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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. Confirmed that Julian's father was Dr. Poole. Marin's tattoo is from a book that Dr. Poole wrote, and symbolizes a hidden maze. Interlogix was mentioned early on because Vera used to work there. What is the clicking electronic device and how long have they been using it? When did Dr. Poole leave and how long has Vera been in charge? When did Marin leave? I think the something between Heather and Marin happened way before the night you are referring to. Way before Marin was heavy into the cult, spouting their nonsense and getting the tattoo.
  2. I wasn't sure if this thread allowed either so I was playing it safe.
  3. Maybe if they sped that bone wolf attack up, it might have looked a little better.
  4. I think that Marin was telling Heather that she was lying to herself in thinking that Marin is gay. It was just that one time, and we were both a little drunk, your mom had just died and you were sad and vulnerable, that doesn't mean I'm gay, right? I am a first class peen hound. The already told you everything that you needed to know to know what happened. Please don't read if you don't want to be spoiled:
  5. Boy is this show boring, I can already see that Brady is going to jump into all those cheap tablets at school and there were a few on the library cart at the hospital.
  6. What, you don't think they have Dentists in East Peck? Well..., probably not.
  7. Apart from the ending episodes, I really enjoyed the part where Elfo dates the giant.
  8. Either that or his spirit animal is "Big Mouth Billy Bass". Let's all chant "Kool-Aid!", "Kool-Aid!", "Kool-Aid!". "Nail Gun" haha classic Jillian.
  9. It seems like there is an Angel chained up as Cassidy's cell mate.
  10. That would be the greatest plot twist of them all. And in the end, Jillian still drank the Kool-Aid. A statue will be placed in her honor for saving the world.
  11. Me!!??!, I thought you put the solar sail in the rocket!
  12. I had a good laugh at Holmes reconstructing Stonehenge from the gold bullion on the floor.
  13. I am kind of liking the Q-17 angle because I think it has more to do with what's going on in the world right now than some dumb rock threatening to hit the earth. I was disappointed that Q-17 only had 21 Billion dollars to try to take over the world. Mark Zuckerberg loses more money than that in his couch cushions. Jillian steals the plans for the rail gun and hands them other to somebody. Why does Jillian think that anything good would come from that. She should have drank that poisoned Kool-Aid when they first offered it to her and we wouldn't be in this mess right now.
  14. I couldn't quite figure out why Eugene and Tulip were fighting against Hitler and the Nazis, other than the bad optics of Eugene and Tulip fighting for Hitler and the Nazis. If Eugene was so worried about Hitler escaping in the world, why didn't he do anything when he first set Hitler free. Eugene seemed to have grudge (at the very end of the episode) against Jesse for sending him to Hell, yet he seemed to be very fond of Tulip.
  15. Wouldn't this suggest that you would want the cult to have more kids not no kids?
  16. Perhaps whoever paid for the motel room and any video footage the motel has, might provide some clues to what happened to him.
  17. If I remember correctly, what the mush-mouthed morgue guy said was closed-captioned this time.
  18. The test was the Psych Evaluation where he said you split in two when you lie, then knocked the chair over and went psycho. I don't think he passed.
  19. That I do get, actually. If I were a police officer, I'd talk about my cases with my mother even though she has no background in law enforcement. Some people find using a sounding board useful. Even if you lived in a small town and your mother knew or were friends with all the people you are investigating. It seems like a breach of privacy since a person would tell the police things you normally wouldn't tell regular people and you would expect the police not to blab it all over town.
  20. Peck County Hospital Cannonball Trauma Center This is Nina Rudolph. I'm here live, for now, with Lavinia Peck-Foster. Are you ready to be a father? Yes, I'm not sure if it's this one, but I'm definitely ready.
  21. Superstore Season 4 10-04-2018 NBC 8 p.m.
  22. I am sure Vera implanted a suggestion in Harry's brain. The father is probably telling Vera everything his daughter tells him about the case. I don't understand why the daughter tells her father every detail, I don't think he has any law enforcement background.
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