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Everything posted by gundysgirl

  1. I have wondered as well if David would be OK with the girls being on the show if he were not. He has lost any ability to control the narrative if he is not on. Shannon can say whatever she wants. But she has up to this point, so my guess is he will allow it. I hope she keeps their part in the filming at a minimum. Please no scenes with her comforting a crying daughter over the divorce. No scenes of them being openly vulnerable about their emotions. Let them have some privacy in all of this. Divorce is usually harder on kids at this age, and they don't need to relive it all months later when it hits our TV's. But again, Shannon has always handled this part horrendously IMO, and don't see any reason that she would change anything now.
  2. I wonder if Joe will specifically speak about this on the show tomorrow? His brother George, who Joe talked about often on the show as being such a big Trump fan, posted on Twitter that he was done with Trump for good unless he issued a public apology to Joe. The whole deal is getting a ton of press today, so it seems like something Joe might want to address. Does anyone remember if he has ever talked about it on the show before?
  3. Here is the quick version..... Politifact did a very quick job of labeling this one "Pants on Fire". Usually takes them a few days. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2017/nov/29/donald-trump/donald-trumps-pants-fire-unsolved-mystery-attack-j/
  4. TV Gods, please do not give this slot to Megyn Kelly. But considering the current climate, I can see them wanting to play it safe with two women on the show.
  5. I have always heard the plan was for Willie to get this job at some point. I wonder if it will really happen.
  6. Yes, FFS, bring back Heather. Give her whatever she wants. I think the dynamics of having her back would be everything. She has a huge history with Shannon, Tamra and Vicki. She knows everything. Was around for all of the big stuff. She gets along with most everyone. She travels well, dresses perfectly, brings house porn (although I imagine her house is far from my taste), and provides just the right amount of snark. I also think it would be interesting to see her with Kelly next year. When she left, no one but Vicki liked her and now that has all changed. Would love to see how Heather fits in with everyone now. I would start some type of campaign, but am not smart enough to know how.
  7. It made me want to gag as well. And indulge in a full-blown vomit. But I am not sure it was all Andy. It was Tamra who said once that she wanted to rearrange the couches, and then said with more conviction that she wanted Vicki to come over and sit on her couch. That was all Tamra, and Andy seemed more than a little bit shocked by it all.
  8. What we just witnessed with that vomit-inducing hug ladies and gents, was Bravo and Andy Cohen telling these women that they had better get their shit together if they wanted this show to see another year. The most boring reunion ever recapping the most boring season in history. Geez, just the fact that they only had enough to make the reunion 2 episodes says it all. They can usually drag out even the most mundane season with 3 reunion episodes. But not this one. Andy has said in the past that Tamra is the most perfect HW because she does her job. And she did just that last night. It was her emotion (real or fake, I have no idea) that brought on the reconciliation. Her willingness to forgive the vile things that Vicki has done and said - both on the show and off - that made it all possible. She is doing her job which Andy will appreciate.
  9. I think it is his truth, her truth, and their truth. She said something in one of her first episodes about the fact that they had been unhappy almost since the beginning. And his arrest for domestic abuse happened after they had only been married a few years. I think they have both been miserable for a very long time. I gave up a long time ago trying to figure out who was the most to blame. The first season, what with her ragging on his eating of potatoes and other carbs, or nagging him for every little thing, I thought it was her. But of course there is always the editing and of production wanting to tell the story they want to tell. In the next few seasons I thought it was more his fault. I just don't think they are good together. At all. I am rooting for her to find happiness in all of this. I find that I don't really care if David is happy or not.
  10. I would have like to given her the benefit of the doubt, but she is still taking that same crazy train today. Honestly, there is not enough room in my house for all the vomit after listening to Mika again today. How can she not hear herself? I honestly thought that after her loony rant last Friday that someone who cares about her might have sat her down and helped her see the hypocrisy in her comments. I guess that didn't happen. She is getting hammered on social media, which is as it should be. https://www.thewrap.com/mika-brzezinski-harassment-morning-joe-regulars/
  11. She looks so good here. She could easily pass for someone in her 40's with this look. She got great press for it. I wonder why she didn't run with that look for good?
  12. For me, her attempts at humor always fall flat. She isn't funny, and I don't think she has much of a sense of humor. It is just always awkward. This all day long. Maybe they didn't indulge in adult libations while doing all of the sneaking around so she thinks it is A-OK. Everyone else on set seemed uncomfortable with her little rant.
  13. I cannot believe what I just heard Mika say. I mean, I know I heard it because my hearing is quite good, but FFS it is incredible. When the conversation turns to the idea that it should be OK for a woman to go out with a male colleague or person in a leadership role if she wants to without feeling threatened or afraid, Mika rants that perhaps a woman shouldn't put herself in this position. That perhaps she shouldn't go out for drinks with the men in the office. That work should be work and not include this type of socializing. Um, hasn't she been banging a guy she works with for quite a while? Incredible.
  14. I didn't realize it either. Shitty thing to do all the way around.
  15. I cannot imagine Peggy coming back. Not just because she is the most boring HW I have ever seen and lacks even the most basic ability to communicate, but because she hasn't really formed any real bonds with anyone else on the show. Vicki likes her OK, but she isn't really all that into her. Lydia will listen to her, but I don't think she cares much about her one way or the other. I think you have to have formed one actual bond on these shows to continue on for another season. They all realize she is a loon and simply does not fit in. She reminds me of Eden on the BH show. She might get some sympathy here or there from someone, but no one really cares if she is around or not.
