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Everything posted by Pink-n-Green

  1. Funny you should mention that because I had a kind of similar idea Matthias Schoenaerts, the actor who played Vanya Egorov in "Red Sparrow". In that movie, dude was a dead ringer for Vladimir Putin. And I *think* that Putin would have been a KGB officer in 1987. So I thought it would be pretty cool to insert baby Putin in the last episode and have him interact with E and P. I'm really hoping that, after years of loving this show, I am not disappointed with the finale. It seems like there are so many loose ends that it would be impossible to tie them all up in an hour and a half.
  2. Don't bother going to see that movie; it was TERRIBLE. Anyhoo, I couldn't believe it when Paige out and out called her mother a whore and asked if dad knew she was a whore. I was a little surprised E didn't knock her teeth down her throat.
  3. Good point; I hadn't thought of it from that angle. It just seemed to me like he was being a little too quick to brush off Stan's suggestion that the Jennings were illegals.
  4. Would it be at all possible for Alderholt (sp?) to be an illegal?
  5. How did you do with the scene with Marilyn, Phillip and the ax last week? I had to rewind three times before I could get through the whole thing without my hands over my eyes.
  6. That boy, young man, whatever you want to call him that Elizabeth was working on....is he the same person Paige honeypotted (or attempted?) a few episodes ago? As far as Renee, I don't remember the exact wording but when she asked Stan what they'd ask her in her interview he said something to the effect of they just want to make sure she's a loyal citizen. Could be foreshadowing, but then, my ideas for this are always wrong so who knows. I don't want Elizabeth's entire core of being that we've seen for six seasons to just flip in the last two shows. I don't want the end game to be "Gee, Phillip, you're right! the United States IS a nice country!!" Ideally, I'd like to see this one woman crime spree get what's coming to her.
  7. You know, something I've never understood about Communism is, if it's such a great way of life, then why aren't people allowed to leave? That brings me to the rapturous reminiscing Elizabeth and Claudia were doing about "home". Starving to death? Having to eat rodents? Sharing one apartment with several "other families"? And they want to spread that lifestyle to the rest of the world, why?
  8. @Umbelina, I recommend Nelson DeMille's "The Charm School" if you are interested in spy fiction. It fits in with The Americans in a way because it is about a secret location in the Soviet Union where Red Army officers are trained to "be American". It's a little outdated since it takes place during the cold war but it is really, really good.
  9. Hi everyone! I don't post much in this forum but LOVE reading what everyone else thinks. Do you think that it's possible Willow has been fooling us all and that she's out to ruin Helena? After all, her mum was close with poor, dead Dominique.
  10. Hey, don't be posting your secret spy code stuff on here! :D
  11. True, but remember that E and P completed a program to turn them into Americas. It was no doubt that they were trained to be able to speak English perfectly.
  12. And even THAT didn't get her any friends. Remember that she was told about Pastor Groovyhair's church by another teenaged girl when she was on the bus going to visit Aunt Whatever Her Name Was. But that girl was never seen again.
  13. Yeah, after I asked about the song in my post, I read what others thought and I think I'm the only person who liked it! You have to admit, though, that most of the time The Americans does a great job incorporating music into a scene. Oh man, I remember that scene, but I don't remember it being Marilyn! But I guess that's a "good" thing since I apparently wasn't supposed to! That scene in the garage; I had to watch it three times: the first time with the volume muted and through my fingers, the second time I was able to watch without my hands in front of my face and the third time I added the volume. I was afraid it would assault my ears a la Annaliese and the suitcase but it wasn't that bad. Personally, I thought Elizabeth looked kind of turned on when Phillip was chopping up poor Marilyn. Maybe the length he was willing to go for "The Cause" got to her. Or something.
  14. That never entered my mind, but it makes sense.
  15. I have a question for the Russian speakers in this group. "Harvest" was the only character on the show whose first language was Russian and he spoke English without any accent. Characters like Oleg, Tatiana, Arkady, etc. are native Russian speakers but they have accents. It sounds like the actor who played Harvest is a native English speaker who learned Russian at one point. Can anyone comment on how good (or not) his Russian is? Also, what song was playing when Elizabeth threw that duffle bag into the water? It was pretty.
  16. Remember when Stan was in casa Jennings and he was looking at the family pictures on the mantel? I wonder if Liz was wearing it then? Also, the Jennings should have moved after an FBI agent moved across the street. But I guess there wouldn't be a show then.
  17. Wow. And to think that, until my daughter grew taller than me, I was considered the amazon female in my extended family. All 5'3 of me!
  18. Jasper, Jasper, Jasper, why can't I just enjoy the pretty you bring and stop analyzing you??? I'm just not wild about this guy and Catrice2's comment hit the nail right on the head for me. Also, can Americans even be knighted? Because we have that whole "we don't want to be part of a monarchy" thing going on. Ok, I googled it and an American can be an honorary knight. So ol' Jason can use KBE (Knight of the British Empire) after his name but would not properly be referred to as "Sir Jason Frost". I wonder why they made Jason American to begin with? His American accent keeps slipping and also there's nothing about him that could only be explained by being an American. Still, as I mentioned, he's so darn pretty.
  19. I found something interesting in this episode! The banter between Elizabeth and the young man in the movie theater made me wonder if the young man is a second generation illegal. Then, when they are talking outside of the movie theater, there is a poster for the movie "The Big Clock" behind Elizabeth. "The Big Clock" was remade in 1987 as "No Way Out", a film featuring a deep cover Russian mole. Coincidence? I think not!
  20. LOL!!! Oh man, I'm waiting until my husband is done watching a baseball game on our big TV so I can watch my recorded Americans. It's the last season, so I want to give every episode the treatment it deserves and watching it on the teeny guest room TV won't do it justice. I know I shouldn't be reading here before watching the episode, but I CAN'T HELP MYSELF.
  21. I really agree with you on this point. I live in Maryland, home of the delicious blue crab. But I think picking them is more trouble than its worth and I'd rather just buy a jar of the meat!
  22. I won't lie; even though I know these pictures aren't rat meat (are they?????) I still threw up a little in my mouth.
  23. Know another thing I would have thought Paige would react to? When Elizabeth was telling about her "first time that wasn't really" her first time she mentioned being in the apartment "with all the other families". Paige - wasn't that even slightly interesting to you??? Does anyone else think that the comment Paige about "not being like" him precipitated the beat down Phillip gave her? I feel like she was practically calling her dad a pu$$y!
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