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Everything posted by eel2178

  1. Didn't we see the same thing a few seasons back that did the exact same thing without the cell phone? I was really getting a sense of de ja vu. His subscription model has only generated 55,000 customers. He needs to go back to the drawing board (pun intended).
  2. To take an axillary temperature on a human, you need to have the thermometer against the skin with no obstructions. How can using it on an animal with fur be accurate? Also, they began their pitch with "what if you went to the doctor in pain and weren't able to tell him?" Neither of their products had anything to do with assessing pain in animals. It was all objective data, not subjective which is necessary for pain assessment. I'm The Crazy Cat Lady, and I didn't see a use for their products.
  3. I was admitting a patient for surgery who was still in his early 30s, and he was mortified by the tattoo that he had on his upper arm. He called it "a drunken mistake" and was profusely apologetic for how obscene it was. It looked as though it would have taken 6-8 hours to complete, so I really had to wonder, how drunk was he?
  4. Even if she found a house without ghosts (a new build maybe), she would have to live like someone with agoraphobia if she was going to avoid ghosts altogether.
  5. Democracy at least dates back to ancient Greece (probably the only thing I actually learned in my Humanities class at Reed College).
  6. which could also be the reason behind the cocaine addiction
  7. I wasn't sure how you were supposed to have it handily available when you see the bug. After it runs across your floor or up the wall or wherever, you run and get the thing and you're supposed to expect the bug to still be exactly where you last saw it? Cockroaches won't do that. Maybe you sit quietly with it across your lap like a broken shotgun while you await the return of your prey? The stationary bugs are easy enough to catch live without his device with just a paper or plastic cup and a piece of paper or thin cardboard. Besides, I don't think I'm going to deprive the cat of the opportunity to play Ninja Bug Hunter. He'd probably already have it squished by the time I got back with the equipment anyway. A question that didn't get asked: can you catch more than one before you've emptied it?
  8. The dog also appeared to have a huge sugar crash after eating it. He had practically melted on stage to look like a throw rug. I suppose it's possible he was given a sedative to prevent getting too hyper on camera; however, from the edit we got, it really looked as though he was in the throes of a hypoglycemic episode after viciously devouring his treat. After the fail with doggy peanut butter a few weeks ago, I'm not sure why the producers thought this should get any air time.
  9. How can someone who doesn't need to breathe have sleep apnea? Don't all the ghosts have permanent apnea?
  10. I just can't imagine Hetty being happy after being sucked off. Does she know she doesn't get to be in charge of everything? At least at the mansion, she has a few livings or ghosts she can order around. She is not going enjoy being someplace where she doesn't at least get to call some of the shots.
  11. It also ruins the esthetics of your fireplace. The fireplace should be for gazing into a crackling fire, not staring at a TV mounted above it. I don't care if the house was built in the 21st century or during colonial times. That's not where the TV belongs. Besides, the heat from the fireplace will destroy the TV.
  12. eel2178


    Are you willing to post the lyrics? I'd love to hear more.
  13. When you compare that to taking your dog to the groomers, I do think it is a bargain; however, the ergonomics of using it aren't right for most people. Also, if your dog hates taking a bath, I doubt it would contain him, and you'd end up with an even bigger mess and a broken device with $100 down the drain (pun intended). As for the kids, if you can't keep them from splashing each other, then don't put all 3 of them in the tub at the same time. That would be a lot cheaper than wasting money on R & D of this device. Again, money down the drain.
  14. I didn't think either of the sisters looked all that impressive. Maybe their eyebrows were okay, but the blue eyeshadow with the bright red lipstick was not good for redheads. Neither were the red and magenta dresses. Maybe their "lifestyle brand" is more about being loud and proud than making choices that are good for your coloring, although that definitely wasn't what they were trying to sell the snarks. Did anyone else notice that the guys all enthusiastically put their wigs on for the whole presentation, but Lori and Barbara wouldn't touch them?