  16. The thing that was so interesting to me about this was when Kelly defended Peggy and said something like "no she wouldn't have said anything about Meghan being a bad mom". But wasn't Kelly the one who earlier in the season seemed to indicate that Meghan was a bad mom for being out and about on the town while her tiny one was home? Honestly, what Peggy said was horrible, but no more so (IMO) than what Kelly had said.
  17. I don't get how Tamra alienated Peggy. Vicki simply did the same thing to Peggy this year that she did to Kelly last year. She didn't say anything to defend her because she was happy that the others were getting along with her and she didn't want to rock the boat. It is all on Vicki. And while I cannot stand Kelly, she has done a very good job of cozying up to the others, while at the same time sticking by Vicki. I don't see it as Tamra pulling Kelly over to her side at all.
  18. Well, just judging from the sheer amount of interest in this from Bethenny, it seems like a lot of people care. People handle things differently. The loss of a pet can be beyond traumatizing. I was out of town years ago and my phone rang. All I hear when I answer the phone is screaming and wailing from the other end. It is my husband calling. But I cannot make out what is happening and I am freaking out because of the screaming on the other end of the phone. My guy is a fairly stoic guy. The kind of guy you would want in an emergency. But our cat jumped up on my sons bed to go to sleep as was his usual routine at night, then just started convulsing. It went on for several minutes and my husband and kids were beyond freaked out. After several minutes the cat died on the bed with my son. My husband called me right after and I have never heard this man like this. Not when his father shot himself and he found his body in the living room. Not ever. He said later he was ashamed because he should have held it together for the kids who were traumatized and looking for reassurance but he simply could not. He still talks about the way that he reacted, mainly of the fact that he scared me so badly on the phone. No video or social media, but then he cannot even figure out how to take a picture on his phone. Things happen. People don't react the way we always think that they will. Our kids survived just fine. They think no less of him and when they talk of it now it is of how they all went through it together. All scared together. Hardly the crime of the century.
  19. Wow, what a great question. That is a hard one. Both will over share which is never a good thing. In the end, I think Shannon is less dateable because I see her as being a completely non-sexual being. I could be wrong, but I just don’t see her being comfortable with just getting it on. Not that folks cannot find love and a partner to make them happy without letting their freak flag fly. I just see Shannon as looking for someone to take care of her more than anything else. Even though I have never cared for her I am excited to see what she will do with all of this and am totally rooting for her to be really happy. I cannot say the same for Vicki.
  20. This is the best thing in the world for all of them. Shannon was miserable, David had completely lost interest, and the kids were just trying to survive it all. From what I have heard, divorce is actually much harder on teenagers than on small children because it is the drastic change in routine that causes issues. Two houses to visit, weekends at one place, and then back to the other. Holidays can be a mess. But if they are aware of that going in, they can minimize all of that. Money is no issue, so they can find a way to make it less traumatic for the kids. I cannot stand strange David, but I think he loves his kids and is involved in their lives. He can keep coaching and things like that to keep their routine as normal as possible. The good thing will come from seeing both parents be happy. And I don't think they have ever seen both of their parents be happy before.
  21. Different time. This is from when he was actually arrested. Back when they were first married. The time she said she called the police on him because they were having an argument and she hoped calling the cops would put an end to their fight. I wonder if her story on these two domestic violence issues will remain the same in light of the divorce? She made no sense to me on either occasion. But she would hardly be the first victim to protect and continue to love her abuser. Maybe she will be more honest about what actually happened now that she doesn't have to protect him any longer. Or maybe she will continue to want to protect him because of the kids?
  22. Yes. The reality is, in many cases, if you are going to send your young daughter over to a sleepover at the home of a child who has a single father, some are going to be extra cautious. They just are. In that way, it sucks for him. My brother-in-law fought hard for custody of his daughter when she was three. She was sexually abused by her mother, but no one knew that. The thing that hurt the most was that many parents would not let their daughter spend the night at his home. And they told him that. And he is such a good guy. But then imagine a situation where you realize that the father seems to have some issues. Some anger issues. Some issues with boundaries. Issues that got him arrested. Issues that he was unable to deal with save for the intervention of the court system making him stop. I think that many people would give this some serious thought before they dropped off their daughter at his pad.
  23. It's illegal to not hire someone for a whole host of reasons. Employers still do it every day. They just call it something else. It is illegal to not hire someone because they are pregnant, or black, brown or old. Yet it still happens all the time. I thought the same thing. I know what he use to do, but wasn't aware he was still employed in this industry. It is just never mentioned in any of the articles I have read, and I remember reading someone say he had given up his career to work for Bethenny, but no word that he had gone back to doing what he had done before. Raising my hand high. Have never done anything remotely like this.
  24. Of course. Most people won't know who the hell he is, but some people will. Not random people like us, but people who might actually play an active and important role in his life. People who want to hire him for a job, get involved in a relationship with him, parents of kids who are friends with is daughter. People who might want to give him the side-eye because to some he sounds like a guy with a bit of a problem controlling himself.
  25. Jason will always be that dude who was arrested for stalking and harassing his ex. Always. He will be the dude that the criminal justice system said was behaving in a way that was inappropriate and unacceptable and warned to stop if he wanted to keep hold of his freedom. Every time there is an article or a mention of him, there will be a mention of the fact that he was once told by legal authorities that the behavior he thought normal was in fact not normal. That he had to be threatened to act differently in the future. He might not be in jail, but it will always be there and always some will wonder if he would have continued to behave like a first class asshole had folks in authority not told him to stop. That is his future.
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