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Everything posted by ebk57

  1. Maddie and Tae are going to be on Letterman sometime this week - at least that's what I thought I read although I can't find any evidence of it at the moment. They also did this piece on NPR a couple months back. They seem like they're pretty together. http://www.npr.org/2014/07/21/333719578/teenage-songwriters-take-on-bro-country
  2. This show is at the National now (my husband works there - I did for several decades, but don't anymore). I can't work up enough energy to go downtown and see it. Mr ebk, who never saw the movie, was surprised and happy that the music is "nice". He can't see the show since he's on the flyfloor, but it's not an unpleasant evening for him. Maybe I'll watch this show. Thanks for the heads-up, aradia22.
  3. So...this means I shouldn't feel so great that the Terps are now 2-0 in our first year in the Big Ten. Not that we've actually played a team in-conference yet, but let's not let the facts get in the way here. :-) I'm grasping at straws...
  4. So tonight, I went out! And had baked Buffalo Wings (really spicy and tasty!), and just to change it up from wine, I had beer! A lovely St Bernardus Extra 4 (less than 5% ABV and quite nice), and then a Southern Tier Pumking for "dessert." This is a good year for Pumking.
  5. Husband still working evenings. Dinner tonight was hummus, Stacy's pita chips and Syrah. Yum
  6. I also like bananas, but not banana flavoring. I feel the same way about oranges - love them, don't like the flavoring. There are always a ton of orange Starburst left in the candy bowl in my office.
  7. I'm with you KnoxForPres. My husband is the cook and he's got a show for the next 3 weeks. So I'm surviving on Chunky Soup. Tonight is beef with country veggies and cabernet sauvignon. Tomorrow it will be pizza with some friends. It's half-price wine night! ...there's a theme here somewhere...
  8. The Washington Post's TV critic solves the Emmy problems! Or something... http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/style-blog/wp/2014/08/26/all-those-jokes-about-cable-vs-streaming-make-me-think-it-really-is-time-for-some-emmy-reform/?hpid=z2
  9. Well, I'm disappointed that True Detective didn't win, but I think it's all HBO's fault.
  10. It did. Got really meh reviews and I don't think anyone watched it. At least I didn't anyway.
  11. Jay Leno giving an award to Modern Family. That speaks for itself. To me, anyway.
  12. oooo....I love snacks! Will there be wine??
  13. OMG... The Sunglasses of Justice!!!
  14. Billy Crystal did a lovely job (other than calling Tim McCarver a great announcer...), but the clips were golden. Sigh........
  15. That pretty much says it all...
  16. Hahahahaha... how did you know I was yelling at my TV... "anyone but Jon Voight!!!!!" :-)
  17. I was hoping it would have been Josh Charles...
  18. Yay Stephen!! This bit is really funny.
  19. I have really mixed feelings about her. I don't like much of her act, but when she's chatting on a talk show or a panel (I liked her a lot on Real Time) I find that I do like her. She seems like a smart woman.
  20. Wow. Sarah Silverman. Will her dress contain her boobs?
  21. I like Ricky Gervais. I know he's polarizing, but he makes me laugh.
  22. I guess if you're gonna win, you may as well win the big one.
  23. I don't know who that was speaking for Fargo, but he's funny. Not random baby... Ha!!
  24. Weird Al is amazing!! That typewriter is hysterical!!!
  25. I love Jessica Lange. I'm still not watching AHS...
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