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Everything posted by slaterain

  1. THIS!!! I think the problem was the music in both cases but especially the African Jazz number. It was the same problem I had with Travis' number (was it last week) that was acapella. I kept waiting for some change to it - or crescendo to cap it off.
  2. While I am not a huge fan of the booty shorts/skimpy top combo (and I wonder if she made the rookie mistake of wearing something new at the competition (never use/do something new on race day!) I wouldn't shame her for it based on her job. First off - she is not at work. Second - I don't think boys at that age necessarily need skimpy outfits to be confused with hormones. they do just fine without. Third - Think of the girls in her class seeing a bad ass confident woman taking on that course and being in an outfit that feels comfortable for her (although again - were the shorts new?!?! She may have also regretted the wedgie shorts!). Skin contact does help with some of those obstacles too so it may have been strategic for the log roll? While I understand not being a fan as I am not either - she was showing strength not sexiness. And to note - I also prefer the guys who keep their shirt on for the most part but it more boils down to personality and if they are putting on a arrogant gun show or that is where they are comfortable/celebrating at the end.
  3. the wild card has definitely been eliminated. Which I am ok with. And I get the new woman's rule. It's just so hard to see someone right on the bubble especially when they send a different # of people from each city. I think they should have X slots (whether it is 15 or 17) with a two women minimum. Granted this was a unique ep with both Warnkey and the Beast so close to qualifying that it was a bit extra sad. Don't get me wrong - I'm glad they made it a rule! But I am interested to see how the rule may develop further as more and more badass women get involved! ;)
  4. They spent so long on Jamie's big life change which could have been a 5 second snippet - We're engaged! - and done. They really love their ninja couples on this and it is beginning to get obnoxious. I would much rather see his run in its entirety. Sad for Michelle but I am glad that she made it as far as she did and got the chance to get past the wall and the salmon ladder. Also bummed for her friend/employee who was one of the fastest in the qualifier but got spun out off the log roll after it made it to the end. I can't decide how I feel about if a woman gets in the top 15 then only one other woman gets to go with the 2 cap (unless multiple make it in the top 15 I guess). I kinda wish it was 17 no matter what with at least two women. But then who does the bonus spot go to if a woman is in the top 15 - should it go to a woman because then Michelle would get to go and we would have more representation for the woman. Or make it that at least two women go and if one makes it in the top 15 then it is whomever qualifies next (man or woman) which may have been McGrath (poor guy looked wrecked but he sure did push through and was so damn close it hurt to watch him just barely miss the landing).
  5. Dangit - I had finally gotten it out of my head and then read your comment - grrrr....
  6. Which I find interesting because I think Jenna was the worst all-star partner in the performances in that regard - she seemed to hog the spotlight during their routine completely. Part of that was the choreography but I see her as a bit of a selfish dancer.
  7. I can't tell if it is just the stoic Eastern European facade or not but to me he is giving no energy to anything and not really trying. All the mixed connections and such when he is supposed to be this amazing ballroom dancer. When Mary made some comment about wanting to get him on here for a while, made me think that they convinced him to do it not that he wanted to and then was over it by the hip hop. I really hope he gets cut quickly and puts him and us out of our misery. sheesh.
  8. It was the only one that literally made me snort-laugh at the reveal. in the best way! I thought for sure he would get in the finale.
  9. The problem with this green mile ep especially when I haven't minded it as much in the past is that we don't know who most of the dancers are!!! It has all been so all-star focused and they have barely introduced us to any of contestants! Why should we care?! And I think we would have had a slightly different top 10 if Nigel and the other judges had picked. One way they could have done the team thing is if it was used to give the contestants some mentoring through the process but not limit the choice at the end. I think it would have been far better if they determined the overall top picks and then chose which all-star. I do think the mentoring helped with the group dances immensely granted we barely saw them and that was always one of my fav parts. They showed a snippet of one during the green mile and it looked great but we had never seen it!
  10. I really wish they would call the POM run of the night at the end of the episode - and then show it again at that point. That way it wouldn't be so predictable!
