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Everything posted by sleepyjean

  1. I'm so glad they got better weather this year. Last year it was cloudy almost the whole time.
  2. Very pretty. She's giving me Caila vibes.
  3. Every now and then someone will come here and post about how you have to have a large bust to be a DCC. Swimsuit pics like the ones above are the reason why that question always makes laugh. Same thing when someone posted the other day they hoped Kelli wasn't encouraging the women to get breast enhancement. There are SO many small-busted women on this team, and they look good that way. That's not a shot at Christina, because her body, her choice, I'm not going to drag her for her decision. If she likes the way she looks, that's good enough for me. Meanwhile, I can't imagine the kind of smoke and mirrors that go into the team photo and cameos to make them all look bigger up top.
  4. There is a lot of discussion about this in the former DCCs thread.
  5. She isn't. Leslie Ezelle is gay, but probably was not out when when she was on the team in 1989. Statistically speaking, I'm sure there are others.
  6. This is what shelly posted in "DCC Q&A: Mysteries of the DCC World" pg 16:
  7. How many years was she on the team and I swear I never saw that birthmark on her hand before. Was she covering it or did I just miss it completely?
  8. Shannon is going for her 7th attempt this year. I'm curious about her dance background. I wonder if she is also trying out for other teams and not getting chosen, or if she has focused solely on the DCC.
  9. Looks like this girl Emily Shymkiw will be auditioning.
  10. She might just be doing it for fun. A bucket list kind of thing. I think a lot of women used to audition for DCC for fun too, just to see what would happen. That was back when hundreds of women would show up for tryouts every year. I think the tv show weeded out a lot of them. People don't care to be embarrassed on national television.
  11. I was very interested in the thing with the HTC last year. The cheerleaders always seemed to *like* their coach. I think the DCC fear/respect/admire Kelli, but it doesn't seem like they'd hang out with her. The HTC seemed to like Coach Alto as a friend as well as a coach, so when that whole scandal went down, I was shocked. Especially since they're one of the more conservative teams in the league. But it just goes to show, you never really know what goes on. I have no idea what the story was with Lauren, but I suspect she's trying out again because of the change in leadership. She made it to HTC finals. But I don't think Kelli would look on her favorably if she auditioned for DCC again, because Lauren's loyalties seem to be in Houston.
  12. I saw someone reported Gina Ligi's sister is leaving Texas and will not audition for DCC this year. We can strike Eden Greenhouse (Mia's sister) off the list as well. She is going on an extended mission trip this Spring/Summer. I'd be shocked if Cami Branson auditioned. I think we're 0 for 3 for potential legacies. This year anyway.
  13. I think this is Lauren Chapman at Texans Cheerleader tryouts yesterday. She was a Texans Cheerleader (their pro bowl rep) last year, then got cut and went on to be a finalist for DCC last spring. I wondered if she would try again this year. Even though she went back to Texans, If she gets cut by HTC, I will be curious if she auditions for DCC again. Sidenote: there were two guys at HTC auditions. I doubt Len Jackson will be the only guy at DCC auditions this year. https://www.houstonpress.com/slideshow/scenes-from-2019-texans-cheerleaders-tryouts-11277312/42
  14. I have very mixed feelings about VK. I don't think she's the worst and I don't think she's the best, as a human being or as a dancer. My impression is that she's young and immature and probably a bit spoiled, and she eff-ed up for sure with Jinelle, but I don't harbor or even understand the intense levels of dislike here, which often read as outright hatred of her as a person. (I know criticism isn't the same as hatred, but I'm getting some straight vitriolic vibes off of some of these posts. It goes beyond not liking her looks or her dance ability.) I can't help but feel for Victoria. I shudder to contemplate my screw ups at that age being televised. I think of what it would be like to have that snapshot of my life interpreted as a reflection of my entire character, and every breath thereafter interpreted as further evidence of what a horrible person I am. Yes, yes, I know, she signed up to be a public figure. It still sucks to be on the receiving end of it. And it sucks that it started years before she ever auditioned. I have no idea whether she is a complete brat in real life, but it makes me uncomfortable how one-sided the discussion is. She's a teenager, possibly a Mean Girl, but is she a villain? It prods at my sense of unfairness, and makes me want to give her the benefit of the doubt.
  15. IIRC Kelli also said in one episode that surgery isn't necessary, as they have other ways of making mountains out of molehills. I don't think she encourages any of these women to get breast enhancement. She chooses plenty of small busted women for the team.
  16. No. I'm referring to the modeling agency that is part of the DCC organization. These are opportunities available while a DCC is an active member of the team.
  17. No, I'm talking about money. Paid modeling opportunities. Better and more frequent appearances, which both pay more and offer valuable intangible benefits for those who know how to take advantage of networking opportunities and know that "DCC" on your resume pays much greater dividends for future opportunities than "DC R&B." I also suspect the DCC put in a lot more hours than the R&B so overall they make more money that way as well. The R&B aren't rehearsing 5 nights a week all season long, plus occasional Saturday practice and show group rehearsal. I do see the calendar trip as an amazing perk, and they very well could take the guys with them. The Baltimore Ravens include their guys on the calendar trip, even though the guys aren't in the calendar.
  18. Did we get studio shots of all the groups this year? This is the only one I could find.
  19. I suppose you could argue that "separate but equal" isn't truly equal. The DCC have access to opportunities, compensation, perks, and benefits that the R&B do not have. Which isn't to say the R&B are some kind of JV squad, but the DCC are the BMOC and everyone knows that. I agree that they would have to change a LOT, but other teams have done so. The DCC could do it too, but I'm sure they don't want to. We know how the DCC are about their traditions and how special and unique everything they do is. We know they'd hate the idea of following in other teams' footsteps in any way. One thing they would definitely have to modify is their choreography. The women look silly enough doing "sexy hips." A man would look ridiculous. And I really do not want to contemplate any man doing jump splits. I know they wouldn't just slam down on the twig and berries, but just the thought of it makes me cringe.
  20. A guy auditioned for Chiefs and got cut. Another guy auditioned for the Patriots and made the team. Looks like every team is going to have dudes show up for tryouts this year. (EDIT: There were actually 2 guys that made it to pats bootcamp. Only one was chosen) At this point I'd be surprised if only that one guy Len Jackson (aka turningtrickssince96) shows up to DCC auditions. I'd like to see what they'd do if 3-4 of them are there. You'd think the media would have to cover it, but IIRC, there wasn't much media coverage at all last year. I remember thinking that was pretty weird at the time. You can usually count at least on dfw.com. On a related note, he also has a side business jazzing up dance costumes.
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