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Everything posted by sleepyjean

  1. Alexandria's younger sister Victoria was chosen for the Patriots Cheerleaders this year. I wonder how she would be received if she ever decided to audition for DCC.
  2. I always like to look through the prior year's finalists and speculate on who will try out again. Whelp, we can strike Joi Smith off the list (finalist 2017 and 2018). She auditioned for the Chiefs this year and made the team. (Side note, the Chiefs also had a guy audition this year. He's #71 in their semifinalist gallery. He didn't make it to finals.)
  3. Much less than that! I'd be surprised if it was even half that. These are photos of everyone before the open call last year. They've had to get creative about where they shoot Kelli's welcome speech each year. Last year they tucked them into one of the corner sections to make the group look bigger. It's difficult to count - I tried a few times. 15 women per row, and maybe 10-12 rows total. Definitely under 200.
  4. Macy auditioned for the Bucs Cheerleaders (see below). I guess the Dolphins are the only Florida team snatching up the Dallas girls. I don't think the DCC are *everything*. Just because you're not right for them, doesn't mean you don't have something to bring to the table, and I enjoy seeing girls who didn't make the team thrive on other squads, like Whitney Robertson and Jenny Smith. I wonder if this will be a trend, with more and more women like them (and like Macy) pursuing their goals outside of the DFW sports dance bubble. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. I don't guess we'll be seeing Macy at DCC auditions, but she's clearly still invested enough to go to the time and expense of auditioning in Tampa, so maybe she will give DCC another go, after all. The numbers have really diminished at DCC auditions these last couple of years. That makes things easier for us, because if Pro Dance Cheer is shooting the auditions, they'll be able to capture pretty much everyone who was there, and they always make sure to get pics of the girls from other DFW teams.
  5. That list was copied from the first page of this thread. Dccfan37 posted it on Jan 13. Nice of the FB group to credit their source.
  6. Really? JD said it twice - Sire has talent, but he acts a fool, so what people remember is him acting a fool, and not how talented he his. He said it twice, and I don't think Sire absorbed it either time. Sire can take direction when it comes to some things, like in the video shoot, but when it comes to rapping and performing, he is one of those people who does not understand that being yourself and learning from others - particularly those with some wisdom to share - aren't mutually exclusive. Sire's mother has been so busy blowing him up his whole life, he sees no deficits in himself. He needed a dose of humility, but I don't think he got one. Neither did Nya. If they didn't win, it's not because they didn't have what JD was looking for, it must be because JD was looking for the wrong things. He - with all of his experience and knowledge in this field - must be the one who is wrong. I'm shaking my head over the whole thing. And I'll be real - I hope Brandi felt terrible after that. Not because her son lost, but because she placed the burden of the entire family on her 14 year old, and he failed. Who does that do to their kid? Tyeler seemed like the obvious choice to me. She was the most polished and professional, she took direction, she worked hard, she'd be easy to work with, and even though London could be over the top, she was extra in the way that makes you snicker and roll your eyes, not in the way that makes you intensely dislike her. I hope that she is doing well. A few random thoughts: Dustin's talking head about how much he had sacrificed to be on the show was incredibly aggravating to me. He is a single dad with a seriously ill child. He took time away from his job and his kid go on a tv show and be the most useless manager ever to his other son - who had never performed, never done an interview, had no moves, no swag, and probably no real intention of ever pursuing rap as a career. If Dustin had looked into the show at all, he would have known that the token white kid has to be amazing to have any chance of winning this competition. I just don't understand the mental calculus he had to have done to make going on this show a good idea. I hate hate hate the battles. I started FF-ing through them about halfway through the season. I hope we've seen the last of those. I also didn't like the makeover episode. I didn't like it the season they went to goodwill either. Just bring the kids some cool clothes, coach them on achieving their best look, and make them look fantastic. They really need to focus on continuity next season. It was so distracting every time they cut away to a talking head where the speaker looked completely different than they did in the scene just shown. Amayah, Tyeler, and Nya's mom's hair changed color every time. It pulled me out of the show every time because I'd start wondering when they got their hair done. So many bad weaves in that group. And I have to say it - that chain - and the guy who makes them - are so freaking tacky, it's comical.