  11. Jessie is just incredible and am so happy that she is out there in the world for little girls to look up to (saw somewhere that a little girl thought Wonder Woman was copying Jessie! aww!!!) That run was so impressive and I love her smile throughout - she grins even more when it is tough and I think it is that attitude that helps her get as far as she has! My fav moment though was Akbar after she did the splits when he kicked his leg up in the booth to mimic and barely gets his leg up - cracked me up!!! I really hope Jessie gets to and through stage 2!!! This is definitely Drew's year - he has been on fire! He got through the course so quickly that he had enough energy to get up the elevator which is where everyone else struggled. I wondered that too!!! There was such a huge gap and I didn't think she took that much longer than them. The only thing I can think is if they wait until they put their hands on the pegs for the elevator, maybe?
  12. of course still so much time/focus on the all-stars. ugh. just get to the pick and get going with the dancing sheesh. Hate the reveal on stage - if they are going to show the green mile deliberation then just announce it there - don't make them stand on stage awkwardly until they can start dancing. or why show the green mile if they are not showing the reactions when they are picked. UGH! Started getting annoyed by Vanessa Hudgens by the second dance - I like her in some movies but am not digging her as a judge - she may just need a few eps to get used to it like whatshisname did... will see. so what's the tally? Contemporary - Lex, Kaylee, Taylor, Logan (Or are any of them Jazz/Broadway?) Hip Hop - Dassy, Mark, Robert Ballroom - Kiki, Koine, Sydney kinda sad that there aren't any other styles like ballet or Indian or... Don't like that there is voting this ep - let them have the top 10 at least once past the green mile! I like to see the behind the scenes working with the choreographer and how the dancers were. I hope Kiki gets cut but am a bit nervous for Dassy and Kaylee as their routines weren't as exciting. Dassy/Fikshun - glad that Dassy got picked - I would have been shocked if they went with the other guy. while it was fun it was only ok for me - the whole intro seemed almost like a play by play of an old Janet Jackson video (blanking on the song) - credit to have one of the originators of popping as the choreo but have to admit that just popping seems kinda boring to me. Logan/Allison (bummed it wasn't Zachary but happy to hear he is on broadway - Logan is just so young) Audrey is an interesting allstar choice but she has matured - one of those rare Tyce routines that I really enjoyed. That was beautiful and intricate and thought they did a good job Kiki looks so uninterested in this whole thing - still annoyed that he made it as far as he did. And then Jenna chose him. so Jenna/Producer driven. Just don't care. I so want them cut immediately. For as talented as Kiki supposedly is I thought it was boring and not that well choreographed or danced. granted all the audition shenanigans may be causing me to be a bit biased against them. Cyrus/Kaylee - Kaylee was good but Cyrus was just a prop. That will be a disservice to her as this competition goes on. It will just be hard to fully connect with an audience that way. Thought there were some beautiful moments but it really was only in the last half. I think a nappy tabs lyrical hip hop would have been better for them. Glad she got her dream to dance with Cyrus but she might not get much more which sucks as she is one of my favs. Gaby/Lex - I would have been shocked if Lex hadn't been picked. WTF is that dress that they put Gaby in?!?!?! It was a bit too standard classical tap imo - granted I don't know much about tap. I just know that the tap routines that I have loved had a bit more edge or fun to them. The flip at the end was impressive. Comfort/Mark - he was my guess as I didn't think the producers would allow an uneven amount of guys vs girls - one of the stronger routines of the night. This was fun while still being advanced! (glad Mark knew who Rufio was but that was just an awkward moment!) Marco/Koine - gorgeous routine (love Stacey Tookey!) that