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Everything posted by wanderingstar

  1. Marv's back though, he was my favorite. Yeah, I liked Marv's story best in the first film. Not sure how I feel about Josh Brolin taking over as Dwight.
  2. Tom Cruise. I've disliked him since I saw him in Top Gun. I read a review once of one of his films that described his performance as Tom Cruise playing Tom Cruise playing (insert character name). Apt description, IMO. Will Smith. It wasn't always this way. I liked him when he first came on the hip-hop scene. I found him charming and fun. I even liked him in the early years of the Fresh Prince. But around 2001ish, he started to grate on my nerves when I realized he plays every single movie role in exactly the same way: vaguely charming/snarky dude who is forced to become serious. *rme*
  3. Katie Holmes in Pieces of April. And trust me, no one was more surprised than me.
  4. Tasha needs exit strategy lessons from Betty Draper! I loathe Holly and wish she wasn't returning. Her character grates. Mightily. James and Angela make Scandal's Fitz and Olivia look mature and profound. Here's hoping everyone gets some smarts in S2.
  5. This right here? Makes me speechless with rage. Like I can’t believe we’re supposed to commend Jamie for not running screaming from Doug. That idea is so hateful to me…I just don’t even know what to say.
  6. In a show supposedly full of hardcore gangsters, I'm going to need all of them to be a LOT less stupid. Curious to see what Kanan does now that he's out and Ghost is still alive.
  7. I know, but he is SO purdy! And yeah, that Batman/Superman thing is going to be awful.
  8. My personal favorite: Datak (about Jalina): I adored her! Yewll: That's one way to put it.
  9. Christie really wants to be a Stahma clone, doesn't she? I can kind of understand it: Stahma is pretty awesome. But maybe the Casti dress-up route isn't the right way to go. I am stunned at how much I'm loving these two together. When they were dragging poor Jalina's body to Hellbug territory, I smiled a little. They may be my new OTP for this show.
  10. I liked Kilmer's Batman too. Agreed. Enjoyed the movie and Kilmer in it. Thought he was a good Batman.
  11. Not to mention her telling him, "you can trust me," which on a TV show genuinely means the opposite. I loved the actor playing Rolla, and Omari actually moved me in their scene together. So, Kanan has explicitly requested that his son not be around when Pink Sneakers kills Ghost. I'm guessing this means he'll be there - or in the vicinity.
  12. This is true. Jon Champion is good, but putting Lalas alongside him? Blah.
  13. So, NY Red Bulls are the first MLS team to beat an EPL team (Arsenal) in this series of pre-season matches. I'm proud, but I'm more concerned with whether or not NYRB can beat Real Salt Lake next Wednesday!
  14. I missed that! But I loved everything about the Datak/Rafe/Stahma scene. Those 3 together are bringing me so much joy this season!
  15. Part of me wants to read it just to be a completist, but I was completely turned off by Tris in Insurgent, so I've avoided the final book.
  16. I don't get the popularity of the Divergent series. I read the first two and found both to be terrible. Tris is a pretty unappealing heroine, IMO. And don't get me started on the awful romance.
  17. I think I'll hate Pottinger forever for what he just did to Churchill. Same here, but I'm trying not to get too attached to them because I don't know if they'll last once Amanda finds out about Stahma killing Kenya.
  18. Well, Lorraine Toussaint has already been on the show, but I'd love to have her back.
  19. The series of MLS-EPL matches usually features a handful of competitive games along with one or two blowouts. So this is pretty normal.
  20. Well, strictly speaking, the standard of Premier League teams is much better than that of MLS teams - and I say that as a diehard MLS fan (Go NY Red Bulls!) In past years, MLS teams have gotten the odd win over an EPL or other European team, but this result is par for the course in these pre-season friendlies, where the MLS teams are usually pretty over matched. As for the question of how good Man United is, we'll see when the Premier League season starts. Likewise, the true quality of the Galaxy we'll find out come playoff time. JustaPerson, aren't you glad you asked :-)
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