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Everything posted by ShawnaLanne

  1. "If you're paying that kind of money it doesn't really matter how you look." Lisa Rena after viewing her friend in Dolce. I mean, that's rough. True, but rough.
  2. I mean that was awesome. Denise's "shade" was definitely less obnoxious than Lisa's.
  3. Damn it Kyle, I'm actually vibing with Dorit because of her dumb assed privilege. She makes Dorit look down to earth.
  4. Kyle talking about deciding to do a fashion line and then faux humble about deciding to do New York fashion week with her tacky assed resort wear speaks so much to insane privilege. Good God, Kyle is making Dorit seem like a genius. The cultural differences between the New Jersey and BH housewives is perfectly expressed in their attitudes to castmates stripping.
  5. I want to see the new housewife, but if there is too much Brandi, I'll nope out. I stay relatively nuetral about Lisa, I think she is a manipulator, but I don't see anything wrong with what she has done. The other women would do, and have tried and failed, the same tactics, but they aren't bright enough. At the end though, I was bored with her. She was too guarded to enjoy watching and she was hardly in it. I came here to post about one thing that I thought she exagerated about, and I was wong. Brandi. I knew Brandi was awful, but until this stuff with Denise, true or not, came out, I thought she always had a understandable reason. But nope, Brandi has zero loyalty and is cruel. Lisa was right.
  6. Sonja from day one has never ever been a friend to Tinsley.
  7. I think we can feel however we like about tattoo's. Just like we can feel however we like about people being judgmental.
  8. This excuse makes me so ragey. I try to tell myself that everyone's pain is valid, but I agree with you, it comes across as an excuse.
  9. God, Dorinda and her judgemental crap. Dorinda, when I was growing up to my mom told me to stay away from sloppy old drunks.
  10. Ramona, I've never agreed with her more, her hat is not okay. Really, Tinsley doesn't know what touche means? Dorinda is awful, again taking it to the cruel, with her bend over comment about the tattoo.
  11. I feel for Dorinda, but it's not a pass for her being a witch. Lot's of us are overwhelmed and alone. It's not a pass for being cruel.
  12. Yeah, I really don't like Carol, but I can't believe she knew about this. I don't think she's evil, I just think she's going through a really bad late midlife crisis.
  13. I went to check out her Instagram and you were not joking. She is pathetic in her need for attention.
  14. Me too. She has a lot of rage. I hope she's sheltering in place with extended family.
  15. Megan posted some freaky tic tok video where she was lip syncying, I dont know how to describe it. The link is below. It comes across as unhinged to do this and post it publicly when your ex has corvid 19. https://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/meghan-king-edmonds-shades-jim-in-tiktok-video
  16. Yup, like I said warm winds, sound mood. I was born in Santa Ana and grew up in SoCal. Yeah, neither Reza nor MJ know when to stop. I'm less upset about his abortion comment, because as vile as that was, I could see her revealing something equally private out of anger. It was how mean and cruel he was around the birth drama. He clearly didn't care if she or the bsby lived or died. He never visited and shat on qnd gaslit about all of her issues surrounding the birth.
  17. That and she started drinking on camera again, with that good old alcoholic rage pretty quickly.
  18. There is no way any child given enough time to think about it, would want to b3 associated with Sonja. I feel cruel typing that, but for real. At least without her being on the show the chance of people associating her with a slattery woman whose D2F anyone under 25 or string along a big checkbook.
  19. I'd say their equally as disturbing. Lu knows how to push buttons and her condenscending cuntous behavior begs for a smack in the face as well. Yeah and she was racist too.
  20. And it looks like it's only going to get worse (Drunkinda's mouth.) Leah and boundaries: I'm a single mom and am super close with my daughter. But the soul mate/partner shit is some heavy crap to put on your child. And somewhat creepy. It's emotional hijacking.
  21. Her skin, all the women's skin when I really looked at them, looked older to me this year. I wonder if it was different lighting maybe?
  22. Tinsley looks awful in her talking head, her hair looks thing, the bangs are stupid looking and her pink outfit doesn't look good.
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