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Everything posted by bilgistic

  1. Seriously, there's no need to call in Wig Cop, because that case is CLOSED. I think I saw that mess on clearance November 1 at Party City.
  2. I didn't get it either, until reading it here, in the thread. I thought Tommy was maybe too old to be the Chief's son, and in the family picture that Jill looked at, I thought there were only two daughters and no sons. The younger daughter on the right was a blonde, making Jill the older. I guess I was quite wrong!The kids at the party playing "spin the bottle" with a cell phone and that horrific app made me so glad I am old enough to have played the game with an actual bottle and very tame "consequences" (kissing). Good lord, I'm happy I don't have kids.
  3. I watch the majority of content online, and it drives me batshit crazy how Hulu will run the same commercial literally five or six times in a row. It sends me into a blind rage. First, I'm having to pay to watch commercials, and second, Hulu, you mean to tell me you can't get more than one commercial to play during whatever I'm watching?
  4. My six-year-old niece has the 2014 version of Trouble. It seems like such a fun game when you start playing, but it ends up lasting way too long, especially when you have four people playing and they keep landing on others and sending them back home, etc. It becomes tedious.
  5. What bugs me about Jenni and Roger is that they are "engaged" and have been forever and are now having a kid, and Jenni's "friend" Snooki and her "finance" Jionni are now having their second kid and are still "engaged". People, it takes half an hour and fifty bucks to go to the Justice of the Peace. Do it for your kids' rights, if nothing else.
  6. Re: the Gambler GEICO ad, many years ago, I submitted my stepdad's picture to the site http://www.menwholooklikekennyrogers.com. He was posted. I'll have to find him. ETA: After looking too long, I can't find him. You'll just have to believe me. Or not.
  7. Roger's almost ten years older than Jenni, which, at his 38 to her recently turned 29, says a little something about him, too, methinks. Don't blast me with "I was 15 when I married my then-49-year-old love of my life and we've been happily married for 60 years!" I dated older men (my 20 to a 33YO musician, my 20 to a 29YO totally insane guy) when I was young, too, and it didn't work, for obvious reasons.
  8. I don't know; maybe gravity just set in after a while and relaxed his face. I have a soft spot for the ol' Gambler; my Mom loved him back in the day, and my stepdad looks very much like him. I *might* be known to sing that song around the apartment to the cats. I just can't hate on that commercial.
  9. I know he is full of shit because (if you've heard me tell this story before, just ignore me) in the one month many years ago that I belonged to eHarmony, his "29 Dimensions of Compatibility" matched me, a strict vegetarian, with...(wait for it)...an "avid" hunter.
  10. This post had me cracking up! Oh, you kids... God love ya!I do not know what I can take less of: Gretchen's exhausting wardrobe and accessorizing, Traci's Dumb Donald hairdo, the off-the-shoulder-sweaters, the GIANT earrings and necklaces on every woman on the show (seriously, it's like a 1980s timewarp in that joint), or the "co-directors"-slash-"junior therapists"-slash-parroting secret henchmen that lurk just barely in camera view.
  11. I refuse to entertain the notion of Fiat or its commercials after they hired Charlie Sheen for one of their commercials.
  12. I have mixed feelings about him being with Sookie (again). I think they are kind of mismatched because he's so big and burly (and hot as hell), and she's tiny. But because he's with her, the "star" of the show, we get to see more of him, which is always good. I'm glad he's not with some skank like he has been, but I don't necessarily think Sookie is the answer, but that is because I believe Bill+Sookie=4eva, even though Bill's story and persona's gone so far off the rails, it's in another galaxy. There needs to be an Arlene Lite w/o 12 kids, who would be perfect for Alcide. She could run the town occult/curiosities store.
  13. I assume it's supposed to look like he has a giant erection, which, no. That commercial gave me anxiety with all the fast music, running, lights, people in a GLASS BOX SUSPENDED ON A WIRE OVER THE CITY and general freneticness. Instant hate. Good point about the business cards, janie jones.
  14. I can tell you from the utter lack of effort on the part of 75% of the men on dating sites, going to Wendy's via public transportation would be a romantic feat in today's sad society.
  15. And I would want that for my ringtone, why? Am I the adult male overenthusiastic leader of a traveling youth singalong group?
  16. I've seen various therapists off and on over the past 20 years (meh), and zero-point-zero of them have ever had me burn mock tabloids in a ring of fire, pretend my significant other or other family member was laying dead in a fake morgue, or play a fake game show. But then, none of my therapy has ever been televised, and if any therapist ever requested that it be, I would petition the medical board to have his/her license revoked.
  17. I actually like the one Skittles commercial in which the old lady is walking (on a leash) her cloud that rains Skittles (because why not?), and some kid comes up and asks if he can pet it, and it shocks him with a lightning bolt, because "it doesn't like to be touched there" (or however it goes). It's just weird, not gross, and the oldster wins in the end, so, yay!
  18. Lochlan (or however his name is spelled) can eat a bag of dicks with that sexist crap he was spewing. Yes, a bag of dicks. Right back at him with sexism.
  19. Being an Old, I irrationally hate it because of the "sorrynotsorry" bit. The commercial would've been more impactful without those internet meme words, in my opinion (sorry, "IMO").Also, Pantene sucks because they rub their products in bunnies' eyes (test on animals).
  20. This is one of the funniest things I've read in a while! This whole thread has me cracking up. The posts on this show make me so glad I don't watch it anymore, but damn, it's hilarious to read about it! Also, Chatfish (the name) makes me want to punch whatever middle-management assclown came up with it. Walmart is in every town. I can tell you as a former extremely poor person (I finally have a full-time job again), if you are on food stamps or any other form of government assistance, you can get what shitty people call an "Obamaphone", a very basic phone that comes with 250 minutes and 250 texts per month. Five bones will get you 500 minutes and 500 texts per month total. There are several providers, but I had Assurance Wireless. Poor people tend to not be smart about money (tattoos and piercings--I have them; I'm not knocking them; but I didn't get them when I had close to zero income), but that is a different discussion for a different website.
  21. This is me, too, Tara! I really don't like kids in general except for those to whom I'm related, and I mostly just tolerate most of those except for a special one or two (the truth hurts, y'all; I was a terrible kid, too, and hey, I'm not everyone's cup of tea now, really), but I freaking cried during this show. I love it so much. (I love the two leads; I'd watch them anywhere!) The episode reminded me of when my sister called me when she was in labor (two states away) and I could hear my now-six-year-old niece's fetal heartbeat on the monitor. I've never forgotten how special that was, even though babies and pregnant women freak. me. out.
  22. What 1980s aerobic-inspired drunk-getting-dressed-in-the-dark getup was Traci wearing?? Those sneakers with pom-poms? The hell? "Breakfast vodka" is called "alcoholism" where I come from.
  23. I try not to body-shame, sitting over here in my glass house, but Tanisha is built like a linebacker...or is what people used to call big guys, "barrel-chested"...or is Humpty Dumptesque.Her thick-as-Kraft-singles acrylic nails make my skin crawl.
  24. They remind me SO MUCH of TV evangelists/people on shows like "The 700 Club". There's just some fake, creepy "comforting" put-on by them that really frightens me and reminds me of my days as a kid in church/church camp/activities/etc. The indoctrination. ::shudder::
  25. This weekend, I had to re-swipe very quickly in one of those "Square" readers that plug into a smartphone, FWIW.
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