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Everything posted by Tuxcat

  1. NONE of the group leaders picked Lisa. Seems pretty significant! But we don't get to see or hear why?
  2. The backyard interviews were fun. What we need though is live feeds as the HG watch the show back - and scroll through social media to learn all that they missed (and was said about them). Now that would be entertaining,
  3. It was excellent TV! He is a pompous douchebag and deserves much of what he got - both the win and the criticism. However, being labeled a racist on national television without any preparation is extraordinarily gut wrenching. I agree with you. I hope his family and therapists help him own his flaws and work to use the money to raise awareness. That will be his only chance at personal and professional redemption. If he continues to just deny deny deny- that's going to be a problem.
  4. Ok Jack is an ass but his initial answer "remarks from a place of ignorance" and apology were the best out of the three that were confronted. His reputation is trash though. Jackson totally blindsided. Christie - bad answer. And wish Bella, Tommy, Holly, Sis didn't get a pass. I agree with this "1000 percent"
  5. He just said to his parents "I'm not a racist"
  6. Wow Jackson looks so upset! I don't think that's joy. LOL
  7. Yes but Tommy's question was offering him an out. He didn't take it. I think a lot of them were wanting him to just own it. He didn't.
  8. Agreed. All the women right there were lost. And Tommy and Cliff too.
  9. I think they give it to Holly. All Jackson had to do was to say he's sorry for his aggressiveness and missteps.
  10. Can someone refresh my memory? Cliff had a deal with Cliff's Angels but when he was on the block against Kat he made another deal with Christie and Tommy to be part of new six. That deal excluded Jess. Now Cliff is all about loyalty and keeping your word and the almighty handshake. And I'm sure he is making the jurors think about Jackson breaking his word/deals too. But didn't Cliff break his deal with Jess? Or did they never shake so it's ok? Also Tommy and Analyse both said they don't choose to "play a dirty game like Jackson" but both of them were lying the entire time too. Well mainly Tommy. Analyse was sort of just there but anyone is H8teful was dirty in my opinion. I don't understand the loyalty/breaking your word has consequences argument from any of them.
  11. Newbie question - do they ever redo comps? I think this is some internet rumor that spread based on Nicole's speculation that she blacked out due to CO2. But if not, has there ever been a situation where a winner was declared and then that win was rescinded and the comp redone? Julie said something about an "unusual finale" -- I assume she says that every year for hype but it did have me wondering...
  12. There's value in this observation - somewhere! Perhaps we are the real hamsters 😉
  13. Kat was never Miss Texas so that's not her.
  14. I think he's genuinely worried about what life is going to be like on the outside. I think paranoia has set in from sleep deprivation. He has been contemplating who to take but he knows he'd look like the biggest ass ever if he didn't take Holly.
  15. All of the above perhaps? I mean he's a 24 year old man but he's her baby. And it sounds like he's struggled in the past both mentally and physically too. I am feeling bad for momma at this point. It would give me such anxiety to watch my son's every move on national television.
  16. We didn't see them but they did get them. He said he saw Nicole's and her parents looked proud. But in his - his parents didn't look proud. His mama had a look in her eye. And it's freaking him out.
  17. Do they always let the HG get so off their sleep schedules? They have their days and nights completely mixed up now.
  18. She could take him and still win if she plays it right to the jury. She could say she's been his handler the entire time. And when he couldn't win, she did. She used him as a shield and a puppet...while at the same time building relationships and playing with honor with everyone else... She wasn't riding his coattails she was steering them... But yes, if he continues to spiral (and he appears to be losing it again) she may pull off a huge move and take Nicole. He has been really annoying her and there is still much more time to go! Or we could just limp to the end...
  19. Jackson is paranoid and he's been "coaching" Holly on how to answer jury questions. We know he's also worried about the "look in his mothers eye" and how he's perceived outside the house - in addition to things coming out about his past. Holly has said to Nicole that Jackson just assumes he will win and hasn't even considered the possibility of Holly winning. And we know that Nicole has been working Holly on this issue, telling her that if she takes out Jackson it's a bold move that will impress the jurors. It's that final statement "Im playing my own game!" What I find interesting is I really don't know where Holly stands. I think she knows she's been controlled by Jackson. But she could use that either way to her advantage. She actually has a good shot at winning this whole thing if played smartly. She could win against Jackson with the right speech.
  20. 1:30 AM BBT Holly and Michie are lounging in the WA. They discuss how her makeup rubs off on him all the time. She tells him that her makeup does that because he makes out with her so aggressively. Michie "I do not. It's because you wear so much. I go to give you a little peck and come away with a second face." Holly "That is a lie. Tell America that is a lie" Holly goes on to say that she wears her makeup naturally. She used to wear a ton of makeup.. What an adorable couple...
  21. I do think Jackson will take Holly and vice versa, even though Nicole has ample room to play with their minds and campaign the heck out of this. I don't think Jackson is a lock for the win against either one of them. His goodbye message to Cliff was so arrogant and off-putting. He plays this holier than thou attitude. He did it with Jack too. "How dare you burn me!" "Don't complain when I burn you!" Nicole was right when she said that she would respect him more if he simply said "I played you - it's a game." I could see the jury being really turned off by his speech. This current tack he's on is not likable. -- Plus don't discount the power of Kat -- she is already campaigning for Holly and she is effective.
  22. 5:39 PM PT{5:31 PM}Holly is nervous about their campaign, awkward campaign when only 3 of them left -onegal 5:40 PM PT{5:32 PM} Holly tells Jackson that she thinks he will change his mind. Jackson says he is considering it -onegal 5:41 PM PT{5:33 PM} Holly: either way I am SOL -onegal What is this in reference to? Jackson changing his mind about what? I thought Holly was guaranteed F2. Did something happen?
  23. Tyce gets rid of Madeline S, Meredith, Lilyand Christina -- but for his fourth choice he was considering getting rid of Daphne. What would Kelli have said? Meanwhile Jalyn's one of his bullets. LOL.
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