house.
  11. Is she on weight watch or is it a horrible angle?
  12. They recruit a lot of people so I agree with you. Not sure how valuable the prep classes are in term of actual preparation. But if you are in Dallas and you are going to try out - you need to show your face I'm guessing or you don't stand a chance.
  13. Top one looks familiar. Can't stand Jenn's choreo.
  14. Cici has more pop. I mean they are both good but I prefer her style.
  15. Someone please tell me what Kody actually does all day? They say how busy he is -always rushing from wife to wife. And we know it's only 3 wives really. Maybe only 2. I don't see how that takes up ALL his time. Really, he needs to be working regularly if he wants that dream house. This reality show is on its last breath. He's got to know that right?
  16. That montage was exactly on point. Meri with the manipulative and spiteful look. Janelle with a somewhat spaced out, I don't really care look. Christine, with the free spirit sexy I'm Kody's favorite again look. Robyn, with the I'm not having sex but I still rule the roost look. Well done TLC. "Kody saying he enjoys the drive between homes because it gives him a chance to decompress from all the baggage of each wife. Nice to know how you rilly feel about your wives, Kodester" And yet, he wants them all in one house soon... What an idiot.
  17. I agree that it seems like she's always seeking pity. However, she really shouldn't have moved to Flagstaff. What was the point? No one likes her and it is a constant reminder that she's failed (in her mind) in her marriage and family. The other 3 families succeeded. I'm assuming she's forced to stay with this family because of the show. If that's the case, I'd be a sour puss too. She really just needs to leave.
  18. Agree with others - this is old choreo - what's the point? And this is not "world class." Hmmm, Kelli has really turned me into a critical b*^$*.
  19. Meri annoys me a lot. But I can sort of understand her position. She has to stand by and watch the three other wives live the life she wanted. They will forever have more kids and more grandkids around. And they have the "love" of Kody. Meri doesn't have either - and she never will. So of course she's going to be distant and avoidant. I get that. What purpose is there to being together? The bad part is that she doesn't seem to think she can move on. And I assume that's only because of the show.
  20. True, the others have an extra bedroom. Meri only has the one. She will seriously explode.
  21. Yes! They mention it a couple of times I think. stark contrast - two different sports really
  22. Did anyone binge watch "Cheer" on Netflix? IMHO it's good. I cried. How is that possible you might wonder...
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