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Everything posted by gundysgirl

  1. We didn't see it, Shannon just talked about him doing it in her TH interview. God, the man is such a dick to do that to his kid. But she isn't much better talking about something that happened between David and their daughter - and was no doubt extremely hard and emotional - with the whole world months later on camera. So the kid had to live it again when she watched the show.
  2. Shannon said in her blog that there was a gas shortage in the 80's when she first started driving, so her dad installed a gas pump on their property. So I guess that is what David was referring to - they were wealthy enough to have a small gas station right at home. Yes, they are strange to the extreme to me. During the conversation with Peggy's husband - and I am happy to say that I cannot remember his name because I just don't care - I don't think David did anything wrong, or that his questions were off base in the least. But the way that he communicates could be off-putting to someone that only just met him. His strange monotone way of speaking, without inflection or emotion. His completely dead eyes. If you had only just met him and were met with his voice and glare, you could wonder what was going on behind the expression. Or I probably would.
  3. This is so funny. This is how far we have fallen. I thought Bethenny said it well on the NY show when she asked why they had to have theme parties for every little thing. Why can't they just throw a party and invite some folks over? I remember back in the day when we snarked on Heather having her "naming party". But it was such campy fun. And we got the reality TV drama of "did you eat the bow off my cake". Reality TV gold that one. Now we spend half the season talking about balls supposedly being lobbed off and gather with champagne to celebrate.
  4. Good for her in trying to help in whatever way she can. So many folks in need right now.
  5. Wow, just wow. She seems to have settled into this role nicely. If she never does another thing she has done this.
  6. No, absolutely it doesn't matter. He is cold to his core. Maybe with good reason, I have no idea. Certainly in whatever context it was extremely inappropriate to say it in front of Shannon's mom - who seems like a very nice person. But I think this is per usual for both of them. That this is what they do. I can easily imagine Shannon mocking David's eating of potatoes as something carb addicted losers in Michigan do with his mother sitting right beside him. They are just miserable together and they are making everyone around them miserable as well. And because it cannot be said enough - those poor girls. Their eyes say it all during these exchanges.
  7. Her initial statement bugged me at first. Before I got to know her on the show better. In general, I am initially wary of women who don't form close friendships with other women, but I have a very close friend who is like that. Very guarded for a lot of reasons. Once the walls were broken down, she is as good of a friend as a person could dream of having. I thought that Kyle framed it well when she was talking about her in one of her TH interviews. Said that Erika had been hurt and judged by a lot of women in her life, and it made her put a wall up to an extent. I can understand that. She is also an extremely supportive person, and I don't think she has a problem sharing the spotlight. I loved how she was with Kyle in Greece. How she encouraged her to put on her bathing suit and come out and show off her lovely figure. How she told her she was beautiful and sexy and seemed to mean it. How she talked about what an incredible woman Kyle was as a mother and how much she respected her as a career woman. She was just kind to her. Encouraging of her. Honestly, of all the women on the show - and I tend to like a lot of them - I think she would be the most generous friend.
  8. The comment from David was strange, but then I sometimes think his hostage-like response to many things is strange. I thought he was saying that she was rich and pampered and not use to doing mundane tasks like putting gas in her car, so she had no idea how to navigate the process without damaging the equipment. But really, for some reason that scene looked really edited to me. Spliced together in a strange way. Like he was saying that in response to something else she said which was maybe less interesting than letting her tell the gas story.
  9. Yes, literally. They have given us crap all season long, and then we have to witness them actually sucking the crap out of their bodies. Total and complete lunacy. We are all Bravo's bitch at this point people.
  10. That scene was horrible. How uncomfortable for the girls and Shannon's nice mom. I get the impression this has always been a big hurdle for Shannon and David. He mentioned something in his passionate "I just want to be fucking happy" speech during their first season that stuck with me. Something about how they had all of the material stuff but it was really just meaningless and didn't serve to make them happy. I think at their core that they want different things out of life.
  11. Shannon shared a confidence? Not the same Shannon who was so butt hurt about Tamra and Heather talking about her marriage? Say it ain't so!
  12. The colonic deal was an all time low for me with these shows. What we need is for Bravo to hire folks who aren't interested in having colonics or vag rejuvenation done on camera. They need people who lead more interesting lives and do things that we would actually want to see them doing. Until they do, we get crap like this.
  13. I agree. They seem to be actual friends. They still communicate back and forth on Twitter. Anyway, why would Eileen, who had already been on the show for a year before Erika and was pretty established, need to kiss Erika's ass?
