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Everything posted by QuinnInND

  1. In love the Duluth Trading Company commercials. They're pretty funny.
  2. I saw this for the first time last night. Instant hate.
  3. I just laughed so loud, my sleeping weenie dog almost fell off the couch in surprise.
  4. Did anyone watch the Drew Peterson show? Creepy ass fucker. His lawyer that they had on was a serious douchecanoe. I used to think lawyers were the scum of the earth. I've just downgraded my opinion. I hope someday they find Stacey's body. And apparently Petersons oldest son got custody of Stacey's kids? Um.. OK... And he won't let Stacey's sister see them. Another dick. Why didn't her sister or someone from her family get custody? Anyone remember?
  5. Next week is the season finale. I lost it when Sig was in tears. Yeah. I can't deal with it. So sad. ? And the Geico ad after the end was completely tasteless. Who the hell decided to show that one??
  6. QuinnInND


    Is the Biellman spin the one where they hold up one foot above their head? Because if so, I hate that one and the wolf turn. Ugly. No one can make those look good.
  7. Hahaha! Some! But for the most part, they were doing too much yelling and talking too fast to make it stick in my head. Lol. So we stuck with dvds. I don't watch network TV for the most part. Except for sports and local news.
  8. Depends on where you live. I've lived where the only channels that were free were ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX and one PBS station. And about 652387966 Mexican stations. And the only ones that came in decent were the Mexican ones. Basically, you had no TV without cable or satellite or internet.
  9. I always mute every commercial. Too much obnoxious noise. The guy (?) on the GoDaddy ad with the stupid HorseheadSwivelyChair can go DIAF any time now. Hate hate hate.
  10. QuinnInND


    Because it can't be said enough, Shut up Al!! Enjoying watching, but Al Troutface makes me stabby. And once again, I find myself wishing the girls would wear leos that don't wind up being thongs at the end of the routine.
  11. As for the picture with them holding the "family" sign, I have a friend who went to a big church where they would take pictures of you and your family with signs like that. She and her daughter got theirs taken with one that said "Love". Maybe it's the same thing.
  12. That is the most adorable commercial!
  13. Since I'm a glutton for punishment, I'd love to know. Can you tell us?
  14. I've got 15 month old twin girls, who are learning to talk, and their favorite word has been "Hiiiiiiiiiiii" lately. Until tonight. We went to a Mexican restaurant and we had rice, and they kept saying "Riiiiiiiiiice". I was laughing so hard.
  15. The walls look like the pads they put on wall at the gym. Like behind the basketball hoop. Jill looks like she's been through Hell. Derelict still looks horrible. The kids are cute.
  16. Yes.. I totally agree! Inappropriate! I will say however, that the woman they got for the mom is a normal sized woman and not size 2.
  17. My twins both had those little light mittens on when they were small like that. Otherwise, they both looked like they had been in a catfight. Scratches everywhere. For about 2 months, then they were fine. And I hate the word "Adorbs". Yuck. But he is a cute baby.
  18. The Domino's commercial for their new bread twist things. They look poop shaped to me. Not what they intended, I'm sure.
  19. Ugh. I don't get any of the classic tv channels here!! Booo!
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