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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Or he goes into a monologue about how his uncle developed a perfectly balanced pistol, and they used to go out in the meadow and shoot targets in the spring, in the spring, when all the flowers were blooming and the scents were just overwhelming, and... Kemp finally yells "I can't take this anymore!" and pulls out his own gun and kills himself.
  2. It occurs to me that both of their pistols were automatics, and thus eject the shells as they are fired. The PD, in the real world at least, checks all evidence for fingerprints. Dembe might not be in the system, but Red is, from the Lizzie-sponsored arrest. And I'll bet that he didn't think to clean each cartridge as he loaded the magazine that morning.
  3. I doubt that Dom's death could be written in to the story line at this late date, but I hope they at least give Brian Dennehy a memorial card at the end of an episode. That is, if the writers even remember Dom's existence.
  4. It was kind of nice to see Reddington, the king of chess moves, get genuinely fooled for once. Best line of the night: Red: "I'll get rid of the truck. I'll sink it in a lake somewhere." Dembe in a suit! I agree about the police and their sirens. Unfortunately, it's a tv trope. So Red's interrogator told him that Lizzy knows he's not Ilya? Is that what he said? Anyway, things are not looking good for her. Agent Park must have been suspended for a week for beating up that guy in the basement.
  5. I could see that happening (the report). For Worker's Compensation issues, if nothing else.
  6. Reminds me of all the bad jokes people made about Elvis Presley's Burning Love. Just what was Severide planning to do at the wrecking yard, since he was cut off by the no work order? He implied it was more than just talk to the guy. Someone needs to put a leash on him. He would have been on the hook, along with the city and the FD, for serious civil liability, not to mention possible criminal charges. I wonder if CFD let the producers use a few out of date hazmat suits, or if the show replaced them out of the budget. That would be a chunk of money. At least the show, for once, showed people in the proper PPE for such an incident. No bare heads, tee shirts, etc. But it wouldn't have hurt to drag a hose into the mess, in case they got an explosion or something. Oh, wait.
  7. I wish I could have dictated the terms of my employment. Nap time! Sounds great. I see more conflict in the future with Dr. Shin's 'It's not my job' attitude. And they sure did drop the love interest anvil in a hurry. Granted, this was supposed to be his second episode, but still. I don't see the divorced couple's situation ending well, even though it probably won't be part of the show.
  8. I think Foster is a dead man walking. He should have taken the resign now option. Once any suspicion of smuggling is made, Safiya could legally walk him off the grounds and suspend him, union or not. If anything is proven, he's done. Prison time.
  9. I think Fredwynn's re-entry to the crypt and the voiceover saying "In this case, he's right", coupled with the discovery that the cremains vase actually held candy, are meant to show that Clara isn't dead after all, and there is more to it. Who paid for breakfast at the diner? They all left. Were there any other players in this game? I know that everyone was separated into teams at the beginning, but my impression was that they were all actors and our heroes are the only four out of the loop until recently. Seems like a huge expense for just those four, and what's the end game?
  10. This was finally a somewhat interesting case. Two flaws that I could see, based on the FBI testimony: the nurse did not administer the drugs, therefore she could argue that she is not guilty of the federal statute (there is no federal law against assisted suicide itself); and, secondly, the FBI would require a warrant to arrest her, which means the federal attorney for that district would have to sign off on it first. They couldn't just go off by themselves and say 'this person needs to be arrested'. Anyway, I think a far better solution would have been for the nurse to call the Public Defender from the judge's office (forget about the 'there's no time' excuse) and submit to arrest. The PD could make arrangements for her and then someone could bail her out. I was interested in Benny's argument invoking the 10th Amendment. Do federal authorities have the right to interrupt a state trial? Regardless of the outcome, that state ADA should get reprimanded by her office. She done screwed up big time. I did like the federal judge. He didn't take no shit from anybody. Benny actually had to contain his grandstanding somewhat. And that was a surprise at the sentencing hearing when I thought that the judge in question was going to be the defendant.
