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Everything posted by brillia79

  1. Right? OMG! Lisa took out loans to buy a home!!! That bitch!!! So manipulative!!! I guess she made the banks give her money like she made all those other housewives start drama. And like she made Dorit give her rescue dog to a kill shelter just so she could sell the story to Radar Online. To think. All these grown ass women who can’t think for themselves are allowed to roam the streets after dark without adult supervision.
  2. Yup. Remember how he forbid Libby from going out to girl’s night or clubs without him because he was manly and protecting his woman’s reputation (lol)? But he’s totally fine watching his increasingly pregnant wife go out to financially support him while he drinks beer and pretends to apply for jobs. Next time Libby wants to meet up with friends or her sisters, she should just tell Andrei she has to work. He’ll bolt for the couch and laptop as she heads for the door 🤣
  3. That would be wishful thinking on Robalee’s part. If Azan stopped returning her calls for good, Nicole would be on to the next man and telling May to call him daddy.
  4. If I had to guess, she looks like someone who has used skin bleaching cream long term. It gives you the rough, splotchy, skin that is lurking beneath her foundation.
  5. I, for one, am enjoying myself waaaayyyy too much about correctly pegging Andrei as a mysogynistic controlling creep, and not a sexy Moldovan manly stud. I just didn’t figure he’d be a work-shy, couch surfing, all day in an undershirt wastrel. I know Libby is annoying as fuck and intentionally courts conflict between her family and her husband, but she must be extra hated for people to insist she should work up until labor and take no maternity leave, while it’s ok for Andrei to avoid working and ordering her around from the couch her dad probably paid for, in the apartment dad also pays for. He brings nothing to the table, except maybe some mediocre dick. And all that really got Libby was pregnant with no support.
  6. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That one foot must be super strong by now!
  7. Candace is going to be (already is) narcissistic like her mother. If she had any money, she’d be controlling too.
  8. It’s a bad idea for her to go, but if money is going out of my marital household to pay for some other person’s home, I’ll stay my ass there. Pedro can’t finance his mom’s lifestyle if he has to pay his own rent and utilities in Atlanta. Lets not forget they let that bitch Nicole stay in her house, and the ingrate complained about not having a real bed. I give credit to Pedro for laying down the law, even if it was uncomfortable for him. That’s what Chantel needs to be doing with her family.
  9. Good to know that expecting your husband to get a job to help with finances when your baby comes and you are recovering from labor and delivery in a few months is “terrorizing him with your pregnancy.” What would’ve happened if Libby had to go on bedrest and had to stop working earlier? How would the man of the house handled that?
  10. Who knows though. Homeschooling can be a great thing. But it can also be a good way to conceal child abuse and neglect. I could see Nicole as the latter.
  11. Even though she “works” for her daddy, that’s more than Andrei does. And she will be out of commission for a little bit of time when the baby comes. Let’s see Andrei match one job with Libby’s job. Right now, she’s carrying that lump. For much longer than 9 months.
  12. Because that involves work.
  13. Seriously. And then, Rinna acts like her hairstyle is iconic like That Girl or “The Rachel.” No, bitch. You have standard 90’s “let me speak to your manager” hair.
  14. IIRC from one of those tv profile things on E! or Lifetime a million years ago, she had to practically drag him down the aisle after years of him waffling on marriage.
  15. I don’t believe that for a minute. Paola cut off her family because she was too busy partying up in Miami and getting $400 hair coloring and extensions to save for plane tickets to visit. They were not a priority to her. That excuse she gave was pathetic and she basically blamed Russ for her disappearance from their lives. Not cool.
  16. Lots of this sounds like every major city in the US. More so than a suburb: Much. Higher. Housing. Costs. Suburbs closest to the city aren’t much less expensive. Higher cost of living which cancels out higher wages for all but the lobbyists and lawyers. Not great public school system. Area private schools can run as high as $60,000 per year. Higher density and higher crime. Been a few fatal shootings lately. Higher taxes. Holy shit the property taxes! Lord, the potholes! I’ve hit some on my daily commute that made my souls leave my body for a few moments. Higher grocery cost. Higher utilities Services more expensive Higher auto insurance due to break-ins and hit and runs while parked on the street (my car was hit twice). I’m describing Washington, DC. Not anywhere in Oklahoma. And the row houses in my neighborhood sell in the $700,000’s. I still have no desire to live in Oklahoma, but let’s not sell major cities as being safer and more affordable.
  17. That’s no guarantee of no altercations. As we’ve seen since Lisa stopped filming with them, they’ve all turned on each other. Best bet would be to tell Rinna to stay home.
  18. Erika. That’s the same dumb shit she wears everywhere else.
  19. Yep. Ashley is an abuser, IMO. Why send Jay home when you can kick him out of your car, threaten him with deportation, and pretend to sleep with an ex who can’t see that he dodged a psycho bullet?
  20. Save it, Molly! You purchased some young thing to service you sexually, clean your house and watch your youngest child. You weren’t interested in an equitable partnership and it blew up in your face.
  21. I don’t know how this works with a show geared towards marriage (heh), but back in my day, former Real World “stars” would hit the university tour circuit, or show up in nightclubs all snooty, saying to people, “don’t you know who I am?”
  22. Is this a reality tv thing? Or is “quit my job” code for “got fired because the filming schedule/ unwanted attention was interfering with my job?”
  23. But was hooking up with her really idiotic? Aside from the beer gut, he’s having a glow-up lifestyle: Doesn't have to work Doesn't pay rent/ nice house Wife who plays subservient on tv He’s living his best life.
  24. If she were happy, she wouldn’t run back to them and blab about issues they are having. But she’s too immature to own that and discuss it with her husband. And I do think the money to his family/ hierarchy of importance (his mom and sister come first) is a big issue for her. They have real problems before her parents start in with their poisoning the well.
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