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Everything posted by bmasters9

  1. It has been said popularly that Karl Malden's Mike Stone character was like a father figure to Michael Douglas' Steve Keller character on The Streets of San Francisco. Well, lately, I have seen those two lead characters on that 1972-77 ABC police/detective series as being more like brothers (Stone, with his 20+ years on the San Francisco Police Department, being the big brother to little brother Keller), one brother passing on his wisdom and experience down to the other (and I think that also counted with Richard Hatch's Dan Robbins character in the last season). Also, I think little brothers Keller and Robbins had some wisdom at times that they passed along to big brother Stone.
  2. One other thing I realized over time: on The NFL Today on CBS w/Brent Musburger, Phyllis George, Irv Cross and Jimmy "The Greek" (this being the one I grew up around in the 80s), the title banner in the background in Studio 43 at the CBS Broadcast Center in New York did not read CBS The NFL Today as I always assumed it did from my childhood (with "CBS" in the eyeball of the eye device [although that version of the title was always used in the opening for Don Robertson's billboard]), but rather had a simple, plain CBS eye and The NFL Today title. The same was true for college football coverage w/Jim Nantz in Studio 43: the title banner in the background on that did not read CBS College Football Report (or CBS College Football in 1986), with the CBS lettering in the eye device, but, like The NFL Today, had a simple, plain CBS eye device for both versions. Here are the different versions of the Studio 43 setup in New York, for Brent's NFL coverage and Jim Nantz's college football coverage...
  3. You're like that with Midsomer Murders, and I'm like that with at least two of my favorites-- Hart to Hart has had at least 7 such episodes throughout its run, and The Streets of San Francisco has had just as many. Those from Hart to Hart that I've seen repeatedly: "A Question of Innocence" "Too Many Cooks are Murder" "Death Set" "Hartless Hobby" "Vintage Harts" "Harts and Fraud" "Pandora Has Wings" And from The Streets of San Francisco: "Timelock" "Act of Duty" "The Albatross" "The Hard Breed" "Poisoned Snow" "Dead Air" "Police Buff"
  4. True-- however, I deemed him the up-and-comer because he had had only one hit show to his credit (that of course being Jeannie), and this was before he would have the second series he would be known for (that being O-R Dallas).
  5. And also Larry Hagman-- he was in a fourth-season episode of The Streets of San Francisco called "Dead Air" as arrogant S.F. radio host Terry Vine (OAD Thursday, Nov. 13, 1975 on ABC; on Disc 3 of first volume of fourth season's worth within CBS' condensed all-in-one), and from what I saw, he showed a lot of what he would be later known for as J.R. Ewing on O-R Dallas on CBS from 1978-91. These are some shots that I captured from that episode as it was presented in the CBS condensed all-in-one of The Streets of San Francisco.
  6. What is the point of mentioning each name in a separate line, instead of having them all in the same sentence?
  7. Somewhat of a lesser-of-two-evils situation, I take it?
  8. Are you talking about him complaining that people who are against Trump, and even those who are non-Republicans, were responsible for the demise of Last Man Standing?
  9. You bet-- those My Cat from Heaven profiles are the best thing that My Cat from Hell has done lately!
  10. Your assumption is correct: that is Harry. And yes, the names are likewise ordered to the pictures (in order, that is).
  11. Latest pictures of Harry, Sally and Wilma:
  12. I think I saw something similar to that on a fourth-season episode of The Streets of San Francisco called "Police Buff" (OAD Thursday, Jan. 8, 1976 on ABC); IIRC (and these are spoilers for those who have not seen that episode, or the larger Streets series), the perp (a mentally-unbalanced "police buff" named Eric Doyle [the late, great Bill Bixby]) goes into a hotel called the El Cortez that is under stakeout by Stone and Keller (Keller is undercover as criminal Johnny Roscoe); we think Doyle's going up an elevator to the fifth floor of that hotel to get the undercover Keller/Roscoe, but the story takes an unexpected turn, and Doyle backdoors all the officers and gets into Stone's car and takes him hostage. Quite unexpected if you ask me (at least I thought it was when I saw this one for the first time from CBS' condensed all-in-one Streets DVD release)! Here is that "Police Buff" episode, where that stakeout and Doyle's taking Stone hostage is contained in the fourth act, starting around the 35:36 mark:
  13. That the title of that 1965-69 CBS Western action/adventure series The Wild Wild West (w/Robert Conrad and the late Ross Martin) can be taken three ways: If you start the accent on the first Wild, you can think of it as being about how wild it was in that region of America then. If you accent on the second Wild, you can think of the Wild West as having a wildness over and above what it was known for. But if you accent the West, that puts the emphasis on Jim West (Robert Conrad's character) and his proto-MacGyver-like (or proto-A-Team-like) methods of getting out of whatever jams he found himself in (some of his methods being pretty darn wild). Would you see this the same way?
