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Everything posted by Starchild

  1. Those senior queers were all so lovely. That attack Sylvain described sounded horrific. And Leona did a marvelous job bringing out the inner beauty of her trans senior. I hate losing Perseo, she was my favourite, but Misty did win that lip sync. Of the girls that are left, I think Le Filip is my choice, followed by Leona.
  2. What! indeed. The Rusical was pretty good, and at the end I was thinking top 3 were Plastique, Jorgeous and Vanjie. So I'm OK with Jorgeous getting one of the top 2 spots, but Shannel? What?! I mean, she wasn't bad, but she was not top 2. And then, insult meet injury. Shannel wins the lip sync? What!? Shenanigans!
  3. I'm presuming he was still very weak from his near-murder and only had the strength to save one (it did seem to be taxing him), and he chose Louis. He may have loved Claudia, but he loves Louis more.
  4. This reminds me. Too lazy to go back and confirm, but didn't Louis say that if he touched Daniel, Louis would kill Armand? So did he?
  5. It's my understanding Lestat has vast inherited wealth, and that Armand and Louis began to build a business empire after Paris.
  6. Underlining how forgettable these looks were, even with the great fabrics.
  7. None of the looks really wowed me this week. I have to ask, why is Roxxxy's face so artificially bronze in every runway?
  8. Aw, sad to see Norma go, I really liked her. Then again, I wouldn't have wanted Le Filip to go either.
  9. I just figured he didn't want to get into the whole regeneration thing there and then.
  10. Well there was that brief bit at the start, where they forced Claudia's body into the rat cage. Was that just a brief bit of torture? Or is Louis remembering, just for a moment, how she actually died?
  11. Did anyone else notice the seeds of romance between Kate and that soldier (sorry don't recall his name)? After they were revived and were all looking out the window, shot from behind, there was some lingering hand-holding there.
  12. WTF was that? How do you not block Plastique at this stage?
  13. Not me tearing up during a Rusical. And I agree with Ruby, what were the judges smoking, she was great, I thought she won.
  14. So, does 14's TARDIS also have (some of) Sutekh attached to it after the split?
  15. 19-yr old Bella Ramsey played 14 pretty effectively in The Last of Us. But yeah, if only they could have found a child actress of Jodie Foster's talent.
  16. I'm curious who Susan Triad is/was. Some poor innocent corrupted by Sutekh? Or was she ever real?
  17. If Roxxxy and Angeria are just going to hand the scissors back and forth, I'd rather watch the Beachcombers.
  18. I read in comments on a YT review (the guy hated this ep) that viewership for this season has tanked compared to previous seasons. Is it true? I don't typically track that kind of thing because I watch what I want to watch regardless of whether other people like it or not. Usually others don't, so paying attention to ratings would make me anxious that the show will soon be canceled (which happens to my shows more than I like).
  19. Not sure how to feel about the amped up flirtatiousness of this Doctor. Even with his wife River he wasn't this overtly sexual, he was barely romantic. Yeah I get that the bigeneration and the emotional healing 14 did (will do?) somehow made its way through timey-wimey means to 15, allowing him to be more emotionally mature and open. And that's probably why he's so much more joyful and life-affirming now than he's been since, I don't know, 4, maybe? So OK there's story reasons why the Doctor is like this now. But it still feels weird to me. Gotta get used to it. That being said, the romance with Rogue was really sweet. Fast..., but sweet. They worked really well off each other. The birdlike Childhur family was ridiculous, and it never felt like they could destroy the whole world, but the dried-husk bodies they left behind were creepy.
  20. Sad reaction, but I don't mind not seeing that ridiculous face paint anymore. I wonder if there's a video online somewhere of Norma's volcano dress mechanism working because that looked like it could have been awesome.
  21. I like this group of girls. My favourite so far is Parseo (sp?). Nicky: I've got changes. Also Nicky: <description of what's coming that sounds exactly like previous seasons>
  22. Did anyone else notice during the judging that the colouring of Ru's arms clashed with that of her face? I've never noticed anything like that before.
  23. The impression I got was that Deborah was fully intending to have Ava be her head writer (I mean why wouldn't she). But after speaking to Biff Cliff and coming away from that with the message that you don't shake things up and give "them" a reason to say no, she got cold feet and felt she needed to play it safe. But since she already made the offer she wanted to save face with Ava so she said it was the network forcing her hand. Ava running into Winnie and finding out the truth was a fluke.
  24. Right? I kept thinking, well if Ruby came back in time and stopped the Doctor from breaking the fairy circle, then who was around to stop apGwilliam in 2046?
  25. I love your commentaries, @davidcalgary29 please never change. I pulled this part out because I was surprised no one else mentioned that Nina's Liberace felt a lot more like Paul Lynde. OMG I love this idea!
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