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Everything posted by eel2178

  1. I did a 56 story stair climb for charity once. They had rest stations set up for us every 10 stories, and I took advantage of every one of them. I finished in 38 minutes and was pretty please with myself until I saw the news coverage of the event on TV that night. A 68 year old woman carrying her oxygen tank up the stairs beat me by 6 minutes. I still haven't gotten over the humiliation.
  2. Got it. Thankx. . . but how is Nadia going to know that is the reason she is there rather than thinking either Tia Ramona is working with the Feds or Tia Ramona is being targeted by the Feds without her knowledge? It seems Nadia should have been willing to give Tia Ramona a "heads up" that she just happened to recognize an FBI agent at her place.
  3. Was the FBI lady at Ramona's because she is undercover or because she is trying to get Ramona to cooperate also? If it's the former, shouldn't Nadia have immediately found a way to let Ramona know, or is she going to continue to play Both Sides Against the Middle thinking that gives her better results?
  4. Thorny is now accessory to a few more murders. My despisization (I know that isn't a real word; it means the process of despising someone more and more as time and circumstances goes on; it started with my high school nemesis) of Thorny continues with each episode. Once again, she bullies her way into getting what she wants no matter how many others have to suffer the consequences. At least this time we got an admission that something was actually her fault. You'd also think that a holier than Thou doctor who gets to decide who lives and who dies would know how to actually do CPR though. Even her medical skills are slipping.
  5. They showed the workman putting sealant around the window to keep out the moisture and getting rid of the mattress and other mold laden items. The drywall and possibly the studs would have been replaced as well. It is also possible that the studs were covered with sealant in case there were still spores in there.
  6. I knew they weren't going to let her injury a baby, but the cat had me really scared.
  7. I always felt I had the best feel for the clutch if I was driving barefoot.
  8. I'm going to try to remain optimistic and think that there is still so much time left in the game that it will give someone else (or plural) enough time to show what Survivor really wants in a player. Hopefully, Jeff's and the other producers' memories are short enough that they will have forgotten all about Bhanu by the time we get to the final tribal counsel (sarcasm, not a typo).
  9. Go to https://www.marketwatch.com/ and click on "virtual stock exchange" at the bottom of the page. You can trade to your heart's content without spending a dime of real money.
  10. AKA: borrowing money from the loan sharks for high stakes gambling. Could Jay and Sam try to claim that they had been victims of identity theft and shouldn't be held liable for the transactions of someone who hacked into their account?
  11. I'm guessing they have some type of first aid station at every challenge. It was probably someone with at least a little medical training. In the US, it's required to have a nurse on every movie or TV set. I had a friend who would do that as a side hustle. He said he never had any real medical equipment available. If there had been a real emergency, calling 911 was really the only thing he could have done except for maybe applying pressure to a bleeding wound or providing a cold compress as shown.
  12. Then why was he so angry about going home or begging to stay? If the whole thing was predestined to play out the way it did, what was supposed to change with all his crying and whining? By your scenario, wasn't he committing blasphemy by wanting to change what had been predetermined by his God?
  13. Isn't it blasphemy to show anger towards your deity or even question him for that matter, especially when everything you're blaming him for is due to your own ineptitude? My philosophy: God doesn't get anyone on Survivor, and God doesn't have you voted out after 9 days. Some higher power does give you a skill set to use in life which may include appearing on a game show. However, if you're not going to utilize what you've been given and expect everything you want to be (miraculously, to use Bhanu's own words) falling in to place without any effort from yourself (or even worse despite your own total screw ups), you're going to be sorely disappointed over and over again. In short, you're expected to do the best you can with what you've been given, not sit back and demand "Why aren't you helping/giving me what I want?" He reminds me of someone I went to college with who said Jesus was giving her bad grades because he didn't want her to be a doctor.
