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Same here. I binged the show this past weekend and was entertained, which is all I was looking for. I'll be back for season two. I really liked Neagley too and would love for her to show up again in the next season. I totally agree on your take on Roscoe. I hope she stays in Reacher's rear view mirror. I did like Finlay though and his interactions with Reacher. Maybe Reacher will stumble onto a case that takes him to Boston.
The Good Karma Hospital - General Discussion
rove4 replied to Meredith Quill's topic in The Good Karma Hospital
None of the articles I've read about season four mention the actor Not sure if that's considered a spoiler but just in case... -
That guy could carry Cruise in his pocket. 😆
I'd say this is true for all the main cast, not just Eddie and Christopher. They might kill off second tier characters, like anyone at the call center not named May or Maddie. But Athena, Hen, Chimney, Buck, or Bobby? Highly doubt it, unless one of the actors ever decides to leave the show. This isn't TWD or GoT where main characters dying is the norm rather than the exception. On this show, the main characters are all encased in plot armor.
Yeah, I have to say that this show is not making me want to read more of the books. I read the first two and lost interest and I already feel my interest waning for the show. I'll keep watching just to support the genre but the pacing is clunky, the dialogue is bad at times. the special effects are dodgy, and Nynaeve fighting the trolloc? Please. 🙄 I wonder if, after seeing the finished product, Rosamund PIke is regretting her involvement in this.
I think Leonard now realizes how strong he really is. If he's sticking around Grantchester, I'm excited to see what he's able to do with his newfound confidence. Loved him confronting Mrs. C about her scheme against Henry - "I'd know this shade of lipstick anywhere." 🤣 I also really enjoyed Leonard speaking to Henry and calling Mrs. C a "right of passage". Leonard holds no ill will against Henry and that was lovely to see. Speaking of Henry, I quite like him. I loved that he explained himself to Will but also rightly pointed out that he's held to a higher standard and likely has to perform twice as well to just be considered equal. While I like Will, he does deserve to have some sort of consequence for always shirking his primary duties as the vicar. I love Cathy and I'm glad she's sticking to her guns. As much as I felt for Geordie, he needs to sort things out for himself first. Overall I enjoyed the season. The mysteries have always been incidental to me, even back in Sidney's day. I'm here for the characters so they could do away with the murder aspect altogether and I'd still tune in to see how these characters navigate their lives. I still find it weird that they never mentioned what happened to Ellie, the journalist lady from last season. Then again, the police station has had staff come and go with no mention either.
Confession: I'm not a superfan of the books. I only started the series last year, read the first two books, started the third, got about to the halfway mark before setting it down and never picking it up again. It still sits there on my desk, mocking me. I think if I had read them when I was in my twenties (or younger) and they had been one of my earliest introductions to the genre I probably would have loved them. That didn't happen. I came to the series after years and years of reading other books in the genre so even though I know that Jordan and WoT came first and inspired many of these later books, what I've read of WoT so far just seems rather tame. I don't feel any investment in the characters even though I'm a few thousand pages in. I'm still looking forward to the show and am hoping that it will be great and thus inspire me to continue on with the series. I'm taking all overly positive or negative reviews with a grain of salt. Reviews from superfans, especially ones who have WoT specific blogs/Youtube channels, etc might be affected by the reality that the continued popularity of their blog/YT channel will be tied to the fate of the show. And non-genre fans often miss the whole point. So I'll watch and make up my own mind but I do also have some concerns because none of the trailers have overly wowed me.
I'll give it some time. Sometimes the first season is about a show finding its rhythm. I remember not being particularly invested in the mothership or FBI:MW during their first seasons, either.
True. But that's probably why I never stuck with any of those shows for long, not enough meat to keep me interested. 😁
Well, a show about murder mysteries is always going to have dead people and the people who killed them, lol. But it's still all very "clean". There's hardly ever any blood associated with the murders and, for me, they lack any real deep dive into the darker psychological aspects of why people kill. It's not as saccharine sweet as anything on the Hallmark channel but it still feels pretty PG rated to me though obviously mileage varies on that.
Finally got caught up with the season. I'm surprised so many people are finding the show dark this season. As sad as I am for Leonard (my favorite character!), and as worried as I am that the actor may be leaving the show, I still find the show to be pretty light in comparison to other things I watch. It's still very much a cozy mystery to me. And I personally like getting more of a look into the personal lives of the characters. They are what draw me to the show. The mysteries have always been incidental to me. Ugh, I can't stand Will's step-sister. She's just annoying. I don't care one little bit about whatever her poor-little-rich-girl backstory turns out to be. Whatever happened the journalist lady from last season, Ellie was it? That character just up and disappeared. I'm glad Geordie's affair was brought back up again. That sort of thing probably always lives on in the shadows so I'm glad to see that Kathy hasn't magically forgotten all about it ever happening. I'm hard pressed to see how Leonard can possibly ever return to his duties as Curate, which makes me super sad. I want him to be happy and to be able to be with the man that he loves. I just want him to be able to do it in Grantchester. Not realistic, I know. Darn it all. I do like Henry though, so if he's the permanent Curate I think it could work out fine. He may be "by the book" right now but I think the Grantchester folks will worm their ways into his heart eventually.
Yes, loved her in that show. I think she's a great addition to the show and I like that she's not necessarily sliding into her new role without a few bumps along the way. When you start a job in new place it takes awhile to get the lay of the land, so to speak. Plus, it never hurts to have a another smart, savvy woman around. I can't say I have any interest in LaCroix's in-laws. I've never been much interested in his home life, period. I will miss Clinton and Kenny though. I'm not sure what went down with Nathaniel Arcand's exit from the show but I know that Kellan Lutz chose to leave for family reasons and. well, the show (and the team) have to go on.
I'm still in. I like the actors and I think the team works well together. I'm not thrilled about the romantic relationship between Forrester and Jamie but at least it hasn't seemed to bleed over into their work life...yet, anyway. I think this is a solid addition to the FBI lineup and, as I recall, I wasn't immediately sold on OG FBI or Wanted either. It took several episodes in both shows for the characters to win me over.
I think the concept is interesting but the execution is, so far, leaving a lot to be desired. A lot of the acting was just baaaad, IMO. Don't even get me started on the special effects... I'm not one for hate watching shows because I just don't have the time for that, plus there is nothing about this show that leads me to believe for even one millisecond that it will last out the season. I'm one and done. ETA: Oh yeah, the reference to LOST didn't endear the show to me AT. ALL. But at least that show started out strong.
They couldn't just let Max and Helen be happy together for five minutes. *sigh* And this is all for nothing because I don't really believe that either actor is planning to leave the show. Reynolds just needs to let go of that whole relationship mess. Unless he's truly ready to share his lover with another man...and all that that entails...then he just needs to let it go. There's no chemistry there anyway, IMO. C'mon Bloom. You're smarter than that. Iggy needs Dr. Kapoor. 😢