  7. She seems like one of those people who is constantly prodding people's soft spots and passes it off as "teasing." Not a fan. I think it was just a combination of phobia and lack of information. None of that was rational thinking. He probably can't even explain what he means by "the plague." It was just funny, the lack of self-awareness on his part. There he is in a mask because someone might cough in the same room as him, and yet he was walking around with a giant, infected gob of flesh hanging off his arm, and no thought to wrapping it to protect himself or anyone else. That thing could've been wearing it's own mask. I'll be honest, if I was sitting in a doctor's waiting room, and someone coughed right next to me, I'd be a bit skeeved and would have one eye on their hands to see what they touched after (presumably) covering their mouth. But if Lenny sat next to me with that thing on his arm, I would be out of my chair before I'd even had a conscious thought about moving. I'd feel bad, and I'd pretend like I had to go to the bathroom or ask the receptionist a question, but I'd be gone. His friend must have the patience of a saint.
  8. This was the first episode of this show I have ever seen. I'm mostly interested in the dancing. I FF to watch the few dances that they show all the way through, then if the dance interested me enough, I'll go and watch the backstory. Seems like all competitive reality shows these days spend way too much time on these "overcoming adversity" story lines. I've seen so much of it, from Top Chef, to American Ninja Warriors, to Forged in Fire and Say Yes to the Dress, I'm just over it. Death, disease, amputation, poverty, etc. etc. etc. I suppose I've got tragedy fatigue. I liked Briar Nolet as well as Tobias & the EZTwins (hate the name EZTwins and I wonder if they have a different name in Slovenia). I thought both performances were polished, compelling, and had great musicality. I also liked their song choices and enjoy that WOD provides the information about the music. My only complain is that both had a lot going on...so much that it was hard to really absorb and appreciate because by the time my brain registered a cool move that I saw, they'd already done six other moves. Briar's was one trick after another, but they were linked together beautifully. I had to watch the T&ET dance several times to fully appreciate it, and I watched a workshop performance of it (below) that was much simpler (no roll-offs, no formation changes), if considerably less exciting, but helped me get a better look at what they were doing. I also watched a video of the rehearsal of the WOD version of the piece that did not have the cutaways to the judges, which was great. As others have said, the judges' reactions add no value. For one, it takes me out of the dance, and for two, they seem to be over-exaggerating their responses to the point where it's almost cartoonish. I know they are probably coached to do that, but geez, it's annoying.
  9. It's strange that they wouldn't put them on social media, since the team website doesn't. They have tons of pics on Instagram, why not cameos so we can see who is who? Very frustrating since almost the whole team will audition for DCC. I'm sure they'll post a group pic of those who make semis and finals, but it will be more difficult to figure out and name the ones who auditioned but didn't make it past the first round.
  10. This is last year's team. Are any of them on this year's squad, or was it 100% turnover? A lot of these girls were Sidekicks dancers too. I'll be keeping an eye out for these faces at DCC auditions. DCC numbers have been falling dramatically in the last few years. (Wasn't it less than 150 last year?) Statistically speaking, it looks like girls on local teams have a better and better chance at it every year, assuming out of state candidate numbers don't go up. EDIT: on a related note, do the AAIA ever post cameos anywhere? I'll like to get a better look at that squad so I can familiarize myself with faces prior to DCC tryouts.
  11. You're right, that's what it is. Here's another girl who made it. Thanks for clearing it up for me.
  12. I thought we'd see Maddie Dillon at DCC auditions again this year, but it looks like she made another team. I wonder which one. That looks like a partial logo behind her but I can't place it. I can't think of a sport that has cheerleader auditions this early in the year.
