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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Poor widdle Candace........reminds me of another widdle one - Elisabeth Hasselbeck.
  2. I also think CCB was still fuming about being booed. Her convoluted explanation about why she asked Johnson about his faith made no sense to me. She tried to explain why she was not being judgmental - wth? And then said she would ask a Muslim or Jew or Jew on Jew (?) the same thing. I'm glad she left. IMO she contributes very, very little to political discussions. I was glad to see Joy and Raven settle down. I'm almost Joy's age and agreed with her.....but then fortunately I am not around "kids" like Raven. I find it hard to take anything she says serious.
  3. I clicked by today and saw her put sugar in a beef stew???? Is that a thing?
  4. Good grief - not even a cowboy cake but one with sprinkles AND pink candles mixed in with the "manly" other ones? I think one more bean recipe and I am done. Even for giggles.
  5. My favorite part of the article was "fearlessly outspoken conservative talk show host" - she definitely was not that on FandF. And certainly not on this show.......unless you count crawling into BW's lap fearless. BTW - not sure how much of a "tidy little profit" they made due to taxes downgrading the value to their home at their age - even if they actually upgraded it in property in Tenn.
  6. JMO - but perhaps Whoopi wanted to be in the middle because that is where celebrities sit and they always seem to really enjoy sitting by Joy and chat directly with her. Guess we'll see when they returned where Whoopi sits.
  7. Crap - hated to agree. My Dad was not demonstrative except to consoling me after we had to give away Bee (dog) or rescuing my gold fish after flying behind the dryer, etc. But I was never taught to climb in his lap and cajole him with girly wiles. Holy crap.
  8. Correct me if I am wrong - but Johnson can't be part of the debates without an average of 15% in the polls - and he (or Stein) would need that to get national attention, imo. I can't stand how ignorant Raven is and I'm tired of hearing how "young" she is and just now getting involved in politics. Getting involved can taked a very long time, decades - just stop talking about it Raven! A waste of time - we KNOW it already. I was iffy on Paula.....after today I am sick of her. She is venturing into Bitsy territory.
  9. Sorry, I am so confused. I lived in a dorm a million years ago and went to the cafeteria which was included at the Junior College, and then later at the University before moving off campus. But isn't Ree's daughter in a sorority - with meals, oh - and a kitchen already there?
  10. Well, when CCB is "there" she really isn't, and is rarely there. Just takes up space. Ugh.
  11. Sigh, I like Sara too - a lot. I don't know why she is called an airhead - I actually see the wheels turning when listening to others and then she normally comments. Unlike, say Candace or Raven. She is 39 and I (even though I have 30 years on her and never had a baby) can understand that she might be a little alone in raising an infant making the nursing decision. Not like she is in a group of women or even one near her age with just the first. I think if she is getting help that is admirable. Seems to me family and friends with several older kids can't help so much. Venting can be a good thing, imo. So I didn't mind the long segment at all and wasn't even angry at Whoopi for not even yelling at the producers and allowing overtime. I guess I like honest people but for me Sara has not crossed any line being needy.
  12. Sigh.....good grief. I'd never tune in. BTW - both Sherri and Geddie look like stuffed sausages. Man - I must be in a bad mood......
  13. I doubt EH would put up with Ailes.....but she sure did appreciate being mentored by Geddie and Hannity. Well - until she brought up clothes-gate about Sarah Palin while on a rally with her when the GOP wanted that squashed. OTOH - if she got a payout from FOX I doubt she would be downgrading and moving to Tenn. Perhaps I will be surprised.
  14. I never saw Sara on Kathy and Hoda, or GMA, but I actually like her a lot. I like her cheerfulness and I also think I can see her wheels turning when someone is speaking and she responds. I like that. I was always slim but busty until my forties......some women embrace it. I never did. Plus - since I am a senior now - I can remember having a hard time buying dresses back then. Plus they didn't have tops and bottoms for 2 piece bathing suits way back then. Or sports bras because I loved saying I would slap myself silly if I jogged......back in the early 80's. Whatever - I will take Sara any day over Candace, Raven, Jedi, Paula and especially Whoopi. LOL, and .......sigh.
  15. I watch Sara because I am trying not to buy into she is a bimbo or airhead. But what I see her doing is actually listening and responding - thinking. I like her a lot. I have no problem with her being a regular.
  16. I remember when Rosie O'Donnell would bring BW on occassionally - and then Whoopi's hatred kicked in.
  17. I sure wouldn't come back if I were Michelle.
  18. Chicago - old post of mine that never got through......discovered when I came to post this - I actually like Sara. I don't think she is a bimbo or an airhead. I notice that she actually listens - rather than so anxious to make a comment ....or look down her nose like Raven does when she immediately decides a conversation is not worthy.
  19. OMG Chicago - that is right!
  20. OMG Chicago - that is right!
  21. Couldn't agree more with those that think Raven was out of line today with the fucking (excuse me) tape. Obviously when she was slapping on her yarn and drawing her two row "rainbow" she thought it would be hilarious. And asked an aid to have the tape at the ready at her seat. I don't want her to grow up - I want her gone. Very disrespect to us and especially all the tragedies in Orlando they are experiencing this week and the tens of millions of us that care so much and ache for them.
  22. LOL - What I have noticed is Ree goes to the grocery store and Ladd takes the kids to get cowboy boots. They can never support the town merchants by buying an ince cream cone for their kids, or taking them to a restaurant. Instead Ree drives miles and miles to go make a snack and bring it back to the parade or whatever. And now she is going to tear into the merchants customers with her Merc. When is enough, enough for her?
  23. Did I miss something - Jules was so distraught about her father and yet stayed and partied on rather than rush to his side?
  24. I am seriously sickened by the article and what the Drummonds portray on her rediculous show, blog, etc.
  25. I remember the good old days and real celebrities came on. Often they were young mothers, EH and SS would say - OMG- how do you ever manage!!. And the guest would sweetly say they were fortunate to be able to have help.
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