  14. He at least should have told them to elevate her feet. I was screaming that at the TV.
  15. On the radio program I listen to a woman said she gave her 3 year old nephew a chocolate chip cookie that he wanted to share with the dog. She told him that Jasper couldn't have the cookie because chocolate was like poison to dogs. After a prolonged temper tantrum, he calmed down then told her sternly "take the poison out of the cookie!" Maybe Lori should have just demanded "take the calories out of the cookie!" She likes bullying her inventors anyway.
  16. She is so selfish she would definitely be willing to bully the workers from her cleaning service who are in the country illegally into doing the actual dirty work which would set them up to be in more trouble with the law than just immigration violations. They would then be accessories to violent crimes. She even tried to do that with the social worker in this episode. Sorry, but Thorny demanding to a bystander that she hold pressure on a bleeding wound would not have made the social worker just as guilty of practicing medicine without a license as Thorny was. Thorny still wanted to blackmail the social worker with it to get herself out of yet another situation she overstepped boundaries and thoroughly involved herself in when she was already in the midst of illegal activity. Of course, if Thorny did use her illegal workers to clean messes for the cartels, she would find a way to rationalize that she was actually helping the workers, not sinking them deeper into trouble. She'd come up with "they desperately need to earn money" or "it's still better than where they came from."
  17. They're going to pay him to make content. He got 4% of the business for whatever the word is for "beyond free."
  18. My utter hatred of Thorny continues. After lamenting last week "We're not safe" and "They're going to kill us all," she wants her sister in law and nephew back in the middle of that crap instead of in the Philippines where they seem to have established a pretty stable life for themselves in the mere 2 weeks they've been there. I have to say it every week: the better situation for all of them would be for Thorny to take her son back to the Philippines where they could all live together without threats from every criminal organization in the US and Mexico as well as law enforcement. Now that the only treatment for Luca's "condition" is medication that can be obtained in the Philippines, what is Thorny's rationale for why she wants to stay in the US?
  19. My impression of it is Ramona and Jorge are in direct competition with Arman and Nadia for the same drug routes, arms deals, etc. Not only is one making a profit over the other a huge conflict in and of itself, but each side wants to believe they are the superior criminals and don't want to concede to anything that would indicate they can't continue believe they are bigger, stronger, more ruthless, have more influence, etc. over the other side.
  20. After a bone marrow transplant he may need to be on immunosuppressants for the rest of his life, or it is possible he could eventually be weaned off. Since they've never told us exactly what his underlying disease is, it's hard to tell what his long term care needs would be. (That may be intentional, so someday he can be miraculously cured if the plot line requires it).
  21. They were looking for someone to blame for her cerebral palsy.
  22. Earlier in the episode someone was handing out flyers for a pram decorating contest. It was supposed to have something to do with Easter; however, I didn't understand the connection. Maybe their version of the old-fashioned Easter Parade?
  23. I hope it ends the way The Sopranos did. Have I mentioned how much I hate Thorny?
  24. How do these places get restocked and how often does that happen? I just don't see how they can serve a neighborhood any better than a convenience store that is getting daily shipments of produce. Is only one customer allowed in at a time? How else would they know who to charge for what? I also don't think having to travel 5miles to get to the grocery store is that big a deal, especially with all the delivery options and ride share companies that are available in this day and age. Do people who can't afford a trip to the grocery store have cell phones to download the ap? What are they going to do when people don't pay their bills? I just don't think this has been well thought through.
  25. Just because they're sugar free and gluten free doesn't mean they're healthy. At that calorie count, they're obviously using a high calorie sweetener even if it isn't sugar or honey. That won't improve the glycemic index or decrease inflammation or do any of the other things a low sugar diet is supposed to do. With $770,000 total income for 2022, they've sold 128,000 individual cookies. Only $32,000 of that income is profit, so their margin is all of 6%. Why were the snarks acting so impressed? Scaling is going to mean hiring more staff. With only a 6% margin, they really can't afford to pay anybody and still hope to make a profit. Barbara cut their valuation from $4million to $800,000, and they were talking about what a great deal they got. Their margins are terrible, their sales are terrible, and they only got $100,000 out of Barbara that they don't have to pay back. Are they just bad a math or are they bad a business management altogether?
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