  13. This was the first episode of this show I've ever seen and WOW. It was really something. I've been following Amberlynn Reid's "weight loss" journey on youtube (and reading the totally brutal commentary on a different message board) and got curious about how other 600 pound people handle themselves in the world. In the case of Amberlynn, she tells outright lies, edits her videos and is choosy about what she shoots so as to conceal the extent to which her weight affects her. On this show, they really just let it all hang out, don't they? I watched the Maja episode on youtube, and I think some bits might've been edited out, but what I saw was more than enough. First thing I noticed is the extent to which everything is about the 600 pound person and her suffering. Is this show always like this? I mean, I know each episode is about a particular person, but I was struck by the fact that Maja wasn't just the center of the show, she was apparently the center of the universe as well. The way that woman whined and yowled and complained continuously...surely no one else in the entire history of western civilization has suffered so. The human mind and it's self-protective mechanisms are fascinating. How a woman can make the decision every day, several times a day, to sneak around and feed herself all the way to almost 700 pounds and then turn around and say her choices are her boyfriend's fault? Yet at that same time somehow justify continuing to live with this sabotaging Satan of a partner who was hell-bent on destroying her? It doesn't compute. It takes some impressive mental gymnastics to victimize yourself by eating almost to the point of immobility and then shift the blame to someone else, as if you aren't an independent adult with the agency and ability to direct your own behavior. We saw that she *can* control herself. She did it in front of Dr. Now. She just chose not to control herself with her "boyfriend/partner/spouse/whatever." He was sullen and immature. I'm not saying I agree with his behavior, but it was a very human response to his circumstances. In his position, I would have a very hard time being mature about it and taking the high road. He seemed to be gritting his teeth through much of the episode. At times he couldn't even look at her. Maybe what we saw was him choosing passive aggressive and sarcastic as the better option over explosive anger and one ugly scene after another. (In front of cameras, at that.) I don't think he intended from the beginning to ditch her in Texas. I think he believed the show was her last chance, and her only chance to ever get to a healthy weight. But I think once they moved, the stress of it all, plus being isolated with her, plus being away from his own support system and coping mechanisms really took its toll. This is a guy who had taken it and taken it and taken it, and figured he'd keep on taking it - until one day he couldn't do it anymore. He was DONE. It happens that way sometimes. People wake up to the bullcrap and all of a sudden, they can't tolerate it. Not for anther day, not another hour, or even another minute. I was surprised that he gave her any notice at all that he was leaving. I would've left while she was out 'running errands' and put a Dear Jane note on the fridge. (That it happened to be a neat solution to his problem, was an added bonus. Breaking up with her in Oregon would've been long, drawn out, and messy, and she seems like the type of person who would call incessantly until you block her number, and then she'd start driving by your house. Whether it was deliberate or not, he got her packed up and out of the house without any drama, and then slipped away back home, where he could live his life in peace without ever having to see or speak to her again.) Under normal circumstances, I would agree, but I think abusive behavior voids those sorts of commitments. You can't be "kind" to an abuser. They take it as their due and and keep right on treating you like crap.
  14. Jenn's prep class this week. Sarah's prep class
  15. TLC never seems to run out of people willing to act out a freakshow on national TV for attention and a few shekels. This was so strange. It definitely seemed like B&B were in the market for a pair of reasonably attractive twin mates who would go along with the whole conjoined at the hip thing, and J&J fit the suit, like a Johnny Bravo kind of thing. If there had been another pair of twins at the festival who met the criteria, J&J could just have easily wound up with them instead. I guess if they are all happy together, more power to them. I'd be interested to see what happens down the road when they are no longer "on the same page of life." If they find liking different cereal "troublesome" what happens when their lives diverge for real? I tapped out after the first half hour. Couldn't take anymore.
  16. Totally agree. I know you have to have swagger in this industry, but you have to back it up with talent, skill, work ethic, and professionalism. These kids all have some talent (to varying degrees), but when the other three elements are missing, the swagger sounds like a lot of hot air. I'm less and less impressed with Nya and Sire each week. Tyelor seems solid and I'm liking her more each week. I think all three of them are on the same level in terms of talent, and the difference in my reaction to the three comes down to their attitude. Self assurance and strength vs arrogance and bravado. (Although I do not love the whole Reign Gang thing. I know in this age of followers and subs, everyone wants to brag on their fanbase, however small. I know it's ubiquitous, but it turns me off. Imagine if Beyonce had run around wearing "Beyhive" merch in her early days. These days people have to do so little to get a little bit of shine. It makes them think they've accomplished more than they have...) According to Brandi and April the stylist, Sire is what rappers look like. But Brandi took that as a positive, and something to brag about, while April saw it as a negative. April basically said Sire's look was a dime a dozen, with not one iota of originality. I chuckled when Brandi complained about Eli copying Sire, when Sire's look was Textbook Basic Rapper. Allllll of this. I don't enjoy the battles. They seem to be telling the kids what they lack in skill/talent/polish, they can make up in viciousness and disrespect. And it's even worse to me that they aren't just directing it at each other, but at each other's family members, who have nothing to do with any of this. Is there a lot of battle rap in the market for kid/teen rappers? YEP. She's a hypocrite. A classic case of "she can dish it but she can't take it." She never stops running her mouth about her kid's perceived domination of the competition (despite his actual rank each week). She's constantly tearing other kids down, and in her mind, that's ok because her comments and criticism are legit because her kid is the best, whereas those same remarks from one of the other parents could only be jealousy/sour grapes. She knows if anyone goes after Sire the way Nya went after Eli, neither she nor Sire will be spared. She's got thin skin and she's made some life choices that sound like crap when said out loud by someone who has no interest in or pity for your "struggle." Yes, her kid is one of the front-runners in this competition, but she's been incredibly ungracious about it, she knows it, and is uneasy about those chickens coming home to roost.