  11. Hey, you never know when you might get a 404 error on the computer. You gotta be ready.
  12. I did a quick search and found the MOU (contract) between Los Angeles and the LAPD. The section I quoted below is from the contract: "The Chief of Police has the authority to transfer and assign employees of the Department. Such transfers and assignments are not grievable and are not arbitrable regardless of the reason for the transfer." By "not grievable", it means the Union cannot file a complaint or otherwise stop a transfer of police officers. So, the Union guy's threat to sue Tommy and the department if he heard about any transfer or action against the two dickheads cops is basically toothless. And Tommy should take some action because the case is certain to become public very soon and inaction is not going to sit well with the public.
  13. That was his plan all along, right? He has Aram pegged, so he hires some random guy to put on a beard and cassock, tells Aram to meet him at midnight, and then simply ponies up some fake documentation on the blood. Aram follows the trail like a small dog, the entire case goes away, and Red meets with Elodie to split the $10 million. True Red machination. If Red is the "Concierge of Crime", why is there so much he doesn't know? He can find the fragrance maker, but needs the FBI to go to Alaska to ferret out some Mags Bennett wannabe? By the way, the Wade Boggs incident is real. They never have found his plane. Why were his shipments being routed through Alaska in the first place? Smuggling them back down to the continental US still entails going through customs twice, because there's this country called Canada in the way. Why not turn some customs agent in Seattle? By the way, Ressler, if you don't want to take your brother's calls (plot point! Stay tuned!), block the number. Duh. This is always a big laugh point for me. They have an entire heavily armed and armored SWAT team break into a house, and the lead actors are always in front, bareheaded with a minimal vest on. Plot armor! Just as a thought, Alaska FBI agents...Make a quick check of public records for land ownership in Alaska. You might find a description of the land grant to Ulluluq, complete with a location. Then you wouldn't have been scolded by the great Ressler. I guess it makes a difference how it's spelt.
  14. Many urban firehouses keep the bay doors closed and all the doors locked for that reason. You ring the doorbell and someone comes to meet you. I remember seeing a Riverside County FS in southern California that had bulletproof vests for the personnel if the call was deemed hazardous. Rural fire stations are often more accessible.
  15. I would have thought that Tommy had the good sense to go along with the legal counsel's recommendation in the beginning, and square things up later. She's supposed to be a skilled chief and had at least some experience in dealing with a difficult situation. I mean, yeah, the PD guy that shot the father was completely out of line, but you don't admit something like that, even tacitly. Wouldn't a search warrant be easy enough to obtain to convince the game operator to hand over the IDs of the players? There was certainly some exigent circumstances there. I wonder what the two officers' body cameras will show if that student they arrested decides to bring a lawsuit against the city. Not to mention the story about how they arrested Tommy's daughter. I don't give her any points for saying "The Chief of Police is my mother". To me, that's whining. Take the arrest, call an attorney, and let the press know. Phone call from the Mayor at the end. Hmmm. We know he/his agents are spying on her.
  16. Note to CFD - When there is trouble at the firehouse, secure the firehouse. Those bay doors should have come down the minute the rumble guys showed up. And you let them inside the fire house? Are the writers forgetting that it's a battalion station, and that there are administrative staff, albeit unseen, in the building also? CPD should have responded enough officers to counter the crowd in the station. Start hooking people up with zip ties immediately. Confiscate all cell phones. Hold them responsible. In my state, interfering with a firefighter in the normal performance of duties is a felony (PC 452). If I was the property owner who lost his garage to the fire that 51 missed, that guy in the hospital would be on the hook for a lot of money. I liked Severide's idea to cut the PVC out, but not the use of the Slammigan. How hard would he have to hit that tube, and then twist it to open it up? No potential for injury there, nope. Why not just cut it on both sides? And, to absolutely no one's surprise, Scott wanted Sylvie to take the baby. Because she has so much spare time to raise a child, no doubt.