was beautiful - some of the camera work was a bit annoying and almost pulled me out of it in the middle - but definitely one of the favorites of the night. Didn't have a preference on either girl so am happy with the choice based on this routine. And Koine was a ballroom dancer?!? Paul/Sydney - another choice that I have no opinion on because I have no clue about them until learning from their green mile recap. Such a better ballroom than earlier - they actually used the stage and had some energy! Robert/Taylor - again not surprised they kept the opposite sex pairing and only thing I know about her is that she kicked the other girl in the head - my fav routine of the night! so gorgeous and intricate. There were a couple pauses that seemed a bit missed but overall just stunning. Jasmine/Robert (best reveal - already on stage ready to start the routine!) So much fun - great way to end the night - best hip hop - love Christopher Scott Wade Robson - looked like an interesting routine but the camera work really frustrated me - why all the high birdseye shots?!?! the dance is meant to be seen from the audience point of view not overhead!!! and quit zooming in on one or two when there are 20 on stage! Glad to have wade back and hopefully he does more routines!!! (sorry so long - tried to break it into two posts but then the forum merged them. fail)
  13. Charles being relatively boring doesn't bother me as he does seem to keep his personal and business lives separate. Not perfectly (cough - LIza) but he generally does. He just seems relatively chill which I like. I liked the glimpse we saw of him in the hamptons. The thing about the stupid text thing beyond why on earth would you send that sensitive info in a tweet - why on earth did he send it to Kelsey?!? LL Moore is not a Millennial imprint author - Kelsey has had nothing to do with him. It was just so thrown in there just so Kelsey's guy could see it and it was ridiculous. I haven't minded much of the fashion in the earlier seasons but it seems like they keep pushing some extremely non-flattering shapes on these beautiful women this season. I am not a big fashionista and keep it pretty basic but it is fun to see some cool outfits. However have thought they have gone too much and way over accessorized this year.
  14. Count me in on the "FINALLY/CHARLES" bit! Yes - it's irrational and unethical and completely ridiculous but I love it in my guilty pleasure tv! ;) While I like Josh, I have always thought that Charles is the end game. So I'm curious to see how this moves forward. Hopefully they actually let it move forward instead of yet another big Charles moment that gets erased/ignored the very next episode. I am also curious if Liza's direct boss (why am I blanking on her name?!?!) says anything because she definitely kept looking at Liza's shocked face inquiringly!
  15. So I accidentally spoiled myself by clicking in a different orphan black forum before realizing that a new ep had aired. (Completely my bad! hard to keep track since I don't have bbca and have been streaming it). But I am actually grateful and was prepared for it (granted it was fairly telegraphed so maybe it wouldn't have been as bad)! But it amped up my awareness the whole ep and when/how it would happen - and also made me cherish every gesture and "chicken" endearment. RIP Ms. S :( I wanted to shake Sarah as she couldn't give Felix just the evening. Granted she will struggle with not being able to be there to save S and feeling responsible. But how Cosima and Allison came to support him and be his ever changing muse - loved every bit of it! Allison cracked me up when she had to switch into the Sarah persona! It amazes me how many times I have to remind myself that it is all the same amazing Tatiana! Talk about never being type-cast again! This ep is everything I want in the final season - random connection to season 1 with the morgue attendant (I identified your body), Sister interactions, FELIX was back!!!, Art was even mixed in well, the comic store dude rapping, Cosima dancing/stomping on Rachel's face, even Felix's real sister who annoyed me at first, the many lives of Ferdinand are over, and even some heartbreak. This was an amazing ep.