  15. As I said after their update a few weeks ago, I'd be willing to bet that the hummingbird watching device was a dismal failure, so the snarks are leery of setting themselves up with the birdwatching community again. Then again, none of them had been interested in it. They all dropped out quickly. Daniel Unkind is the one who made the deal. It was also much less of a financial investment (asking $75,000 in exchange for 10% equity; settled for 35%) versus $250,000 for 20% equity. Someone also should have told him the name had to go. There are going to be webpages, websites and search engines who are going to censor it, or anyone trying to do a search to find him is going to be inundated with pornography adds.
  16. I wanted to know if he sold the camera separately because $200 for a bird house is ridiculous. The house costs twice as much as the camera. Can the camera live stream to YouTube? I also wondered about how much light was needed for the camera. Did the birdhouse vents provide enough light, or did it have a light source? If it's the latter, then I object to it on principal. Birds needs darkness to follow their circadian rhythms to stay healthy.
  17. I've said it before, but it still bears repeating: the snarks start ooing and awing whenever they hear anything about sales being over $1,000,000. They never stop and do the basic math. If it sells for $550, then they've only sold 18,181 units. If it sells for $5.50, then they've still only sold 181,818 units. Why are they so impressed by that? Sales that low don't keep anyone in business no matter what the product. Then if you start calculating in how many years it has taken them to reach those numbers, the impressiveness factor drops even more.
  18. However, I think she added something to it such as Scotch Guard since she was trying to claim that it could be wiped clean without washing it. Her allegation was it only needed to be washed once a year. No one making Merino wool sweaters makes that kind of claim. Maybe whatever she had coated it with to be stain resistant wouldn't hold up to a washing machine even on delicate.
  19. Send your feedback to: https://support.abc.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003079511
  20. I live in a state that requires us by law to bring our own bags to the grocery store (actually, any store). They sell very large insulated bags in the checkout line for $2.99 (which I believe is for the posh group; remember when we used to take our groceries home in free bags without insulation in them, and it was never a problem? Why do I need an insulated one now?) I know the ones the grocery store is selling aren't as sturdy as hers are; however, I could buy 114 of them for less money than I would have to pay for one of hers, and I would have enough room in my bag to bring something in for a potluck as well as my own lunch if I feel the desperate need for insulation.
  21. So kids are too posh to use a lunch box or brown bag now?
  22. The only advantage I can see is if you happen to get mugged on your way to work, the thief has a 50/50 chance of getting just your lunch instead of your valuables. Lifetime sales are fewer than 38,000 units which she is trying to blame on difficulty and cost with customer acquisition. Lady, you can't acquire customers because your product is superfluous and way too expensive! My previous boss used to carry her lunch to work in an Igloo cooler. Considering that she worked in an operating room and Igloo coolers are what are used to transport organs that are going to be used for transplant from one hospital to another, it really grossed me out every time I saw her walking in or out of the building with it. Maybe, for her I could see a reason to carry lunch in a purse instead; however, did the presenter say anything about it being insulated? I don't remember it if she did.
  23. No, that is Pretty Litter. Having sold 18,600 units from Jan 2023 until the episode was filmed, it is hardly flying off the shelves. I can see buying it if you think your cat might be having an issue in order to see if a trip to the vet is warranted; however, spending $25 every time you change the litter box just to wait and see if it will change colors is ridiculous. When my standard bag of house brand clay litter increased its price to $2.29 a bag, I thought it was ridiculously expensive.
  24. Yet another mother who thinks she has revolutionized childcare. If she's trying to tell me that after the kid pukes or poops on it all you have to do is wipe it off then hand it back to him, I'm horrified. What about milk spills that go sour? I'd also like to know if it is machine washable. If a wool blanket has to make a trip to the drycleaners whenever it needs to be washed, you'd better be planning on investing a lot in one-hour processing if this is your kid's security object (although if you're willing to pay that much for a baby blanket maybe you have a lot of disposable income; however, I can really only see someone spending that much money if it was going to be a baby shower gift). Speaking of wool, I'm not sure children with asthma or sensitive skin issues should be using a wool blanket.
  25. In other words, if you don't have a sophisticated palate and a lot of disposable income, you are not the intended market.
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