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Everything posted by MrPissyPuppy

  1. Why didn't Josh immediately think Highlander when Josh23 talked about The Quickening? I would bet the character watched the show as a kid. Plus Jason Ralph kinda reminds me of a younger Adrian Paul (from the Highlander series).
  2. It was a mixed lot on the books - some were spine out and some spine in. Joanna's just messing with us now!
  3. I really hope they put some sort of soundproofing under the floors in that loft. It looked like they were gluing it directly to the sub-floor.
  4. I don't understand why they didn't put a bathroom with the upstairs bedroom on the new build. Yeah, more cost, but then it would have been more convenient for guests and added resale value.
  5. Hey hey! In the Garden Shed episode, the book spines were facing OUT! I think they were the most color in the whole Garden Shed/Cottage.
  6. Overall I liked the cabin redo, but the stairs right up against the windows with no railing on that side makes me nervous. I'd also prefer a full or half bath off the master bedroom.
  7. Maybe they were hungry! It is a name that sounds like it belonged to the best friend on a 1950s tv show and rolls off the tongue easily.
  8. The article calls him their former pastor, so it wasn't like a first meeting. But still ... yeah. That was sure a tiny sitting area in the living room/den that they did last night for the opera singer family. Very awkward layout with the fireplace in the corner by the french doors - not sure where a tv would go, but perhaps they're not a tv watching family.
  9. In defense of Deputy Dip, he did mention that he'd had a thing for her/been in love with her since they were in school in the feast episode and it was also sort of sprinkled in previous episodes, so it didn't seem out of character for him. One of those unrequited love things that the pod alien (or wtf-ever it is) exploited to get him to feed the larva-thing.
  10. I'm glad Julius is alive no matter how they wind up explaining it. And they better not do anything to that beautiful black German Shepherd ... I was more worried about him than any other character. Julius, Axel and Shadow can just go off and have their own adventures apart from the Van Helsings. Although Mom seemed cool.
  11. They are really big on a lot of windows/french doors/glass front doors. I guess their clientele don't walk around naked or in their crappy lounge clothes or want to pretend they're not home to salespeople and talky neighbors.
  12. I'm watching. I'm not sure wtf is going on between ghosts and pod people and Lambda, but I'm still watching. The setting/atmosphere is giving me a bit of The Returned/Les Revenants vibe. Although imo that series was superior.
  13. Series 2 will be available on Amazon Prime on December 21st according to their website. https://smile.amazon.com/primeinsider/video/coming-prime-video-december.html?ref=insider_ar_tips_oprahs_faves
  14. I think everyone turns when they die in the Z Nation universe same as the Walking Dead universe. If I'm recalling correctly, one of the first scenes is Warren giving mercy to an old woman who apparently died of old age so that she wouldn't come back.
  15. A bit of original recipe Dawn of the Dead vibe with the news crew/tv station and the helicopter, I thought. I enjoyed it and thought the flashbacks and present time stories were done well.
  16. I find the scenes with Vanessa and her daughter are much improved if you imagine her calling the kid Cujo instead of Dylan. The lead actress is very flat at least in this role; she was also in True Blood which I watched and she didn't do anything memorable for me there either. And there's no humor in this series at all. Still I may give it another episode or two for the supporting cast.
  17. Funny thing about the button is that buttons can and often are used in suturing wounds on horse joints since movement of said joints can cause the stitches to rip out and the buttons relieve tension on the stitches. I don't think that was Maze's intent and it was funny, but it is definitely a thing. http://www.horseandman.com/medical/have-you-ever-heard-of-a-laceration-held-together-by-buttons-me-neither/01/09/2016/
  18. EEK! I notice some of the photos are in black and white to spare the eye, I suppose.
  19. Odyssey 5 was on Showtime, so can't blame SyFy for that one. Now, Farscape, Eureka, Incorporated, Dominion, etc, they've sure got a history. If I had to pick a current SyFy show to cancel, I would have picked the very flat Van Helsing.
  20. They're planning a "tweetstorm" tonight starting at 9pm EDT and 6pm PDT. Blog post from Joseph Mallozzi: https://josephmallozzi.wordpress.com/2017/09/08/september-8-2017-dark-matter-fans-having-an-impact-and-making-a-difference/ See also: https://twitter.com/DarkMatterFTL
  21. Was it bring your child to work day when they mixed the audio for some of these episodes & they let a toddler do it? Such loud & unnecessary music that you hardly hear what the people are saying. I really noticed it on the Gene and Kelly (older couple "downsizing") episode that I recorded last week and I only remember their names since well, Gene Kelly. I've noticed it on a few others as well and don't understand why we need loud bouncy music when looking at potential house number two or whatever.
  22. I think some of the double stacked cabinets could be useful for stuff people don't use often like the Christmas china and serving trays and such. It just seems like there are a lot of them and it's overwhelming.
  23. That was one busy living room/kitchen when they finished. I'm not liking the way they're staging the houses this year. Way too cluttered & I think it makes the rooms look smaller.
  24. I'm pretty sure that was a stunt butt/back for Frances Conroy, but if not, you go girl! At this point, I'm rooting for the Mist to take everyone but Jonah/Bryan. I really don't like any of these people except for him. Which is weird, because I do like/can relate to Stephen King characters. It also seems like things fell apart pretty quickly in a day or two - most people would hole up at home/wherever and kind of wait it out for that amount of time.
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