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Everything posted by Ananayel

  1. Why did Joey apologize?! Why!? I understand why Caleb was able to tell her it was too early to form an alliance with a straight face - he's a psycho, who creates his own reality. But man, she's really terrible at this game. I was watching carefully, and they spelled Jocasta's name correctly in the credits this time. Donny may be on track to be one of my favorite hamsters of all time. Not only does he seem like a genuinely sweet, good-hearted person, he's got the right attitude and the right approach to the competitions. What works for the others won't necessarily work for him, and he knows how to work with what he's got. It's going to be funny watching Caleb and Devin twist themselves in knots trying to figure out what his deal is. Soon they'll be thinking he's an actual ninja. And I hope they feel crazy stupid when they get out and watch the episodes.
  2. If you get IFC, there are July 4 weekend marathons, starting Friday at 6:00am Eastern (all day until 5:15), some blocks on Saturday, and a Sunday morning run. After that, it look like daily blocks in the morning and in the afternoon.
  3. And another one! July 4, H2, starts sometime in the morning before I'm up, goes to 11:00. Alas, without my faves Aliens and Bigfoot and Aliens and the Wild West. If you get tired of Twilight Zone on Syfy, drop into H2 for actual Twilight Zone stuff.
  4. Welp, my evening is complete. I've seen Joey in a knit cap, flannel shirt, huge-ass shoes, one of the guys' shorts with something wadded up in the front, and some dark crap smeared on her face, pretending to be her alter ego, Alex. I was afraid that, since I don't have the feeds only BBAD, I wouldn't get to see this. There doesn't seem to be a point to this, she's just hunching around the house being kind of creepy. What a weirdo.
  5. The Big Brother Bowling was cute. I can't imagine being locked in that house with nothing to do. I'm not creative enough to come up with things like that. I did like how no one seems to be splitting off into hardcore cliques, at least not yet. The groups were pretty fluid and pleasant. It's early yet, but I think we're on a much better path than last season at this time. The Caleb/Joey conversation in the beehive was completely cringeworthy though. I wish I had a dollar for every time she apologized.
  6. And while we're at it, TimeWarner Cable needs to stop running ads bragging about not having a data cap. Because you know, if that hellspawn of a merger goes through in a few months, it will be a matter of nanoseconds before Data Caps For Everyone!!!!
  7. So glad someone else saw that. I don't really pay close attention to the intros, so I only caught a split second of it. Devin is such a tool. I think he may be a bigger tool than Caleb. That was a super cool competition though. I could watch Paola flail around getting tangled in the swings for hours. Poor Donny, to have his fate tied up with that.
  8. I thought Devin would be a favorite, but yeah, he's playing way too hard, and being kind of a jerk. I will laugh and laugh if Joey's spazzy incompetence at this game somehow gets him up and out.But I also want to laugh and laugh that Grodner's latest lame twist explodes in her face. And I also want to laugh and laugh that Paola's giant and completely unwarranted ego gets the boot first. What to do, what to do? If Grodner's smart she won't interfere on Joey's behalf, and just let her go if it works out that way. She's completely stupid at this game, and consequently would never be able to accomplish any of her "missions," and no one is going to want to work with her. no matter what America says.
  9. Granny was fine with it. I think she even had a custom license plate that said "DED G-MA" or something similar. The apple didn't fall far from that tree.
  10. D is for Dirk, Blanche's "slightly" younger date, who really just wanted a mother figure.
  11. Yay! I'm a bad person, so I want America's Player to go. Perhaps if these stupid twists keep blowing up in Grodner's face, she'll stop doing them. Plus, Joey's likely to turn up again in another retread season. Of course, I'll bet on tons of Diary Room pressure to keep Joey, to avoid it blowing up in Grodner's face. If that means Paola goes home, I'm down with that too. Any friend of GinaMarie is no friend of mine.
  12. Oh dear. I want Donny to stay. My consolation is that a) veto hasn't happened yet, and b) somehow these fools never seem to evict the actual "target."
  13. I think they give you a little lock box that attaches to your doorknob or near the door. It has a combination lock and contains a key. When the Life Alert people put in a call, they pass on your combination to the responders. My neighbor had one of these.
  14. Julie didn't specify (I don't think - I was listening for it) they had to be cross-team noms, just that they had to nominate two people. It will likely be cross-team for the first one or two cycles, and then alliances will break and reform, as usual. All I know is, it's going to be very confusing.
  15. I was just amused because at one point, they used the same music they use on Face Off during the judging. I kept expecting Glenn Hetrick to wander up and start poking at their cheeks and peering at their hairlines.