  16. Wow - this episode was intense!!! I have always been a bit underwhelmed by Rachel-centric episodes as I felt she was so clearly painted as the villain. Yet this ep I was intrigued and fascinated and really enjoyed getting a full glimpse of Rachel. It explains so much - the self-awareness as a clone/object from so young, her domination in the bedroom (Ferdinand and Paul), and the quick personality switch after meeting Westmoreland. I had been wondering what it was that made her do such an about-face and it was that she thought she finally would be free. The moment with the eye-pad (HA!) was so shocking and well done!!! Loved her going to the meditation room and closing her eyes so that it would be "ok" for the camera to show black! I couldn't watch any of the eye gouging and was flinching even while not watching it waiting for the scene to be done. Glad she saved Kira but I do agree that while this was a huge step - I'm not sure the sisters will ever fully trust her/bring her in to the family. I like the idea that Kira conned Rachel a bit but I do think a lot of it was how Kira knew Rachel was vulnerable and hurting with the empathic connection. And she truly does see them all as part of her family, even Rachel. The comment about the hand wringing was brilliant timing. Allison - my take on the whole thing is that it is a wig (or maybe that is just my hope). While they have been a bit off on their wig-game lately, I feel like this is Allison being herself and completely throwing herself into this new persona that she thinks she needs to be. I feel like we will see her find a balance in the last few eps as she realizes who she really is and some of that is her crazy type A controlling personality! And Donnie flinching at the glue gun was priceless! I almost missed it! Cosima and Scott's reunion! all the feels! I really hope Mark and Francie are going to be on the sisters' side. I do think Francie felt more responsible for what happened when she gave up the sisters thinking it would be ok and not realizing until too late how much of a betrayal it actually was. She didn't know everything and made a selfish call. So I hope that she feels she owes them. And they need to let Mark know through her that they have a cure for Lida so I assume one for Castor is possible via Cosima!
  17. I was wondering too and did some digging - found this: http://www.monstersandcritics.com/smallscreen/below-deck-med-crew-erupt-in-epic-twitter-war-lasting-16-hours/
  18. UGH!!! I really hate the whole teams concept - because then each dancer is now competing with a smaller group and if you have a powerhouse group they are screwed. And it is only up to the one all-star to decide who continues instead of being a consensus of all - too much favoritism allowed. Makes me really hate the whole team concept. Although it does seem to have made much stronger groups for the group choreo round - or at least more balanced but we barely got to see that - instead of it being a whole ep or even half an ep we barely got 10 mins of it. Then with all the cross-genre selections on teams - how will this work out to be balanced within the top 10? And did any tappers make it through? I feel like there were so many people not mentioned in this round that it almost seemed pointless. And here again we are seeing more individual judging then the dancing. ugh!!! I was mad when Allison let Kevin go because I thought he really held his own with his group but wasn't too surprised. And then Jenna saved him. Which I was happy about and wondered if there were a couple of saves allowed. But then when she said that she had to then dump 2 from her team - I think you could probably hear my eye roll! And you know Kiki no matter what he did would move forward. I really was sad that girl on her team didn't get more of a chance. Again burned by favoritism instead of getting the strongest top 10 and then pairing up. I did laugh that people were no longer fighting over whose team the dancers would be on or at least they didn't show it as much. And them "allowing" Robert to snag some dancers. That could have been handled behind the scenes and been edited so much better to allow for more dancing. I wonder if they realized how bad that worked out after the hip hop round so then they changed it up and went in with ideas of who would get who - but then they did the judging immediately instead of after the whole choreo round?!? They seem to be fumbling around to figure out new ways to organize this and haven't fully determined a process yet. Which makes it all the more frustrating for the viewer! oh and I was so happy about some of the cuts: - the arrogant ballroom guy (who was crazy talented granted!) who basically wanted all the girls to just be his arm candy in the group round - the shallow ballroom girl (who pretended to cry when saying goodbye to her partner when he was cut and then proceeded to make it about her "oh look at me all crying" ugh!) - the one contemporary girl that I was annoyed went straight through to the academy during auditions instead of doing a choreo round then (Arielle I think). glad to see the Indian dancer still there and I think she would have had a shot if it was the old format but she seems to be fodder. I almost wish they made each all-star pick outside of their genre to make for more interesting pairings and surprises! But then again - love seeing them elevate others in their own style. wow - that got long! sorry!!!
  19. I meant to say two MALE hip hop dancers - they actually have 3 overall this season - Fikshun, Cyrus, and Comfort.
  20. Ah! it's all coming back to me now! they do love their - untrained hip hopper most improved - trope - unfortunately I don't think Cyrus was even close to so many of the other hip hoppers that have come through. <cue giant eye roll> And I had forgotten how he bumped Cole out too. ugh.
