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Everything posted by rove4

  1. If part of the renewal decision is up to PBS then I'm more concerned. I seem to recall that they canceled Mercy Street after two short seasons. I don't know what they consider a "ratings success" but I read somewhere that the show doesn't get as many viewers as All Creatures Great and Small.
  2. I don't think their two versions are mutually exclusive. 😄 Nothing official from the network that bankrolled season 1 so far. The showrunner and director have spoken positively about the show performing well for Alibi (I think that's it, though never heard of it) in the ratings, though I have no idea how ratings are taken in the UK. Do they use Nielsen too? The showrunner has said she's written some, if not all scripts for season two, but I don't know if she's just done that on her own so she can hit the ground running the second the renewal decision is made...OR...if the network powers-that-be have told her to proceed because renewal is a done deal but, for whatever reason, they can't announce it yet. I'm hoping for the latter.
  3. I'm sad it was Frank, too. William doesn't really have any other friends that we know of so it was nice that he had a pal on the force. Maybe PC Honeychurch? lol Yes, indeed! I was relieved that Eliza told William about meeting Moses the night before. I didn't want her to keep that from him. I don't agree that Eliza would make him miserable. I think William thinks he wants a traditionally demure, obedient wife...and if he dated one he'd probably like it initially, but I think he'd start to find her boring and annoying before too long. Darn, I was hoping for more episodes too. Though, honestly, I'm still holding out for an official BBC announcement. I'd love to know about William's history: when did he come over from Scotland?, does he have any living family?, how and when did he meet Henry?, and of course, flashbacks to young William and Eliza - The Kiss!
  4. Loved the episode. I really hope there'll be a second season. I haven't been able to find any official announcement on the internet. Eliza's red dress at the end was fabulous. She and William walking off arm in arm was sweet - "I like this game, William." 😄 Speaking of William, he sure is a good shouter. When he was yelling at the street cop for drinking a cuppa on the job, yikes. On the other end of the emotional spectrum...the look he gave Eliza in the kitchen was totally swoon-worthy. I'm glad Moses wasn't involved with the gang that killed Henry but I'm kind of sorry that Frank was. No buddy cop for William now and I kind of liked the rivalry between him and Eliza. So was Sterling actually involved in the counterfeit ring too or was that another smokescreen by Frank? And what happened with Hildegarde after she showed up to accuse Eliza of stealing Rupert???
  5. I enjoyed the episode. I liked all the symbolism and the way that it helped Malcolm to see that telling Ainsley the truth was the right thing to do, if probably a little too late for her to try to take safeguards against it happening again. And what an ending! I didn't see her killing again so soon. I'm so curious about who the poor sap is...and if there were any witnesses this time. Loved that Malcolm realized that having a "normal" life would not have worth living the lie - "she'd still be suffering" (referring the girl in the box). While I don't think Malcolm is anywhere close to being ready for a relationship - and may never be lest the show lose the hook of slightly zany Malcolm - I do think that Dani would be the best choice for him. They have a sweet chemistry and, next to Gil, is the person to has gotten closest to him. I don't count Eve because that character was never meant to stick around. I think they work great as friends and if the show ever decides to go there with them, this episode showed me that I'd be fine with it. It does actually make me wish Malcolm would confide in her more. Now that Ainsley has gone all murdery though, and Malcolm has helped cover up one murder so far, it'll be interesting to see how this impacts his relationships with both Dani and Gil. Speaking of Gil, I kind of love that it was still Malcolm's subconscious manifestation of him that steered him towards the hard truth.
  6. Well, I don't know about love interests. Frankly, Malcolm is too messed up to be in a relationship with anyone anytime soon. As for characters, I'd go with Dani. She seems like a real person whereas Edrisa has quickly become little more than a running joke. And while Dani would be a stabilizing force in Malcolm's life - again, as merely a friend at this point - Edrisa is like his obsessed #1 fan who is more likely to feed into his brand of crazy.
  7. Edrisa is definitely better in small doses otherwise she's just the weird coworker that everyone tries to politely avoid whenever possible. Though their scenes are entertaining, I'm not sure why Jessica would go to Martin for help in saving the kids. The phrase often used in books, "the smile didn't reach his eyes", comes to mind. She has to know that his definition of saving them doesn't nec3essarily line up with hers. I'm still holding onto the bow of the Jessica/Gil ship though with Ainsley's murderous past now also lying between them I fear I'll have naught but a life preserver on soon.
  8. Count me in with those who found the reveal of the Buckley family secret to be a let down. Maddie said that their parents weren't always as emotionally distant as they are now. I'm wondering if the pain and devastation of burying a child caused them to pull back emotionally in fear of ever going through that sort of pain again. Maybe on some level they reason that if they keep their other two kids at arm's length, it will deaden the pain if something bad were to happen? Albert running away from Chimney before he could tell him the secret was hilarious. That neighborhood lady was a piece of work.
  9. Wow. I heard the director say in a Q&A that his favorite episode was Stuart taking off his shirt but I thought he was just joking! 😍 I'll be replaying that scene for sure.
  10. Yes, such a macabre practice. There's a newish period show about a postmortem photographer on Acorn (also available on Amazon Prime Video, I think) called Dead Still. I mean I guess I can sort of understand the need to have a picture but, still, kind of creepy. 😳
  11. She's basically just a caricature. There for cheap laughs and little else.
  12. I agree. I don't think that Wellington, deep down, would want a long term romantic partner who was demure and always deferring to him. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that Eliza is the standard for women in his mind, whether he's consciously aware of it or not. And Eliza would surely never want a man who would never stand up to her. She'd never respect a man who would let her walk all over him or lead him around by the nose.
  13. Well, throughout history there have always been women who were ahead of their time. Otherwise women still wouldn't have the vote and we wouldn't have women physicians, lawyers, engineers, elected officials, etc. Thank goodness for all the women who have colored outside the lines!
  14. Sometimes you have to walk a bit in someone else's shoes to truly get where they're coming from. I think that being unfairly passed over for a promotion gave Wellington a taste of the unfair biases that Eliza faces every day. What a fun show! I've been enjoying it immensely. The chemistry between the actors is lightning in a bottle. Showrunners always hope for it but it doesn't always happen. I really enjoy Rupert, too. I wish there was more of him.
  15. rove4

