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Everything posted by bmasters9

  1. Don't know if I ever showed this one-- another of my favorites:
  2. Got an appointment w/the county Humane Society for this Thursday to get my kittens fixed; in preparation for that, the male (Harry) is in the smaller of two kennels, and the females (Sally and Wilma) are in the larger of two kennels. After they're serviced, that is how they'll remain in the interim (for the next two weeks) until we let them outside for them to get their first taste of the outside world. I hope it doesn't take too long for them to adjust!
  3. That was the point of the chapter in Ramona Quimby, Age 8 called "The Extra-Good Sunday." Ramona and Beezus got in trouble for making a big fuss over tongue, so they were punished by having to make dinner the next day. I'm not going to go into specifics, but suffice it to say that chicken was the dinner they made, and they made it the same way as you described w/the deviled eggs, and their parents thought it was good too (all that is just how I recall it; I may be incorrect).
  4. Not a problem! I looked her up on Wikipedia, and even I thought that she was a recent passing. When I discovered that it was in 2013, I was incredibly surprised!
  5. Other characters who have become favorites of mine in seeing them on DVD: --Capt. Barney Miller of the fictional 12th Precinct in NYC (Hal Linden, in that 1975-82 ABC police comedy called Barney Miller) --Dr. Bob Hartley, Chicago psychologist (Bob Newhart, in his self-named 1972-78 CBS comedy) --Lt. Frank Ballinger of the Chicago Police (the great, late Lee Marvin, in that 1957-60 NBC police/detective series M Squad) --Jonathan Hart, and his wife Jennifer (Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers, in their 1979-84 ABC mystery/adventure series Hart to Hart) --The Harts' majordomo/butler Max (the late, great Lionel Stander, also from Hart to Hart) --Defense attorney Tony Petrocelli, and his wife Maggie (Barry Newman and Susan Howard, in that 1974-76 NBC legal series Petrocelli) --Josh Randall, bounty hunter (the great, late Steve McQueen, in one of my two favorite Westerns to date, Wanted: Dead or Alive [1958-61 on CBS])
  6. Bumping this up: one I'm really enjoying right now is the late Karl Malden in The Streets of San Francisco (as Lt. Mike Stone in that 1972-77 ABC police/detective series). I don't know what it is about him, but he's making that Streets show more than worth it on DVD!
  7. So basically, "The Case of the Twice-Told Twist" (the only color episode of the original CBS series) and the 1985-95 NBC movies are the ones you don't care to see over again?
  8. Long story short: growing, eating, playful.
  9. Will check out! I'm in Alabama now, but those sound like good suggestions!
  10. Let me set the record straight on this-- I'm a responsible pet owner, and when I said that my kittens are in a "cage," I did not realize that my choice of words would be taken as negatively as it has been. It is really a "kennel" (I thought "kennel" and "cage" were interchangeable; apparently, they are not the same). They live on a screened-in porch where I let them out to eat and play during the day, then at night, I put them up, because we have coyotes in this area, and several people have lost full-grown cats to these coyotes. That's why I put them in the kennel at night; they're still on our screened-in porch, but I put them in a more secure kennel for their protection. The people who have condemned me for saying "cage" do not realize how responsible I am for my pets. Again, I apologize for saying "cage," as I did not realize that such terminology would be taken so negatively. The kittens' mother was run over by a car, and I adopted the kittens; had I not so done, they'd probably have been turned in to the humane society and euthanized; it was not my cat who had 'em, though. When my neighbors' cat was run over, my neighbor asked for adopters for the kittens; I took three, in the interest of saving lives. I talked to a vet, and as soon as the kittens reach the proper weight for vaccination/spaying/neutering, they will have that done.
  11. There's an idea! I still have to learn to read the signs, though.
  12. That is true! While they're at their playtime, if they show signs of needing to go to the bathroom (or needing a drink of water), they're going right back to the cage where their litter box and water are (and playtime ends right there, on the spot).
  13. All in a morning's work when it comes to my kittens: --Sally learned to arch her back, and she and Wilma went at it briefly, and I think that she and Harry did it as well, and maybe even Wilma and Harry. --Harry went on the floor of the porch, albeit I didn't catch it until it was much too late (at least it was No. 1, and not No. 2). He and Sally were climbing in plants, and I assumed (foolishly) that they were bent on destruction; what I should have took it as was a desperate attempt to find a place to relieve themselves. Henceforth, I'll have to learn to read that better, and take them back to the cage when they show the signs.
  14. I've been lately feeling the same way-- I was born then too (Jan. 3, 1981-- not the exact top of the year, but pretty close)! That part about how most of the jokers there see FOX and nothing but, and get their news from nothing but, really got to me. Tell you the truth, if that's all there is for news down there, I wouldn't want to be there, or even visit! After all, I am very much a live-and-let-live type: if those seniors want to see FOX in The Villages, let 'em! I won't even lay a foot near that place, though-- not even in retirement!
  15. Why would an insurance company insist that you deal with their medical staff, instead of letting you have your own?!
  16. Why would those jokers insist on cast iron, when the purchaser clearly expressed a non-interest in cast iron?
  17. Actually, we're doing something different today-- we're gonna feed the kittens, then let them go to the bathroom in their cage (however long that takes), then we're bringing them in the house (the house will be air-conditioned, and the kittens will be in a blue carrier that our neighbor gave me). We're doing this because I checked the thermometer, and it's more than way too hot out there!
  18. Will do! Thanks for the concern. ETA: just went out to check on them, and I didn't see any more panting; also, Sally made a move to get a drink of water, and even skimmed the water with her paw.
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