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Everything posted by gundysgirl

  1. Perhaps Jason will be able to move the fuck on. As someone else pointed out, he hasn't been able to communicate with her for months, so maybe he has gotten the hang of it all.
  2. This is just beyond vile. I am sure that Vicki justifies it all in her warped mind as OK because they exposed the cancer scam. Because they exposed her boyfriend for the gigantic dick that he is. So it was OK to accuse Terry of killing someone on the table, and OK to continue to bring up Eddie's sexuality. Or to talk about David and domestic abuse claims. She cannot get at the women directly for their behavior, so she goes lower than low by attacking the men they love and desire to protect. It is so sick. I just cannot understand how any small moments of humor she might bring to the show make her worth it (for the record, I don't think she is funny or interesting in the slightest, but no that mileage varies on this). The way that she tries to hurt people to make herself feel better. Shannon, Tamra (and Heather if she were still around) would have every single right in the world to not film with her. Honestly, I despise Vicki, but I have to say that I despise those around her that act as if she has done nothing wrong in the same way. Kelly can kiss my ass. She might be better this year than last on the show. But she is still a raging racist (I will never forget that) and still someone who will hurt when the mood hits in the same way that Vicki will. The Terry tidbit wasn't common knowledge. Kelly brought it out into the light of day. Ironically, I think it had the opposite impact she had hoped for. She hates Heather with such a passion and many people hated the way that Heather behaved in that segment. Kelly had kind of won that battle a little bit. Now Heather doesn't look so bad knowing what we all know now.
  3. I think this is it as well. It just wasn't worth it. But in the end it sucks for Heather (although she was more than likely happy it wasn't shown) because we the audience didn't understand fully why she was acting the way she was acting. If we had heard this, much of what went down in that bus would have made more sense. It is a great reminder of the way editing plays a role in how these gals look at the end of the day. I also wonder if this had something to do with Heather being fired. Bravo doesn't like it when they are threatened.
  4. This exactly, IMO. I didn't see her wanting Jason in jail. I think she wanted for Jason to leave her alone. Now he has been told by legal folks who have the ability to take away his freedom that he has to do just that. He has been told by folks other than Bethenny and her gang that his behavior was wrong. He cannot excuse it away. These folks read all of his communications. While they might not have believed it went to the level of locking him away, they did believe that his actions were not those of a reasonable person in his situation. And now he will stop. Hopefully.
  5. Looks like Kyle and Mauricio are moving on up... http://observer.com/2017/10/real-housewives-kyle-richards-buys-encino-house-photos/
  6. It doesn’t matter if the comment came from the ADA or Jason’s Attorney? I would think that it does.
  7. I think the thing that might be surprising to Vicki is how well Kelly is getting along with the rest of the group. I don't think she anticipated it would work out that way. I certainly didn't. I am not sure she realized it was happening when they were filming because she didn't see a lot of it, but now watching it play out on TV she might realize that she really is on an island for the most part. Kelly is still being a good friend to Vicki, but she is also just moving on with the other gals and they are letting her.
  8. Supposedly they do not. For sure I don't believe before the reunion films because a gal who knew she was fired would probably behave differently at the reunion. In the same way that anyone who was at work and knew they had been fired would probably behave differently. But my guess is that they get a sense of things. Vicki was a bit strange on WWHL and I think she knows that she is potentially in trouble. Luckily for her Peggy and Lydia are such a mess on the show and Bravo might be reluctant to make so many changes in one season. Not that they haven't before, but I believe that Andy said at one point that having so much turnover in one season (thinking he was talking about NY) might not have been the best idea. I cannot stand Vicki at all, but I think that the most likely scenario is that Lydia and Peggy are given walking papers.
  9. I think the producers showed us what was going on with Shannon, and the truth is that Shannon is a mess. It is hard to not feel badly for her, but also frustrating to watch the way she reacts to everything. Tamra said that they talk every single day and that Shannon cries every single day when they talk. That is something to be concerned about. She has been falling apart since her very first scene on this show, but wow is it escalating. And I don't think the problem is these other gals. She is miserable in her own head and in her own life. She feels like she has no one backing her up in the group, but seems to have forgotten her first season when they all went to Bali. She tried to turn the one friend Tamra had on that trip (Heather) against her in a big way, by revealing to Heather hurtful things that Tamra had said to her in private. She was desperate to make sure Tamra felt alone. And maybe others are gas lighting her. I have no idea. But if that is what gas lighting looks like, I think that Shannon was doing that to Kelly last season in Ireland when she was encouraging her to drink after Kelly made it clear she didn't want to drink that night. Shannon wasn't a friend trying to get another friend to let her hair down and have some fun. She didn't like or care for Kelly and just wanted her to be put in a vulnerable position on camera where she would most certainly make an ass out of herself. The stuff with Vicki is interesting to me only in that the narrative to me has changed. Early in the season it looked like others didn't want to film with her. But now it looks different. Vicki has missed a couple of big group filming opportunities. The one on the boat to celebrate the whole balls getting cut off stupidity, and now the deal at Meghan's house. Vicki was invited in both situations but opted to not be part of the group events. Since there haven't been as many big group events, it says a lot that Vicki was willing to instead film alone. She cannot claim that the others didn't want her around if she stayed away.
