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Everything posted by ROEHUNTER

  1. Enjoying this show so far, WTH Edmund?

    S03.E01: Sierra

    Yes, this episode was all over the place! Maybe they are trying to cram it in since it's almost over. I did go buy a sack of potatoes to try!
  3. Interesting first 2 episodes, second one hooked me, did some things I wasn't expecting.
  4. Watching, but would I be watching if this wasn't tied to Wick?
  5. I don't read books, the first episode was intriguing. I believe I'm hooked.
  6. Ugh, didn't even think of that. Good catch! I must say, this first episode of the second season was very good, enjoyed it. Let's hope they keep them coming. But also hope we get at least some answers this season. At least we know where they are during the day now.
  7. Yes, I noticed that too, threw me off for a second. Maybe because he was yelling?

    S01.E03: Zoey

    Decided I would look at these comments before I watched number 3. I was hoping that maybe it was a bit better, but sounds like it got worse. And them shooting into a car again! That was dumb in the first episode, ugh. I'm out on this one, going to keep binge watching a real missing persons show, Without a Trace.
  9. I'm on Season 4 of Without a Trace right now. When I saw Alert was a missing persons show I thought I would give it a try, but wow, this is so much worse than WaT. As someone else said, the story with their kid is somewhat interesting, but the rest is a dumpster fire so far. I still can't believe she opened fire on the SUV when the missing girl WAS in the back! Ugh!
  10. Not a bad first episode. Helps that I'm from the Tulsa area.
  11. Yep, first one has me hooked.
  12. On the second episode so far, found it was easier to watch if I fast forwarded through the flashbacks!
  13. Yes, I didn't understand when he said he got grazed by a bullet, I thought I missed something. I was also intrigued by everyone being in the other world. Suprised me when the Tillerson tried to shoot him.
  14. I am also looking forward to Dylan McDermott, but part of that might be that I couldn't stand him on L&O:OC, just didn't fit right for me on that show.
  15. Was a little shocked, but then realized it does fit in with the rest of the show. Most of the time the fugitives leave a trail of deceased people, so it makes sense Julian would go out the same way.
  16. Frank's New York accent was gone and it was fabulous!
  17. Good point on the ads, and I'm with you on the premise.
  18. Really liked the first season, second right around the corner!
  19. So they cancelled Debris and we get this? https://www.nbc.com/la-brea
  20. Yes, was a good start, gonna watch the rest.
  21. What the fuck does this show have to do with Debris? Just asking?
  22. I keep thinking Manifest needs to have a proper ending so we know what happened before it gets cancelled, but it's the energizer bunny so far. Yep, I watch both and looked forward to Debris every week. I watch Manifest, but just so I don't miss how it turns out, if it ever does before it gets cancelled.
  23. I noticed this as well, also noticed that the last time Fiona jumped she landed awful close to the shore!
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