  14. Definitely The Streets of San Francisco-- the late, great Karl Malden was riveting in that 1972-77 ABC police/detective series (as Lt. Mike Stone), so much so that CBS' all-in-one DVD has been one of the few I've seen through (not that Michael Douglas and Richard Hatch didn't have equal parts to play, but Karl Malden was the one who I thought was the best on there). ETA: not exactly entirely through, as I picked up where I left off from the first-season, first-volume individual release which I had a long time ago, and finished the series.
  15. They certainly have! I'm definitely looking forward to them being adults.
  16. Food and water and litter box setup for Harry, Sally and Wilma in our garage: Kittens are more grown up now than when I first got them (not yet adults), and they have been serviced (spayed/neutered).
  17. Just went out to feed Harry, Sally and Wilma; it was all I could do to keep them from trying to go out into the rainy weather that we've been having lately because of Hurricane Florence. What I mean by that is that as soon as I opened the door to the middle part of the shop (they stay in there at night, but usually get out free in the morning to play in front of the open-air side of the shed where the mowers and other equipment are), they insisted on trying to get out. I had to distract them with their food so I could go refill their water, then it was also all I could do to keep them out of their litter box while I turned it (my word for sifting out the output from their litter). I eventually got everything done and dumped out the output, and now they have fresh water and fresh litter again.
  18. Glad you're enjoying it! However, there are plenty of commercials in those airings, so I thought you might want to look into the DVDs-- great price on Amazon, and best yet, you can have it without commercials. https://www.amazon.com/Bob-Newhart-Show-Complete/dp/B00HRUQB5O/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1536404963&sr=8-3&keywords=bob+newhart+show+complete+serie
  19. So did he for me-- in fact, Shout!'s all-in-one DVD release of The Bob Newhart Show stands tall alongside the all-in-one of Barney Miller (from the same company) as being one of my top favorites!
  20. Could have been, therein belying his name-- it's a miracle, however, that with the hard work of that Dallas vet, he seems to no longer be belying his name.
  21. My kittens (Harry, Sally and Wilma) were recently freed from their cabin fever (I forget when we did it), and no longer stay in the kennel. They run loose, unsupervised around our garage; so far, they have not been destructive. I think their cabin fever might have been the root cause of their original meanness and destructiveness; now as they've been freed from it, Sally has rubbed up against me and purred on several occasions. I also gave them a sifting litter pan, which they have used quite extensively; it has made the litter job easier on me, in that all I have to do is pour the litter with the kittens' output (said litter being in the top gray tub) into the white sifting tub (sifting tub being together w/the bottom gray tub), and sift the litter through that sifting tub into the bottom gray tub; the output stays in the sifting tub, and I can then put that output into a plastic bag to dump into the woods later. I then put the gray tub into which the litter was sifted on top of the sifting tub, and put the empty gray tub under those two tubs, therein alternating tubs between recycling operations. Before, when the kittens were younger, we had to use aluminum pans for their litter and output, and not only did the kittens make messes with it, but I had to make sure that I got every single piece of output out, including stuff that I didn't even know was there; you don't know how aggravating that was! All in all, the kittens are much happier since we made those changes, and I think they'll grow up to be happy, well-adjusted adult cats.
  22. Won't be long before the whole world (or at least our wider backyard) becomes an oyster to the kittens; I think that Friday we are going to take them out in the small garden attached to our porch, so we can try to get them used to the outdoors.
  23. Thanks immensely! We are going to get through with this, and then those cats are departing the porch for greener pastures.
  24. Took the kittens to be serviced yesterday, and brought them back yesterday afternoon; Harry is pretty much the only one of the three to really not be happy with what was done to him (perhaps because he is a male); the others aren't happy either, but they seem to be adjusting. We put E-collars on all three of them, and while Sally and Wilma seem to be adjusting to theirs, Harry has torn his collar off several times; no matter how tightly we tied his collar on, he's found ways to tear it off. Finally, we just said forget it, and we're going to hope that Harry doesn't touch the operation site in the interim. We also gave them their first doses of medicine earlier this morning at 7; we've got to do it again at 7 tonight.
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