  10. I guess I don't really see her that way, but can see how people would do so. I have never really thought about her trying to get sympathy, but of giving her opinion of how she sees things or experiences them. And most of the time people who take on the things she has taken on do fail, or certainly don't succeed to the level that she has. Certainly in business very few ever accomplish what she has accomplished. It is incredibly extraordinary and rare, no matter what sort of help she might have ever received. There is something very unique about her that allowed her to get to where she is today. And the charity stuff. I don't know if others would fail, but absolutely believe that others wouldn't try, push, beg, or plead the way that she has to get to the goal she had set in her mind. In the very beginning it seems as though she was facing some criticism for the way that she was going about her early work with the hurricanes. Many would have backed down, or taken a step back. But she just kept rolling, learned quick lessons along the way about transparency and taking the time to alleviate doubts, and made it into this incredible thing in a very short amount of time. She went from being thought of as someone who was delivering water bottles and gift cards to someone who is literally saving lives, which is no exaggeration. It seems as though she often is fighting against great odds and that most of the time she is successful almost through sheer force of will. It really is extraordinary.
  11. As was noted originally, this isn't her natural thing. It's not her wheelhouse. This is all fairly new to her. She is making her way. She is still Bethenny. She is still going to tell it like it is when the mood suits her. I am sure that anyone she asked to donate is well aware of her method of communicating. She said right from the start that she was going to give big shout-outs to the folks that got on board. So it would hardly take a rocket scientist to figure out who didn't get on board if someone wanted to spend the time to research all of her business partners. I am sure they are about as worried about her and her message as she is about the folks that don't like the way she is going about this. None of them have two shits to give. They are doing their thing in the way that they want to do their thing and moving on.
  12. It appears she cannot. And as others have said, she probably doesn't have two fucks to give because she has bigger stuff going on. Good for her.
  13. By reading her Twitter, she sounds exhausted. I cannot believe all that she is getting done. She might have been frustrated in an instant that she wasn't getting all the help she wanted from those she thought she could rely on. IMO it doesn't even come close to negating all of the good she is doing for so many.
  14. I agree with this. I do think she is good at her core. I think she is probably one of the more empathetic people in real life. I can see her easily moved to tears by the tragedy of another. But she does have a victim mentality, and an inability to just cope much of the time. She is always looking for a reason for something. A way to explain things away. A reason that doesn't implicate her most of the time. The thing that I have always liked about her is her ability (usually) to move on when she thinks someone is sincere. She came to like Heather and to appreciate the fact that Heather didn't reveal all that she knew about her marriage. She didn't harp on the earlier stuff because she came to understand some of it. Same with Tamra. She truly did forgive her for the stuff she did because she believed Tamra to be sincere (others can decide if she was or not, but Shannon believed her to be). And that is what she wants. People to be sincere. She doesn't think Vicki to be, so she cannot move on with her. She has realized that David wasn't/isn't, but just going through the motions. So she gets stuck in the hand-wringing of it all. And she drags those around her into it with her. David has to hear about Vicki all the time and he is sick to death of it. The kids have to hear her harping on David all the time (and he does it right back) and they are sick to death of it. Learn how to cope Shannon.
  15. I had no idea either. Fascinating the things I can learn from you nice people!
  16. She does look different. I think she looks prettier now than she did back then. She is so lovely. Only her clothes and her hair tend to age her, but they did back then in this video as well. No one looks better dressed down in a pair of jeans than she does .
  17. She looked incredible. Very, very beautiful. Loved the hair and the makeup. Hope she goes all in and cuts in. Also loved the fact that she was wearing a jacket. We never see her like that. I know she thinks her usual style gives off a youngish vibe, but that look she was sporting made her look years younger. And less desperate.
  18. Yea, I hope she just doesn't say. Could be a lot of reasons. She just sounded mostly frustrated. Her twitter feed is full of her trying to get meds and supplies to people. Trying to get gravely ill people on a plane to a place where they can get treatment. Begging for insulin and chemo drugs for people. She sounds exhausted by it all. And people are sending her names of people who need help and she is trying to respond. I think she was probably exhausted when she revealed that she wasn't getting all the help from the people she wanted, because in that situation you want help from everyone. And to let people know the folks that are helping. She is giving shout-outs left and right to those that are coming to aid.
  19. She did. She said that 99% of her friends and contacts said no. People are asking her to dish on who said no but she hasn't. I wonder if she will?
  20. I am not sure if it was accurate or not, but it was not nice. Not nice to say in general, but especially not nice to say in front of his children, or her mother. Or on camera. It was disrespectful, and designed to hurt. He is a dick. I think mainly because he meant it as a criticism. Dude was not giving her a compliment.
  21. And she got worse when her family came on the show because they knew the real truth about them both. Knew they had been spending money and swindling folks for a long time. I remember Rich saying once that he had tried to talk to them years before about the things they were doing and that Teresa got mad at him. He said that was the reason Tre didn't like him.
  22. That is awesome. Always love to see the animals get featured. There are so many of them scared and suffering.
  23. I looked up uncontested divorce in Florida, and it looks like it can be accomplished in a matter of a few weeks.
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