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Everything posted by bilgistic

  1. Completely agree. The phrase "awesome sauce" is beyond stupid and should die. If it lands in the Oxford dictionary, like "bootylicious" and "selfie" have, I will lose all hope for humanity.
  2. I only saw the one with the marionette son because I went to look at the DirecTV video link on YouTube. I noticed there wasn't an ad for a marionette dad. I sound like a broken record, don't I? There's another ad that enrages me with its stupidity. I've only seen it online. The folks at an encyclopedia company (because, hilarious) notice that all of the sudden, their orders are skyrocketing, so they have to ramp up all elements of production. It turns out that the reason this is happening is because a stupid fucking baby is hitting "order" on an ad on a tablet. The baby's mother says incredulously to the father, "He really loves that thing!" Ugh! Maybe watch what the hell your infant is doing on a tablet! Yeah, I realize that's not the point of the commercial (it's something about targeted marketing, which, what?), but this commercial comes to us in a world in which the "iPotty" exists. I hate everything.
  3. Clearly a man came up with this tripe, because what female thinks this is a) funny, and b) true to life? None of us here do, by an informal sampling, obviously. "SAM in my pants..." ::shakes head:: I, too, have uttered maybe three sentences about my chosen forms of feminine protection in 28 years of menstruating. I guess this is sentence four, though I didn't share that I hate "wings". Now I have. Ad execs, you're welcome.
  4. I just saw that one yesterday. Because we don't treat women like objects enough in our culture, let's just turn his wife/girlfriend into a giant doll with no motor skills. Makes her real easy to catch and maneuver! What in the everloving fuck??
  5. janie jones, thank you for noticing even more stupid stuff than I did. This is why I love dissecting commercials with you all. Y'all crack me up. I still enjoy the "bohm-bohm" song, but yeah, the commercial is dumb. I'm irrationally mad at Miranda Kerr for her perfect ass that Reebok felt absolutely necessary to show us.
  6. I like the music in this commercial for Reebok's new tennies, but having just watched the commercial more closely, it's ridiculous. "Supermodel" Miranda Kerr walks in the house presumably after her workout and doesn't lock the door behind her and strips naked in front of an open window, then gets into the shower with her shoes on, which is the premise of the commercial. The shoes are so comfy, you'll forget you're wearing them, which, no. Sneakers are terrible IMO, and I never forget I'm wearing them. Anyway, I have no idea who does the song; it's reggae.
  7. I have serious love for this song because it was one I learned a dance to back in high school when I went to dance camp (for dance/drill team). Thanks for the memories!
  8. The responses to the Veet Facebook post give me a tiny bit of hope back for humanity. The overwhelming majority of the comments lambasts Veet for their stupidity.
  9. I place at least half of the blame on porn, b/c have you seen that shit lately? Hairless fake-tanned lollipops with fake canteloupe breasts getting pounded sideways (literally) by fake-tanned, hairless muscle-bound I-don't-even-know-whats. And this is what people think is normal now. The rage I have...
  10. Or a bowling ball and a mop were going to have sexy times, we were to infer, based upon the bow-chicka-wow-wow music. Which, what? Why? I guess I can figure out how.
  11. Tara, I'm pretty sure you're my new hero. I can't view the commercial, because Veet took it down, but I got a pretty good idea of the general assiness. I have so many, yet no words for how many donkey dicks they suck. I'm a 39-year-old woman who has been lasered, waxed and chemically hair-removed, and I still cannot be bothered to depilate the remaining hair (there's still a lot, because, hi, I'm human) 95% of the time. Fuck the patriarchy and the media run by it.
  12. I completely loathe the one where the two airheaded women are in a boutique and are fawning over a handbag. One woman decides she can afford it because she's getting $150 back from her car insurance. Here's a crazy idea: How about not spending that money and putting it in savings, you stupid twit? You really don't need an expensive handbag. Ugh. But I'm not a TV-trope woman, so I guess I just don't understand.
  13. You know, riley702, I saw that Swiffer ad on TV or online and it didn't even register with me that the couple was interracial, because, basically, who cares (well, besides One Million Moms). I was just, like, oh cool, he can clean better now, or whatever, even though I kind of hate Swiffer and the waste those products create (but I'm a hippie and clean with vinegar, so don't mind me).
  14. I just saw that ad in a post on Consumerist.com and it made me cry. What a beautiful response to such ugly hatred.
  15. I finally looked up "Boots and Pants" because I'd never seen it. I can't stand that pig, but I kind of like "boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and..." I foresee me singing it to my cats. I have no shame.
  16. Comments on any YouTube channel are disgusting.
  17. I don't. (I should mention I did proactively, voluntarily get my tubes tied at age 29. You're all welcome.)
  18. I agree there were too many categories of commercials at the other site. No genre breakdowns is my vote. Lola16, I agree with your 1, 2, 3 (but just call it "go away!"--or something related to general overload of commercial/person/theme/character), 4, 5 and 7. #6 is unnecessary and understood, I think, as part of us coming here to bitch about commercials, and 8 isn't necessary/is covered by other categories. I feel like we're shaping history here!
  19. I like to muse that the girl is Dr. Creepy McEharmony's illegitimate great-granddaughter, since it's well known that he's very bibley-religious in real life, and the commercial was something she was forced to do under duress in order to be "forgiven" for her "impurity". True story: I once joined eHarmony for a month (aliens abducted me and made me join) and their "29 dimensions of compatibility" matched me, a strict vegetarian and animal lover, with an "avid hunter". Fail!
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