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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Soooo - nothing about Marucio's family in the article in People with photos. All about Ree. Thinking I won't even give her a click on her show again. She does not deserve it.
  2. I've never been fond of Joelle or Anna.
  3. So MM was so upset about the Chauvin trial she didn't know or watch about it - but endlessly posts daily about Navalny? Wears a tee shirt with his name on the show? Expects Biden to do something!!! What???
  4. Sophie went into the kitchen to get some water and Maggie told Regina in the dining room to get in there as well. Hence Regina's cough. The worst part of the epi is when Peter told Sophie "I am in control of my instrument and into the zone..." Sophie is still young and innocent and here was this jerk telling her about being a poster on a boy's wall, a little girl, and a powerful woman. And btw...her voice is not that great for all this support. IMO.
  5. Kevin was an athlete until oops. Randall got the education. Kate got being daddy's girl. sigh Why not bring this up show?
  6. Good grief - Kevin has new twins and HE needs to travel across country?
  7. MM on what went on with the video released this weekend - all about the military... sorry but he was foremost a human and not certainly did not have her privilege. Like - DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!!! Love Joy...she and Boehner call each other by first names. Think of the fun photo at the restaurant in the Hamptons. But Joy can still ask the questions needed for her. MM - Speaker Boehner...hit's out at Biden. John does not necessarily agree. My family...Daddy took me everywhere! They duked it out! Went out for drinks! (I imagine she thinks he is her friend...and fool around in the Hamptons like the night he ran into Joy). Sarah's question about Cruz was great! Lucifer in the flesh. Sunny's questions about Obama and Clinton were great as well.
  8. And as the rabble rouser and and mountain mama...and new mommy MM just had to tell us to let the R's figure out how to proceed with their diminishing ratings by themselves. But just yesterday she wanted us to educate the 49% of non covid vaxers Repubs that are men (meaning the dems educate them). And today she brings up Briebert, Newsmax, FOX but not The Federalist. It was an odd show. Seems as if ABC is doing something - to no avail.
  9. I want to know if her name is Rebel or ripple.
  10. Poor MM has to announce she will be offline for 36-ish hours and play the victim and assumes half the internet follows her. sigh
  11. I think the show jumped the shark several years ago. The humor with Tony and his flirting with Ziva...the always loving Abby, why does Palmer need to suffer now? And all the death that surrounds the show this year.
  12. I am so sick of Gary and Maggie's cutesy chattering. Good grief - Theo asks Eddie to watch him (play ball)? Eddie looks at his guy friends in the photo. One committed suicide, he and another on drugs.
  13. WOW - leave it to the kids to give gifts even if you need to give them some money to do so. Why are Shannon, her husband and wife give each other gifts?
  14. I find it it weird she is so flirty on the shows recently- can't even make the recipes right.
  15. Oops - MM in trouble again. I always get it when she pulls out the Liberty, Baby Bean, happy holidays, look at Nalvany, her newfound depression.
  16. Good grief - guess MM got a little jealous of Sara getting attention for depression.
  17. Thinking MM has not lived in Az in 18 years. But can tell us about LA, NYC and all about middle America. And Az too. But then she said AZ was middle America. OTOH she is in the beltway now with her braids and odd hairstyles and sparkles all over but mostly on her eyelids and expect us to listen rather than laugh. Don't forget the selfies! Why do I think MM no longer (if ever) represented middle American? Or explain it to morons like me. lol
  18. MM was very interested in getting her hair (and hair ornaments) and glitter eye liner on today, probably took car time and an hour or more for sure for the grooming. Let alone the selfies and going home? But she is all upset on twitter for Chrissy Twigen , bonding with a guy who got married and and she was drunk there...proudly. Then goes on to post about her crocodile skin. I remember her running off stage crying like a baby. But she thinks she makes so many think even if they hate her and her opinions. Always on twitter, etc. Poor Liberty. When does she get time with Mommy when MM is so pissed off and defending herself when Liberty is awake? MM is on twitter all the time. Except for photo ops with the Daily Mail and People. I really love to hear about Sara's and Sunny's children and Joy's grandson. Just regular life (albeit - wealthy but real). Love, compassion, guiding them etc. LOL - like Sara saying to AC we've got that elephant plush toy too!
  19. Yes - her endless word salads that she thinks passes as wise old advice.
  20. Seems to me that MM has always said, as the one and only conservative on the show was to explain who R's really are. Guess that is true and she has....we'll see tomorrow if she is not still suspended with pay.
  21. OMG - MM said Trump calling Mexicans rapists and coming here was effective! Outrageous and imo ABC needs to fire her.
  22. MM always has a criticism - never a solution.
  23. MM has been all over this for months on her twitter account.
  24. I really, really love Sara these days. She really is giving us her thoughts, and they are good ones. In the past she did not really do that - she vacillated and was never clear what she actually thought. And I love her nice swipes at MM.
  25. Well - Ana is still with CNN and Piers is with no one.
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