    S01.E01: Pilot

    That was my reaction to that too. Overall I'm kind of 'meh' about the pilot. Even if she thought Cody and Jenny were done as a married couple, it's still kind of shitty for Cassie to start sleeping with/dating her friend's estranged husband. And Cody, well, Ryan Phillipe or not, I wasn't sad to see him go. I was completely turned off by seeing the two women get into a knock-down-drag-out fight over a man. Just, no. At least now viewers will be spared the love triangle nonsense. I was also turned off when THREE healthy young women couldn't overpower the schmuck who'd kidnapped them, even though they took him by surprise. And that not a one of them thought to grab the taser from him. Are there any women on the writing team? And, if so, why are they allowing this dreck to happen? If one of the women ever manages to escape, I bet she trips, falls, and gets recaptured. 😒 I might give this another episode or so, for Katheryn Winnick's sake, but this didn't impress me.
  16. I think the informant's actions made perfect sense. He knew the other two guys were up to something shady but didn't know they were going to shoot people in broad daylight. I guess maybe he suspected a quick snatch-n-grab robbery. He drove the getaway car because, as he told OA, the Freedom Fighters were starting to suspect him so he went with OA's past advice to deflect suspicion by pretending to go along. He freaked out because at his first meeting with him, OA flat out told him that the driver would be considered just as guilty as the actual shooters. He was already on edge at the start so it's natural that his paranoia would have him start to doubt OA's intentions. I was actually expecting him to kill himself at the end. So Kristin is just gone? I wonder if it was the actress' decision or the show's. Too bad, I liked her. Seems weird that Maggie didn't mention her absence since it seems she's just getting back from her undercover stint. I liked Emily too so if Kristin had to be written out I wish they'd just kept her. I found Tiffany a bit abrasive at first but I liked how she handled the hostile street dude. Her coming clean about why she left the NYPD paves the way for a better working relationship with Scola. I did like that even though Tiffany came on with her thorns bared, Scola didn't respond in kind. He gave her room to settle in. I don't care for Nestor. He comes off as smarmy though I'm sure that's not the intent.
  17. I read the first few Joe Pickett books but found them to be on the boring side, tbh, so never continued on with the series. I find it hard to believe that the author could ever write something Twin Peak-ish but maybe his style evolved over the course of the series. I'll be checking this out in any case.
  18. I just finished the season and I agree that the first episode or two was a bit slow but it doesn't take long for the show to hit its stride. I really enjoyed it and there were a few jump scares along the way.
  19. Just got finished watching this show and it was slightly better at the end than it was at the start. I have zero interest in the Nimue/Arthur romance because 1) I see no sexual chemistry there, and 2) we all know who he really ends up with. I always fast-forwarded past all their flirty banter scenes. Not to mention that this version of Arthur is on the bland side. I kept getting annoyed that he was going around resolving all the behind-the-scenes issues when this is supposed to be Nimue's show. I would've preferred it if Arthur was treated like Batman in the Arrowverse...out there somewhere but never actually seen. I think this would've worked better if this show allowed the audience to meet the rest of the Arthurian tale characters and get to know them as people completely outside of Arthur's impending influence. Let me meet and get to appreciate Gawain on his own merit rather than being almost immediately turned off because the two engage in a pissing contest over who Nimue. Characters I liked: Squirrel/Percival, Merlin, Pym, the Widow (before getting killed by Sister Igraine, which...how?) Super annoyed that Sister Alice lived. I mean, c'mon. Merlin should've fried her. And I agree with others that it makes no sense that the anti-women church would just accept her word that she killed the Wolf Witch. Not sure I'll check out season two, should they get one, unless I'm bored and there's nothing else to watch.
  20. rove4

