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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Like the gold gilded Christmas tree Trump hat at just $149.
  2. Good grief - Kanye did not even vote, let alone for Trump. OTOH - perhaps Kanye will be the entertainment on 1/20. Let me know, I won't be watching. Not even if Melania and Kim are rocking out together.
  3. Whatever - Sherri always drove me mad - using abortion as birth control - "I've had more abortions than I can count." Then wild about Lamar and then going through invetro and then the surrogate - then, get lost. Lamar was never a winner, nor was Sherri, imo. And she left him in the dust babysitting her son when she was off having fun and then bragging on how much she missed her son. Let alone what her son really needed and all her whining about his bio-Dad trying to be there for his son. All about Sherri even though she left her son constantly.
  4. I'm thinking Joy is just fine - although very concerned for our country - like me. It is taking a toll, as it should. But she is carrying on.....and I like that. Actually I thought she looked great today.
  5. I'm not a huge Whoopi fan but I do think she has friends of all walks in life. OTOH - I am a huge fan of Sunny's and LOVED her nice take down of Jediblahblah. Might have to watch that again!
  6. Aww- poor widdle Candace did stomp out of the after-show one day....and, and iirc, the next week got booed by the audience (not the co-hosts). So AWOL. Perhaps BW's is right - after all - Candace and Raven are the only tv child stars that have been more or less - "let go." OTOH the producers got it - and did it. ETA - BW usually has a huge problem with turn over and how it is perceived.
  7. LOL - she thinks she is the next Martha Stewart.
  8. Sigh - I forgot about Jediblahblah.
  9. I think KellyAnne's word salads won't go over too well when she visits after everything that has happened in the past few days. Actually, I'm surprised she is even returning yet again. We'll see. At least CCB won't be there - hopefully Sunny will, and Paula might be a hoot.
  10. I think Paula meant herself. Sigh. What an odd thing for her to say, imo.
  11. Not sure I agree with that Bmarsh, I imagine she did get paid - although not a lot. Have not seen anywhere how she stopped when Bannon kinda took over. And Stossel (FOX) Yikers. I'm not a fan of her. IMO she launches into way too long statements from the get-go and even the conservatives (CCB, Paula, even Sarah) can't respond. And then Jediblahblah laughs like a hyena like nothing she said was serious. I don't mind when they discuss religion, but not the point of the show, I am liberal and religious and don't force it on people. Separation of Church and State, imo - when it comes to politics. When it comes to family and close friends - fine, especially in one's place of worship. Michelle was Jewish, many were raised Catholic on this show, others Evangelical etc. Who cares? It is/was only a topic for one or two (Candace and Sherri). I think TV decided they did not to present a religious show for a part timer. And a great many viewers did not like being schooled by Candace. Or Sherri back in the day trying to convert BW or dealing with Halloween and Christmas with her son. And then embracing it suddenly when she fell in love.
  12. I've been trying to remember when CCB was booed by the audience.....it was recently, kind of, since she hasn't been there for a while (fortunately). Can anyone remember what prompted that? IIRC, there were some clapping involved with the booing.
  13. LOL - when they signed off poor CCB was left in the dust......Whoopi didn't say anything and Joy turned her attention to Sarah. I won't miss her one bit.
  14. I thought Jediblahblah said she has contributed to Breitbart in the past but today she said she has never been paid by Breitbart and some nonsense about her parents? And enough Whoopi about checking your facts....you were rumoring about the letter about Obamacare and Household deductions. What did I miss?
  15. Yikers - not a fan of Jediblahblah but I believe she is Italian - and not a Muslim. OTOH - not a fan of assigning colors of skin to people either.
  16. I think it is more embarrassing for Whoopi. She can't stand the fun if she is not it.
  17. Whoopi is too modest but you can bet someone else will - probably Sarah.
  18. Last year Anthony Bourdain (Parts Unknown) did a special on Cuba on CNN. It has been repeated several times, most recently over the past weekend. Very interesting. Wish anyone on the panel had watched it. Jedi wouldn't even listen to Joy (who recently was in Cuba) about their healthcare and education, etc. Good grief - just because there are some good things going for the Cubans does not mean everything is dismal or there can't be hope for them. Jedi, imo, sees things in black and white and the kitchen sink, rather than grey and baby steps help.
  19. Not sure how much more I can take from Jediblahblah. She simply drives me crazy as she is always, always arguing, never agreeing, and doesn't even get no one really agrees with her on the panel, imo. She throws so much into a single subject she is all over the place. And then laughs like a hyena. Love that Whoopi, Joy, and Sunny were exasperated with her today.
  20. Thanks TGK - As a dem I do not go to FOX often but try to now and then to check out "my enemies." Problem is there are so few shows I can watch - perhaps Shephard, Baier, O'Reilly or whatever their names are for 10 minutes. Sincerely puke at Hannity. But Kelly, to me, does call out the bad in the GOP sometimes and I liked her question to Trump when she moderated that debate. That took guts from her, imo. I guess I think she knew she would start WW3 with that question - yet did go ahead and ask it.
  21. I posted a little while ago my sister was not doing well after brain surgery on 10/14. I'm elated to say she is back home (alone) now......with rules and check in's. So my mind has been elsewhere....but I finally was able to see a full show today. I like M Kelly - don't always agree with her, but respect her. I enjoyed her interview and think she did the right thing for HER at the time when she was building her career and it seemed to work out pretty well for her and now she can tell women (with her book) to think of their careers but do something and walk away while STILL having the job (as she did Ailes - and is still there), don't count on HR......... Evidently she made her point and Ailes did leave her alone and she excelled. Of course it would have been different if she hadn't.
  22. LOL - I asked in bible study why no women wrote any of the stories - and why it took centuries for the men to do so. Crickets.
  23. OMG - I can't stand Candace's bubble world. Everything has gone her way for her life........she is well off, has it all. But her constant religion (her faith - not faith in general) talk makes me sick since she seems to never have experienced anything other than a blessed life. It is like she is sayingI was lucky, made it very young, have it all now, I got mine through "my God"- go get yours. Or burst my bubble. And this is the proper way to pray and hope for the best from Him. OTOH - I think Jediblahblah loves to argue and really has nothing to say. Gotta wonder why she is no longer at FOX, perhaps they got sick of her too. Suppose that is why I don't mind Sara as many do here........I don't mind people learning and growing and exploring.
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