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Everything posted by ShawnaLanne

  1. I've been watching Grey's since the beginning, and have been through some trifling shit with them, ghost sex, multiple airplane crashes, floods, snowstorms, people being run down by buses, a drowning that brought Mer back to life, but this is crap. I just started not hating Jo, and then they do this to her? For Izzie? At the end of her storyline I wish she'd been killed of in a porta potty accident. This sucks.
  2. You know he struck me as the sort who will push and shove and push and shove until he gets a reaction, I really thought he came across as an awful person, but just like if the genders had been reversed, it's on her. She chose to do those things.
  3. I have made a concerted effort over the last many, many, years to not comment on a persons inherent looks. I mean we are born with the face we have. But since most of Carol's face has been chosen and paid for, I'm gonna go ahead Carol used to have this outdoorsey sort of American Apperal, inbred Wasp thing going for her, she wasn't pretty, or beautiful, but she had a gorgeous smile. This bought face she has though has stolen what was good about her face and only left the equine features behind.
  4. On the one hand I can see EJ acting like this, on the other hand, Leah is a liar. I'm gonna hold both beliefs in my head.
  5. Oh wow. This is who she is? I read that when it came out. She is awful.
  6. What stood out to me as crazy af, was she licked his car window. Who does that?
  7. Likely, and her messaging is her brand. That is how she chooses to best represent herself to the world.
  8. I live near her, and saw her once at my local St Louis Bread Company (Panera) and she looks 15 pounds thinner in person and her skin was awful.
  9. https://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/style-living/meghan-king-edmonds-valentines-diamond-heart-ring?amp She makes it almost impossible to like her. "Okay so i have a question..here's my heart engagement ring to myself...self love," she continued. "How do i wear it? Do i wear it like that where the point is facing me? Or do i wear it the opposite where the point is facing you? I don't know...let me know." Also, she's not very bright, if she leaves the edge facing outwards it will catch on things, but I suppose when you can afford to gift yourself a $2500 self love pinkie ring, practicality isn't top of mind.
  10. Yeah, but also everything with her Insta is like that and she looks better than she has in years. Maybe she gained a few pounds so she doesn't look as hollow, or a new facelift or an old one settled. She looks healthier.
  11. At their worst they couldn't be as bad as OC. NY and Atlanta have one thing in common that OC and even BH don't have, and that is women with lives, they do things, hustle, they have interests outside of making money and looking good (sort of with Atlanta, but the women's hustle in Atlanta makes up for it.) They aren't all vapid and useless.
  12. I've talked a little bit about about my daughter coming out last year, when she was 12 as transgender (m2f.) She now has her first middle school boyfriend. It's a boy she's been wating lunch with all year, and she told me about him last weekend, and from their interactions I said it seemed like he was flirting with her. Well, Monday she ups and asks him if he wants to be boyfriend and girlfriend. He said yes. I do not know where she gets her confidence from, but I wish I had a fifth of it.
  13. * if you click on the video and go to Sonya's Instagram page there are three videos, not just the one. I found out when I just went for a second viewing.
  14. That look when Luanne snatched up the vodka after saying, is this water, and Ramona said, while reaching out to stop Luanne though. The angry side eye and snatched drink. Luanne will continue to be an example, that doesn't touch me, as to why I stay sober. Thanks Lu!
  15. I'd like to add that a chicken with its head cut off would look like a Mensa candidate with most of this cast, so it's perspective as well.
  16. Demographics. They were hitting as many niches as possible.
  17. F*ck Trailer Park Tammy for foisting this piece of shit on us. What an entitled shit.
  18. Emily gets on my nerves. But this is platinum gold. Also, how she worked in the correct spelling of you're was fire.
  19. The super hillarious thing is this could be a doll modeled after me as a baby. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Eye roll and all. I got in so much trouble as a child for rolling my eyes.
  20. Slow clap. I agree 100 percent, she showed a much different face season one. This seems cultivated.
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