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Everything posted by calliope1975

  1. I recently applied for (and was not selected to interview) a Story Manager position at Marvel. The job description was basically you keep track of everything that happens in the MCU for continuity and reference purposes. I'm still slightly bummed, but maybe it's better to not meet or work for your heroes - heroes being a corp that I have given way too much money to.
  2. My guess is Kate will say something in the chat to Ashley about not telling the whole truth, like she did in an earlier episode, and it will cause Ashley to doubt her story. It is a wild invasion on Ashley's part though I understand her intent. I'm also curious since I think the first time I went into an internet chat I was in college around 96 - 97 - that chat room was titled something like Kidnap Victims. I know you can find something for anything now, and I definitely grew up fairly sheltered, but how many kidnap victims are looking to chat online in the early 90's? Anyhoo, this is quickly becoming my favorite show and I'm rec'ing it to everyone I know.
  3. As a Jennifer who graduated high school in '94 and at one point, had 7 fellow Jennifer's in a Home Economics class...yes. My friends were Megans, Jessica, and my BFF was a Stephanie. I'm really enjoying this show so far, and they're doling out just enough information each ep to keep me hooked. It really reminds me of an episode of a show called Monsterland on Hulu that had basically the same premise. Popular girl goes missing, less popular girl is taken in by friendgroup, starts dating the missing girl's boyfriend, and then missing girl pops up on the wedding day. That whole show was hit or miss but this one was an okay ep except the popular girl's friendgroup immediately turn on their new friend and get vaguely racist. Anyhoo. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11489148/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_6
  4. I wish there had been a shot of Rhodey watching Sam's speech or some way of showing that he knew Sam was now Cap. Would've been a nice wraparound from the first ep.
  5. I forgot to mention I was a bit bummed none of the Flag Smashers decided Karli was too off the rails. It was hinted at a few times over the last episodes, but they stuck with her til the end. Okay, mostly I'm just bummed that the hottie Asian Aussie isn't going to be around anymore, because I'm shallow and he was hot and I liked looking at him. (If you haven't seen Asian Bachelorette on YouTube, there's 2 videos, both are great, and he's in the second one.)
  6. I had a lot of fun with this ep. So happy for Sam. I loved the reveal of him in full costume, even if I'm not sure if I love the color scheme. But he had so many Big Damn Hero moments. The speech went on for a bit, but everything he said was true. I did think Walker's turn needed a few more beats to make sense, but I'm glad WR is presumably sticking around. Walker badly needs therapy for PTSD, and for some reason, I don't think Val is going to offer it up. It'll be interesting where he pops up again. Oh Bucky. You got invited to the cookout! (And don't worry - you'll be invited back to Wakanda someday.) I loved those last scenes of him playing with the kids and being all charming. All of the Isaiah Bradley stuff was fantastic. From him watching Sam's speech and starting to understand where Sam is coming from and what he's trying to do, to that hug which made me grab a tissue. There was so much emotion and history in that simple action. And Eli - come through! I am stoked at how the MCU is building Young Avengers. For me, I thought Sharon's turn made perfect sense. I don't think she was snapped, and she had to do what she needed to survive. She did genuinely help Sam and Bucky - they weren't around when she was taking out an entire squadron of bad guys. She could have let them get killed or not answered her phone multiple times. But a girl's also got to look out for herself. I don't see her as evil, but more of a dark grey. And besides, if the Power Broker had been Mephisto or someone else, I would have been more disappointed because she was set up the entire way as PB. I thought Torres might show up with the wings at the end, but we've got to have something for Season 2 - which come on, Marvel, give it to me! Overall, I was very pleased with this entire season. The character growth was fantastic, the action was mostly well done, the old and new characters brought something new to the table. Kudos to all!
  7. In gif form And just for fun, because I was appreciating the Wakanda arm upgrade during the boat scenes. (I was appreciating a lot of Sam and Bucky this episode.)
  8. I was thinking how the Veep crew would handle superheroes, and all I could come up with was badly.
  9. I'm glad they're on relatively good terms. Bucky may not be invited to the next cookout, but they'll still make a plate for him. I love that an independent Black country is making tech for an African-American, and I'll join you in that cry. As someone who has no idea what part of Africa my ancestors were from, there's something significant there that I can't fully express coherently. I loved the emotional bro talk. I also thought of how good Sam was counseling Bucky and both of them putting Steve in the past. Not forgetting him but moving on and becoming more than Friends of Steve. Frankly, just adopt/marry Bucky now. Bucky Barnes-Wilson. Make it happen. I also thought Bucky should have easily taken down Walker on his own, but then I read a comment that it was 2 guys trying to immobilize a supe, not kill him, and I'm sure that's more difficult. I think if Bucky had gone full kill mode, it would have been over much quicker. I like the addition of JLD to the MCU. I hope we get an eventual scene with her and Fury. Don't know much about her character beyond a quick Wiki search, but I appreciate adding more - mature is a terrible word to use but ?? - actresses. My favorite part of the GRC takeover was the switch in mood lighting to red. Like, what AV tech made that decision, lol.