    S01.E02: Cherry

    Just started watching this show and made it through this episode. So the purpose of killing Supes is...what, exactly? Vought is a corrupt organization, for sure, and should be taken down but surely not every Supe is "in the know". Starlight certainly had no idea prior to becoming one of The Seven - and even now she doesn't know how far and deep the corruption goes. And while it seems that some of the Supes are grade A douchebags, that doesn't mean they deserve to be murdered. Does Billy Butcher have a system for deciding which Supes should die as opposed to which ones don't? Or does he (and French dude) want to kill them all?
  21. A bit random but I'm currently binge watching Lark Rise to Candleford and the actor who plays Daniel popped up in a guest starring role. 😊
  22. I enjoyed the season and, to be honest, I like Will better than Sidney...or at least the Sidney from latter part of his run on the show. I binge watched the series, being new to it, so that I could start on time with this season. Seen that way, Sydney was really hard to take by the end. I was more than ready for him to move on. I find Will and the blind spots created by his daddy issues, as well as his issues with his mother's choice to remarry, much more relatable. And I don't think Will is any worse at the doing the day-to-day Vicaring than his predecessor. That said, I really rolled my eyes hard at Will having sex with Grace. Really? He's chosen to be celibate until marriage, even holding off Ellie - the woman he professes to actually like, only to do a Sidney and fall into bed with a woman he's just met. It must've been some magical sex too since it seemed to get Will to face up to some of his recent shortcomings. 🙄 Leonard is still my favorite. He had a knee jerk reaction to discovering his father's truth so I don't really fault him for that. Time will tell what he does with his feelings about it going forward, assuming it's ever addressed again. Loved the scene with Leonard and Mrs. C in the church. Loved that she invited Daniel to the party. Ellie hasn't really won me over. Looking forward to season six!
  23. I just recently binge watched the first four seasons. Frankly, I was ready for Sydney to leave. I don't see the way he was written off as being a true HEA . Don't have him drinking and then having sex with woman he JUST MET on the same night she learns her brother was murdered if you want me to buy that he's ready in any way, shape, or form for a long term relationship or that he's progressed past using alcohol and sex to self-medicate. Anyhooooo, I like Will. I especially like his voice, I could listen to him talk all day. I was hoping there'd be more attention paid to the fallout from Geordie's affair but I guess that's all just been swept under the rug. He lived out of his office for all of an episode and things were back to normal. How emotionally unsatisfying. And what happened to Margaret? She just disappeared from the show without even a passing mention that she'd quit. Is there a reason Geordie's police partners are always changing season to season? Leonard is my favorite. Hands down. He's always either making me chuckle or he's breaking my heart.
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