  14. Yes, she did indeed say this. That she believed being on a reality TV show, where she had no control over the editing, would be good for her horrible marriage. I guess she believed that her kids having to live it daily was not enough. That they should also have to watch it play out on TV months later. That is always the underlying thing with these two. They have always been miserable in their sham of a marriage.
  15. Great question. I didn't realize when I posted mine that we weren't supposed to post on this topic any longer.
  16. I can see how he could think it was a slam. Might have been. But she has talked about it before. And didn't he talk on their show about how the dynamics changed when she was the breadwinner? None of it was a revelation or something that was new news. I would just find it shocking that she is not allowed to give her opinion on what went wrong in the marriage without facing a judge. Hence the silly threat. And later hence the silly emails. And texts. Almost seems like there is a pattern here......
  17. That could be right. Makes him seem like an even bigger dick, though. He tries to scare her so she will stop doing something he doesn't like, even if she isn't doing anything that crosses any lines that the court has put down. It seems as though even people that think she is in the wrong think that she took the high road during the interview, yet he is still not happy and turns to threats. Scary stuff.
  18. But he threatened to sue after she took the high road on WWHL. Again, didn't see the interview, but from what I read in the attached, it sounded like she just discussed the marriage and took some blame herself. If she hammered away at him, they didn't report it in this article, and from what others have said, she refused to blast him to a (probably) disappointed Andy. Yet this was what made him threaten legal action. So if she takes the high road in an interview, and he is still pissed at her, who knows what else pisses him off? Her breathing? Existing? Being rich? Being happy? http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/jason-hoppy-exploring-legal-options-after-bethenny-frankel-interview-2015243
  19. She is thanking MaryKay and Walmart on Twitter, so looks like she has a lot of power behind her.
  20. But this goes to my original question....if she didn't blast him, if she shut Andy down quickly, why did Jason have his attorney out there threatening to sue her after that? If he is going to threaten to sue even when she isn't saying anything, but I guess simply acknowledging that she is involved in some type of unpleasant situation, how on earth can she ever win? How can she make him happy? How can any of the things he says to her in an email ever be defended?
  21. Agree 100%. No way in the world would he not be in court if he had a reason to be. If Bethenny was violating something. I don't think he has a leg to stand on and is not going to pay the legal fees associated with doing something that won't bring him any more money. So he will use his Attorney to make people think he might have standing when in fact he does not.
  22. It does seem like he is litigious. But usually when he thinks he can get something out of it. In this case, I don't think there is any "there" there. She wasn't doing anything that he could get the courts attention about, so he just made a threat. I actually believe that he likes the fact that Bethenny talks about the sorry state of their marriage. That he believes he comes off looking more sympathetic because he publicly keeps his mouth shut, while using others to do the talking for him. Or sends her hundreds of emails and texts away from the eyes of others, because he cannot haul her into court for no reason.
  23. My guess is that the legal advice Bethenny is getting is to not talk about custody or anything specifically legal. It is interesting that there is not more published about whatever gag order there is on either Bethenny or Jason. Does anyone know any specifics? I have read that he tried to get one and was going to court about it in 2013, but there were never any follow-up articles about whether or not he got it. Which seems strange to me. So much publicity that he wanted it, but nothing to say he got it or not. But then I could have just missed it. I can imagine either or both being prohibited from talking about the legalities, but cannot imagine anything imposing either from just talking about the other. Anyone know more about gag orders? All I have ever heard is that they are very hard to get in civil cases, and that in many cases they can be a violation of a persons right to free speech. Could one stop her from saying she was miserable in her marriage, that she was sick of the process, that she wanted it to be over? I thought the purpose of a gag order was to stop the possibility of tainting a jury in the legal process. I remember reading that Bill O'Reilly tried to get one during his divorce because his ex was interviewing that he was a neglectful and abusive person during their custody trial and it was denied.
  24. I don't think I saw her on WWHL, just read about it. Mainly that Jason was exploring his legal options after the things that she said. Why would he have any legal options to explore if she refused to say anything or answer any questions? Maybe he was just trying to scare her? Sounds about right from the things I have heard about him. This is what his Attorney said at the time: "Hoppy’s attorney Bernard Clair said in a statement to Us Weekly that “he and his client were more than a bit surprised and troubled over the personal and private details articulated by Ms. Frankel about the marriage and its demise, and that they were exploring their legal options."
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