  17. Scootch over so I can sit. We'll be petty together. Jool-ery makes me physically cringe. I don't know, Oz is just as bad. Brittney's was sad this week, but Oz's hot pink ombre wig and hot pink eyelids took the cake for me. And speaking of wigs, ok Christie, we get that you learned some fun new lingo. Give the wig snatching and wig flying a rest please. Totally agree. I figured why not too. I've got one foot out the door now. If this show comes back next year, I have feeling the answer to "why not" will be "because this show still sucks." Ok, but why were they still fooling around with accessories? Ricardo was fooling around with shoes and bag, and Jayson's model had that huge necklace on, but he decided she needed even more jewelry? Why? Was the sponsor pushing it? (Side note: As Nina Garcia would say, this jewelry did not "look expensive.") To be fair, that is a pretty low bar. Adriana, bless her....this was not her wheelhouse. Ashley is ok. I don't dislike her, but I can't make myself like her either. There's something about her that is just a little off-putting for me and I can't put my finger on it. At first, I thought photoshop was to blame, and it is, in part. The guy who does the photoshopping for this show must also have a side job touching up those creepy pageant photos I used to see on Toddlers and Tiaras. They've all got those unnatural looking "doll eyes." But aside from photoshop, I think they re-shoot the models later. I can't think of another reason why this model (Rachel, I think?) was missing those little crystals at the inner corners of her eyes. Not that I missed them. I think they re-did her makeup. There were so many things that seemed off this week. Why were the models wearing flip flops in the photos shown during "concept' time? Since when is "concept" a verb? As in "We have 15 minutes to concept" Is that lingo or is that BS? Why, with only 15 minutes to concept, were the stylists screwing around - fooling around with accessories, twirling around in the dresses and horsing around with the wigs, etc. Why did that one stylist, who had just seen his model in the dress, and had photo of her wearing the dress on his tablet, and had the dress physically in front of him, why was he fussing with hanging up the dress and photographing it again? Why were so many of the outfits so bad? The blush/beige pantsuit was fantastic. I loved the gold and fuschia gowns. The green dress was 4 inches too short. The lavender dress was terrible and the blue one cut down to the waist was unflattering. The dark blue with the portrait neckline was way too low on her torso. That neckline was about an inch above her nipples. Why did two of the models show up with hair in twists/braids that had to be undone before a new style could be done? With only 2 hours to do hair and makeup, that doesn't seem fair. All of the models should be barefaced with hair down and clean. A blank slate for everyone. I'd also like to know how the models are assigned. And finally, I've had enough of the weekly discussion about black girl hair. It is pathetic to show up on this program whining about knowing nothing about this hair type. It makes them look lazy and unprepared, and it's just as inexcusable as contestants on project runway complaining about having to make pants, or a garment for someone over a size 2. Having said that, it's been three weeks and I believe the topic has been exhausted. Thank you Oz. Let's move on.
  18. Dominique will be auditioning this year.
  19. I'm interested! But I can never remember when it's on, so I'm always late. Nya's messup...girl, have a seat. She and Sire both have this attitude like they are so amazing, their mistakes don't matter, and they should be at the top regardless of how they actually performed. It's interesting that they have such a high opinion of their talent, given JD's comments in this interview where he said he seriously considered sending them all home, because the talent was not there. Having said that though, Amayah bless her, has choked so many times, I can't understand why she's still there. She's not ready to be a pro.
  20. I suppose you're right. The problem is, they're asking too much. The contestants are meant to be makeup artists, hair stylists, fashion stylists and photo directors, and this show doesn't have the talent pool for that. The bad fashion distracts from the looks, and the photos are 1000% better when the contestants aren't involved in the photography.
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