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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Really Celia - I've had 2 significant blows this month - my sister and the election - and now perhaps a financial one with the S and P futures (for a while). It really is a potential black hole.
  2. I'm going to be channel surfing wildly Tue night........CNN, MSNBC, Lifetime, and even a little FOX. Probably, scratch that, with a bottle of wine.
  3. Yep backformore - but in such a sweet way. As in my bubble is perfect.
  4. I've been involved in a family emergency for the past 3 weeks.....my sister's brain surgery that didn't go well. So I get bits of the show on Comcast, here, clips etc. Feel like lashing out - Whoopi always has to "school" people and cut to commercial. And who are her friends that Trump has attacked? The Clinton's? Certainly not Rosie O. Ugh - can't find any redeeming qualities in Whoopi anymore. But love the show and everyone can't like all the co-hosts at the same time. Not what The View is about.
  5. Oh - thanks GHR...... lol, and here I thought Jediblahblah was the star of the show the way she trots out.
  6. Sunny Hostin's title with ABC is Senior Legal Correspondent and Analyst for ABC News. Much more than just a co-host on The View. She fills in on other shows and I actually heard her on the radio in my car the other day with a news story (non-political, iirc) and my station is an ABC affiliate. I wish she was on this show more but like she has the most important title on this show with ABC.
  7. Agreed TGK. He answered the questions.....and also was aware of where he was, Kellyanne still has not grasped that. Just answer the question and then deflect KAC.
  8. LOL - love to see an update when the Grand Opening/Coupons are over - in a month or 2.
  9. Good grief. The possible thing, OTOH, is maybe she won't be there tomorrow. Guess she could take a red eye. Sigh.
  10. Oh good grief - Whoopi needs to re-read "The President's Club." An amazing book and so historical. Like Trump would ever ask for advice from his campaign, surrogates......teams, etc. Heck - he may not even give a concession speech. How did Bill Clinton become friends with HW Bush - or the Obama's with GW Bush? The Club. The one they respected......not the king-ship Trump expects.
  11. I have to agree - CCB lives in a bubble. And most assuredly is not a critical thinker. Seems to me she should have a knowledge why she does and doesn't prefer one candidate over another and pick one with reasoning. But - just.....nope. As MM and Oprah have said - you don't need to agree totally with Hillary or like her. And it is the same for Trump. And to choose one or two religious reasons and call the other reasons nitpicky is just narrow minded, imo. ETA = added prefer
  12. It sure takes a lot to get through to Candace - even when her plastic face tries so very hard to process it and simply can't. But of course fails. And - good grief - who cannot laugh? Candace, unless it is so totally irrelevant.
  13. LOL - and exactly why I don't like her much and can't understand why she re-upped.
  14. Just finishing the repeat from today - why can't Candace join in and have fun with her co-hosts - especially on lighter topics. She sits there looking side to side trying to process and then decides like she will smile. Seems like a lot of viewers dismiss Sara - I dismiss Candace because she has no sense of humor.
  15. Really.......and married to perhaps someone that supports Putin.
  16. Oh good grief - just watching today's show. Candace sits sweetly there with a "what?" face. Can she not process different issues with this election? It appears to be she can't because it is like she hasn't heard the other co-hosts info or opinions. Or watched or read about it. Good grief - how many times have co-hosts been booed on the show? A handful of times in 20 years? So.....Candace - how have you been kind and generous to others and refuse to give your VIEW on the show? Or compare yours to Hillary or Trump. Why are you there on the show? She couldn't agree Chris Wallace did a good job until she felt safe when all others agreed he did. Then she sweetly smiles and laughs.
  17. Good grief - Jediblahblah just blathers on and on and doesn't say anything except her buzz words. For me, I am left thinking what was her point..........She throws the kitchen sink into her nonsensical rants.
  18. Seems to me Nicolle Wallace is very happy at NBC/MSNBC - more so than The View. She is in her element.
  19. Let alone there were not that many people there - yet 2 pedestals (???!!!!) of them.
  20. I think Joe's head would explode if Joy came on - she doesn't take nonsense well.
  21. Actually I care! I am very happy, I will not miss her frown and then slight smile when something good about Hillary is said - and then politely clap when people like Valerie Jarrett is on. I noticed the audience applauded everyone's comment here and there today - except Candace's.
  22. Good grief - Candace spouts her stuff and then says she does not want to speculate. Are you kidding me? Can't imagine who she is miming.
  23. Hope I wasn't clutching my pearls......actually to cut the tomato acidity made sense.........
  24. She is probably back in Ca now. Good grief - 3 days in and she melts down. Where was BW's lap when needed?
  25. Or Bernie Sanders ChicagoCita.......but then he was 74. LOL.
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