  17. Or they're ripping off The Good Place and making them come back again and again until they improve. Of course, having to return to this crowd every time might make me opt for the butthole spiders. I'm on her side, actually. If you see something, say something. The duffel could have been a bomb, even though she wasn't seated in the best position. I blame the patrol cop, instead. When Michaela flashed her badge and said 'it's an undercover operation', the cop should have known to back off and let it roll through, instead of calling her sergeant. Always time for questions later.
  18. I liked Bull's description of Benny when he walked in on him during the phone call. Can't remember all of it, but it was serious snark. The episode went downhill from there. I went back during the testimony and rewatched the beginning. The light was green.
  19. So Michaela thinks it was a good idea to put $1million dollars of meth back on the streets on a convoluted, may not even work rescue plan? You know, there are people who could have helped you set up that sting. Where would you find them? Oh yeah, the police department. Duh. Grace snapping at the PD Captain about how she would regret it if Cal was harmed in any way should have brought a response along the lines of "If any of those crooks gets away you will be watching Cal graduate high school from a video monitor in prison". A moron like Grace has no right to yell at anyone. Can someone tell me how Zeke, barely able to walk, even face down in the snow at one point, managed to beat Ben and Michaela to the lake? Was that an SR-71 on the flight deck of the USS Intrepid? Sure enough, I looked it up and the museum has a very similar A-12. Not really an carrier airplane, but what the heck. Speaking of planes, the wreckage brought up by the fishermen did have the Montego Air logo on the side, so that's how they knew it was 828. Unless Montego Air has a horrible safety record.
  20. Just as there is always parking in front of your destination.
  21. Glen is going to be just a little upset in the long run that he won that truck. The IRS considers game prizes as income, I understand, and taxes the winner on their value. The dealership would have had to report the ~$60,000 truck prize and Glen would have to do the same at tax time. Maybe he had a fake ID set up for the contest.
  22. It would have been a great cameo if Purcell had planted a dog in the woman's back yard and they had used on of Liz's missing dogs.
  23. Believe it or not, it's been done, out at a drop zone here in California. Filmed, too. The FAA got involved just to make sure there wasn't any distractions to the pilot while the couple was in the plane. Anyway, moving on.... Do we know who Liz is looking for? I didn't recognize the photo. The auto contest was done on Third Watch a long time ago, and the cop (Skip Sudduth) got taken out of the contest when one of the others arranged a fake purse snatching which he felt compelled to chase down. Nice to know that the server farm runs on a single 220volt line. Some terminally dumb people in this episode. Tech at the server center looks at Purcell, and says, "Oh yeah, you're the guy", even without ID? And don't those door handles work both ways? He should have been able to open the door by moving the handle up. Second up, who opens their door to a stranger in a parking garage? And lastly, who lets a stranger into their house/yard on the flimsy excuse of "I lost my dog"? If Elodie is capable enough to arrange a delayed reaction aneurysm to her husband, Aram should probably shuffle off exit stage left. He's in way over his head. Just had a thought- maybe she's an honest to God Blacklister!
  24. Because it would violate one of the basic tenets of television crime drama: Prison guards must be stupid. It's right up there with 'When being chased by the bad guys, you must a) run down the middle of the street and, b)keep looking behind you to see if they are still chasing you. A subparagraph requires that the man always hold the woman by the hand while running because, you know, they can both run faster that way.
  25. I got a laugh when the Mayor and the PR woman were talking on the morning after and I misheard her saying "I took a leap coming here" as "I took a leak coming here." The LAPD is stumbling over who would want the rapper/activist dead, and I kept saying "It's the developer." Outside forces are generating online conflict between two gangs. Hint: It's the developer. There's a boatload of money to be made gentrifying the area. Hint: It's the developer. Doesn't anyone on the force watch tv? A side question: If Tommy came from an outside department to take the Chief job, would she have all those service stripes on her uniform? She hasn't put in 30 years with the LAPD?
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