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Everything posted by Brattinella

  1. Wow that guy's face looks like cookie dough!
  2. In the late 60's and early 70's, cops all had big bushy mustaches too. All my boyfriends in high school eventually grew one. You sure got that right about porn. My town had this seedy old theater and THAT's where you had to go if you were so inclined. Yuck! I saw Emmanuelle there with a girlfriend, and the floor was sticky. Enough said. Back to the topic: I think Shaun is as cute as the dickens and doesn't need a 'stach.
  3. I'll never forget that. My mom almost was seduced into going with them. (She loved to try out new religions. *facepalm* )
  4. What the hell?! I'm watching JJ (on NBC or ABC) and after about 10 min or so, it changed to soccer coverage from France and on FOX! The on-screen guide said it was still JJ. I refused to watch soccer, so I changed the channel and eventually came back and it was JJ again. How does that HAPPEN?
  5. For those who haven't seen the prior seasons, please at least try to see the most recent before this. EVERYTHING was different, Morse was brilliant, Bright was a good boss, very down to earth, Fred and Morse had a GREAT relationship, and those two new ones (Box is loathsome!) were not there at all. Hoping that the two newbies are hauled away due to ongoing crimes! Box should NOT BE boss!
  6. I think so, too. I think he wants to be a STAR! And his porcine face scares me.
  7. I like creamy peanut butter, Skippy brand. I put it on one slice of bread, and mayo on the other. It cuts the stickiness. Oh, and I keep it in the pantry, not the fridge.
  8. Is that the one with stuffed, dead squirrels? Cringy ad.
  9. I liked the Boone's farm apple wine, too. I liked Takara Plum wine even more! I think you are right, though. They weren't that cheap.
  10. Be thankful you don't get "Apples and Bananas" dozens of times a day. This commercial could have been so much better. I would understand if this kid was homeless or living in some level of poverty. THIS kid walks into their spacious kitchen (with pantry, all stainless steel appliances) and there's no fresh fruit in the fridge. Just regular food. This ad is sponsored by the Hunger Initiative or something with Scarlet Johanson. Very sad music. I lunge for the remote.
  11. https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2903-strudel-boy-and-cawowine-irritating-kids-in-commercials/?page=8&tab=comments#comment-4926829
  12. I am sorry this was done to you. However, I find it exceedingly funny and wish I could do that to my sister!
  13. I believe he did, and I also believe the other 4 guys who confessed in vivid detail.
  14. Maybe you could contact your local AM radio stations and get them to donate AM radios to old folks. Or maybe Walmart. We have an AM/FM radio for emergencies and an NOAA radio too. We keep them both very handy.
  15. Our boxer was a real sweetheart, a love bucket. We spoiled him rotten, too, and loved it. I think when litigants in dog cases appear, they should have close-up photos of their dogs at hand. So there is NO mistaking what breed they are discussing.
  16. Same here. We didn't get all that damage, but the same storms were headed our way. They would NOT cut into their precious NBA game to even give a crawl! Makes me sick. Makes me hope bad weather is visited on THEM.
  17. I love listening to Texans, too. Impossible to ignore.
  18. Yikes! I've never seen that show, or any with those other ladies mentioned. Maybe in commercials, I dunno. I'll stick with late-night oldies shows. :)
  19. LOL! I was cracking up at the magenta-hued wig-hat!
  20. I'm sorry, but a Tampax commercial where the camera zooms in on a crotch and butt of a girl on a bicycle crosses the yuck barrier for me.
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