  21. What was the drama when Cyrus was a competitor?!? I definitely don't think he is near as skilled as the other all-stars and was surprised that they brought back two hip hop focused all stars. I can't think of another season where they did that except to bring in someone for an episode here or there.
  22. I'm not sure how I feel about the current format. I hate that they are already pulling people for teams. I think it does a disservice to the group as a whole. I liked when you had to make it through each round because then everyone hit an area that wasn't a strength. (or at least most everyone!) And I don't remember them doing the team thing with the kids (which I admit to hate-watching and to see the allstars only numbers) or if they did it wasn't the same. They also get a chance to bond more with the other dancers. I don't need another Voice judge battle stuff happening like they did last night - so much time of the short one hour ep was taken up with that. I wanted to see more dancing!!! They keep talking about mentoring and helping them grow - so if that happens after the next few rounds of choreo do we have another academy ep where it is the all star working with their group of 4 to determine who gets in? So two more episodes before we get to the top 10? And I assume we will get the 2 hour shows once the competition really kicks in? I really miss the old start with 20 method and then add all stars in at 10. They could still mentor. I am already digging a couple pairings that would be fun to watch compete together.
  23. I called it after his audition! and they seemed to downplay him a little bit during the academy. Yes they showed his audition and everything but they barely showed him during the hip hop round. probably since it was a given he would get selected immediately. I was hoping Alison would go for him but I'm good with Gaby - with Gaby having danced with Shaping Sound too - there is history there and they will kill it!!! Although I kinda feel that they should have not let all stars pick anyone they have danced with before.
  24. Arielle Disciascio - was not excited by her and was a bit annoyed that she went straight through to the academy. (I actually agreed with Nigel!!! was surprised as I thought he would send her through just based on her look.) She really should have done the choreo. I don't think she will make it far. Magda & Kiki - WOW was that obnoxious how much Magda over talked him! Although I did wonder if she answered the 'where are you from' to be funny but it fell flat and just made her look worse. I thought they were beautiful dancing. I have not always been a huge fan of ballroom on the show but mainly because it is so hard to fake it if that is not your specialty. Watching two trained dancers is way different which has made the auditions so good! I will say I watched her way more than him and had to force myself to watch him at times. Compared to the other recent auditions where I have actually watched the men more - so I think the academy will have a strong ballroom group to choose from. Romainson Romain - his grief was so palpable that it almost hurt to watch. I was glad to see him make it through because I think he is one who will throw himself into it and try anything. His choreo wasn't perfect but he kept up and paid attention. I think Nigel sees him as the one who will learn and grow the most on the show so he would probably have a better shot of making it if it was the old setup with a top 20. Ramita Ravi - I was a bit surprised that they sent her to choreo just because they usually reward the unique auditions - and I kept thinking how much I want the Indian choreographer to work with her. I am glad that she made it through! Peter Mangione - ugh - seriously why?! I don't care about these auditions - at least he was good-natured about it and didn't pull one of those "these judges don't know what is good" bit. seemed it was more of a dare. Claire Rathbun - thought she was a beautiful technical dancer but she may fall into the rut of not being able to fully emote/connect with the other styles. Zachary Downer - My first thought is that Alvin Ailey will want him. (again I agreed with Nigel - wow!) I thought it was a strong audition and am interested to see how it goes with him. Lex Ishimoto - I had to rewatch his. So intriguing and if he is able to improv that well with the music.... my thought mid way through as he showed so many hints of styles/training was that he is going to win this whole thing. Damn!!! He seems nice and and entertaining and mesmerizing. I think he will connect well with the audience. I will be shocked if he doesn't make top 10 - and I think some all stars might fight over him.
  25. Ha! Chock full of hoot and just a little bit of nanny! Although I laughed when Josh got up to talk to Kelsey but the washboard part of the song kept going! :D I hated the whole not knowing what a meme was - come on! I get maybe not knowing what is maybe the most current meme trending but I can haz cheezborger had to be about 10 years ago! and doppelbanger made me snort laugh!
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