  10. During the heat of battling a giant alien force, Steve took the time to introduce himself as Steve Rogers to a sentient teenage tree, and I will love him forever for that. Agreed, and while part of me would like to see Steve tell both Sam and Bucky to stop putting him on one, I'm also hoping to see them come to that realization on their own. I am apparently one of the very few who was perfectly happy with Steve's ending in Endgame, but I'm fine with his friends being angry at Steve for leaving or whatever other complicated emotions they may have. Don't know if any of it will be done in 2 episodes, but we shall see.
  11. ETA: I realized opening old wounds is pointless. People will believe what they want so I deleted my experience. I'll just leave it at - I believe Dylan.
  12. I think even with Hulk and Thor we've seen they are also the exceptions. They tried to replicate Hulk and got Abomination. And Thor's also fought similarly powered Loki and Hela. It's because Bruce Banner and Thor are inherently good that they can wield that power - and at least BB/Hulk knew to remove himself from civilization while he got control over himself. It would not surprise me one iota if the Govt embraced a murdery Cap, sadly. The last 10 minutes were very stressful for me, and I couldn't watch Walker defile the Shield like that. But damn, that final image. I could totally see that as a comic cover or the end page. I'm glad Zemo got away. It keeps him on the board for maybe more fun shenanigans in the future, and I am supremely confident that if the Dora want to find him, they will. I also appreciated that he was sincere in his goal of getting rid of super soldiers. None of this - well, maybe I should keep some/try it. Nope. He saw those vials and got all smashy. RIP Lamar. I did enjoy your expressions as you realized your bestie was starting to lose it. You deserved better than to die for that white man.
  13. I had never read any comics with Songbird and don't know anything about her, but I always play as her character in Lego Marvel Super Heroes lol. I'm all for a Thunderbolts show/movie. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun.
  14. This is from Civil War but seeing Zemo/DB again made me think of it. It also reminds me of a comment I saw on another board that Zemo will likely betray Sam and Bucky but he might also pay off Sam's family boat before he leaves. He's pretty chaotic evil.
  15. This is a very sweet thread about the shield and Cap by Desmond Chiam who plays Flag Smasher "Davich." (That pic isn't a spoiler, just a personal pic.)
  16. That's why I want to see some of Bucky's time in Wakanda. I also like to think he trained a bit with them and that's where his metal rod spear throwing skills came from. 😁
  17. So they did the same with Karli that they did with JW. Oh, maybe they're not so bad....oop, nope, they suck. I wonder if her hot cohort will eventually defect since she's gone murdery. I enjoyed Zemo just casually saying stuff randomly to undermine Sam and Bucky's beliefs. DB is great, and I'd like a gif of his dad dancing. Can I get a 6 episode series of Bucky's time in Wakanda? The Dora Milaje don't play so I'm curious if and how Bucky's going to convince Ayo to hold off. Sharon's totally on a mission, but I appreciated her guilt trip AND she took out a entire battalion of bad guys while the boys chatted up that creepy scientist. Better than Erskine my ass.
  18. I'm not sure where memes or random show stuff should go, but this made me laugh.
  19. Wish I could take credit for it, but someone else here came up with it when JW was first introduced. (Sorry I can't remember who!) It seems like the perfect descriptor.
  20. This is just a guess, but Cosplay Cap said he followed the Avengers. What better way to show he's now CapAm then by creating his own little Avengers team with Falcon (an Avenger) and Bucky (OG Cap's best friend and reformed assassin)? It would legitimize him. Sure, he got quite the fanfare welcome in his hometown, but I wonder what the general response from the rest of America/the World is to new Cap. I also noticed how excited Walker and his wingman were to be fighting the Supes until the Supes kicked their asses. He's definitely a soldier through and through but how much, if any, experience does he have with the Big Three? I randomly just remembered Thor's response to meeting Carol. What would his response be to meeting John?
  21. Doing a rewatch and it was more obvious the trucks were a set up. Why I'm not sure. Maybe the supes could hear their loud asses in the warehouse. I also noticed and liked how all the Baltimore neighbors came out when the police showed up. My only criticism is no one had their phone out and in reality that would have been live streamed on every social media platform with #falconwhileblack trending.
  22. I was, too! It was such a great scene and then to think that Steve has a freaking Smithsonian exhibit and Isaiah was used, abused, and thrown away. Infuriating. And all too accurate and realistic.
  23. I would watch 5 seasons (1/2 hour eps) of Bucky and Sam having therapy. Rise WinterFalcon rise. I'd also like a series or movie (not picky) on Isaiah Bradley's life. I know Fury didn't know about Hydra's infiltration, and I'm guessing he didn't know about Isaiah either. I definitely can't see him sitting on that info. I'm glad they aren't shying away from race. Half the population disappears and returns but we gotta keep up that good ole racism! I'm on the fence about the Flag Smashers. They obviously think they're doing a good thing, and they've pissed off someone who's presumably dangerous. And Wyatt Russell is doing a great job of almost being a good guy but getting douchier by the minute. I'm interested to see where he'll land on the hero to villain spectrum when this is over.
  24. I agree. I never really liked the Cap's an old man jokes, but I got it, because I always thought, other than the world being radically different, Cap and Bucky should still feel the age they were when frozen. It makes sense that Steve/Bucky would have the social cues of the 40s but not oh he'll like hanging with old people simply because he's been alive 100 years.
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