  16. Out of the second group of 8, only Derrick and Hayden aren't annoying me. And while I can certainly sympathize with Zach's five kinds of people he can't stand, since I've worked in retail for many many many long years, he can go bye-bye quick-like.
  17. Gird yourselves, folks! Supermarathon tomorrow (Friday June 27) on H2, starting at 8am Eastern and going until 4am Saturday. That's enough Giorgio to last for at least six months, if you ask me.
  18. I'm in for at least a couple of episodes, but if it becomes the horrorshow that last season was, I'll be out. So far, I like Donny, Devin, Nicole, and Frankie, somewhat surprisingly, He doesn't come across to me as his persona being "fake" in the way some of the other super-annoying attention whores in the past have. Fingers tentatively crossed...
  19. L is for Lestah, who Blanche would rather Rose shot instead of her vahse.
  20. I have to say, for me, Overland Hotel was one for the ages. Screaming, pushing, oppressing, possessing, collapsing, bum-rushing, chasing, new tech, pranking Nick with firearms, a creepy mannequin jury, haunted hangers, a drunk named Jimmy, and a rogue air freshener. But by far the best part is Zak, prowling Prioche in his giant baggy pants and bonus giant hat. I can't figure out if he was adopting a half-bowlegged walk to go along with his cowboy hat and newly acquired hint of twang, or if he just has to walk that way because of too much pants. And the hat! Oh the hat! Two sizes too big, I'd say, riding his eyebrows all night. How could he see anything? And when did all the witness interviews start taking place in the dark? I was expecting them to pull back the camera and see them holding flashlights under their chins half the time. And come on - Aaron says "Dude it's gone into your back" and Nick immediately wails "Oh my siiiide!" Zak must have been jealous, because shortly thereafter he hit the floor, with wails of his own. Is there some sort of award for night-vision scenery chewing? Way to end the season with a bang, dudebros!
  21. So last night, in the time slot usually occupied by actual new episodes, there was a "new" episode called "Ancient Aliens: Special Edition." I guess that's what's holding down the time slot now, since it's got it's own Zap2It listing and there are several more coming up. This was basically a rerun of the Mysterious Structures ep. Usually when shows do this, like with Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence" and "Ghost Adventures: Extra Pulses" there is extraneous extra comment in the form of pop-up bubble commentary, behind the scenes facts, tweets, etc. There didn't appear to be any of that for AA:SE. Does anyone have any idea what makes this a "Special Edition" and not a rerun? Because I couldn't find anything. And of course they're renew it! They have to - there are so many topics they haven't covered yet, like Aliens and Holiday Traditions, Aliens and Climate Change, and Aliens and the Common Cold. Plus, each one probably costs $42.78 and the cost of Giorgios's hair gel to produce.
  22. It would have to be dropped in fairly short order I think, since with 4 nominees and at least one of the HOHs safe, that's five non-voters right there. Or, since each "team" HOH can nominate two people from the other team including that teams HOH (right? I read it, but I still have no idea) can both HOHs be nominated? That would be kind of a hoot, watching people actively avoid going anywhere near HOH since it doesn't even guarantee one week of safety. What does this do to Veto, or does the new battle thingie replace that? I have a headache already.
  23. So, then, what good is being HOH? Will someone please fire Grodner?!
  24. I was able to debunk that sighting because the kid was smirking the entire time he was speaking. I swear, most of the town hall stories at this point are surely pranksters just wanting to get on tv, and see what garbage they can get these loonies to accept. Everyone keeps saying that the distance was about 100 yards, but they could clearly see all these details - yellow eyes, facial details etc. 100 yards is a football field. Can anyone look at anything at the other end of a football field and describe anything about it other than that it appeared to have two arms and two legs? I don't care how big someone's head is, there's no way you're getting eye color from 100 yards away.
  25. Where do I even begin with Stumpy?! Bobo has had some lame, lame ideas, but that was the lamest. But, they did do something I've wanted someone to do for a while, which is stay in the same place for multiple nights. How do they think they're going to get anything, when they wander in and wander out again in the space of a few hours? Since squatches are supposedly so smart, and now used to people out squatching, and can be so stealthy, not to mention that a ton of sighings come from people who are just regular camping, it almost makes more sense to just sit and wait for their alleged curiosity to bring them to you. In the latest behind the scenes special that aired right after, I learned that Bobo has a prodigious hair care routine, Cliff is still somewhat nuts, and that Ranae is "at peace" with her time on FB. Tuned out Matt's, because I don't care.
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