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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. LOL - no real info on the docu...and I thought Van was going to cry again.
  2. Or Ana filing her fingernails like she did on CNN once, lol. Seems to me MM had little to do with this whatever it is except financially. And odd CNN is not promoting it let alone airing it. On the weekends they have quite a few specials. BTW - giant shoulder pads and puffy sleeves is not a good look.
  3. Plus she has been part of so many political campaigns, lol. I said a while back, as a daughter - and not an adult on the campaign like Ana was.
  4. What is up with MM putting on so much make up and taking so many selfies? And thinks she is to be taken serious as a political pundin(t)...with a nanny or 2?
  5. I very rarely post about people's looks or clothes. But I thought Deborah's sweater was fabulous. It looked perfect on her.
  6. Little voice here....I understood Ana.
  7. LOL - and later a real political analysis, Ana, was on to discuss it.
  8. Just 2 jerks fighting about being outed, neither followed CDC guidelines for selfishness.
  9. One still needs to have a special license to drive a 18 wheeler. I imagine they are expensive even used. But, but, but Elizabeth grew up poor. I imagine they had little to put into a 18 wheeler. Gee - why do I not trust anything she says? How about a get away truck?
  10. Anyone notice MM calls men by Mr or their working title (or women she respects by their title?)- but called Kate Bedingfield "Kate" today? Just have to say women like Ana and "Kate" are equals in the political world - they know politicians as adults. Meghan knows them only as Daddy's friends. Not adult one to one. Like Ana does being such a staunch R for so many years until now.
  11. Loved after MM whined about Biden's executive orders in the first week Sunny swooped in and gave the numbers of EO's for 2 term presidents starting with Clinton forward and 1 term Trump had the most.
  12. MM is not aware Microsoft, Starbucks, Costco etc has stepped up as well as Amazon. I have no idea why she chose Amazon to step on. This format on the show today never allows them to actually discuss an issue...yet just 4 or 5 opinions and endless commercials.
  13. Good grief - why did she go off on Bezos and Amazon for helping with COVID?
  14. Gee Meghan....unity now after your years of trying to get us to understand these R's that rioted in the capitol? Kapernack, BLM? On MLK's Day....and no mention of Daddy?
  15. Time to drop the black makeup. And making miniature food.
  16. It has to be awful for MM to deal with understanding these were people she wanted us to understand. For years.
  17. Really - like MM and Flake are friends. I doubt they chat much or ever, or go out to eat with each other.
  18. MM - 1/6 would have killed (my Dad). CM - he would have be furious and perhaps face them down. And angry, upset and telling people to get a handle on this and not acceptable. I have never been able to take MM's punditery (lol) seriously. MM - emotional, static, own party, Trump, viruses, ruminating, divided and fractured, need facts, fractured - who the trump voters are. CM - rule of law, our country, do the right thing. Take care, do right for the country. Loved CM's nod to Joy's comment about Lindsey Graham. CM - Doing what is right for our country and state. Inclusion, and country first...
  19. Not getting Sara and Sunny wearing puffy sleeves on The View.
  20. Come on - we see Emily cartwheeling months after her surgery. I would laugh too. BTW - it was no drama when her friends helped her up laughing too. No biggie. Nor got actual time.
  21. Aww - poor MM - she is despondent, SIL there yesterday. Greatest national tragedy of her lifetime. Except for 9/11. But she is 36 and has not seen anything yet like assassinations, civil right protests, Vietnam protests etc. Never felt a recession in her short life. But as a conservative R she thinks NOW is the time to take a look at Trump? Now? Oh - and something about our flag and Iwo Jima. ETA - I think being who she is....a daughter and pundit, she would have more knowledge about history and the pains our country has experienced.
  22. MM came on to the show trying to take down Joy. And I think Joy was kind with all MM was going through - her Dad's illness and then death, and the grieving. IMO Joy put up with a lot despite MM laughingly saying she loves to fight with Joy. So proud Joy took off the gloves today. IMO I think MM did not even watch the show and has no idea about this new format. Although going through the opinion of each host without crosstalk is boring MM gave Joy no courtesy of allowing Joy to give her opinion in her time slot. Now I even questioning Sunny and Sarah and their protection or fear (?) of Meghan. Love Joy and Whoopi will not play with MM.
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