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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. I think they show the researcher pick up a piece of wood and stab the vampire in the heart to kill it. I don't understand why that particular little girl is so important that you would travel across half way across the country, alert the media to her abduction, and send armed men to kill everyone in sight to get her. Just grab somebody else, or a couple of somebody elses. The future of the world is at stake!
  2. For a second, I thought he was going to hop on the unicorn as they made their escape from the carnival.
  3. If I was investigating Nolan, my main concern would be how did Kyle find out where Officer Nolan lived. Kyle says that Nolan lured him there, did he have any proof of that. What ever else happened, I would think of as secondary.
  4. Question: What do you call a pineapple in a thong? Answer: A slut.
  5. Inter-dimensional Hole of Pancakes, aren't pancakes with holes in them called "Waffles"?
  6. I was hoping the ladies would get equally undressed and all I get is Betty running around dressed like a lunch lady.
  7. If they wanted to do another season they probably could, they left so many gaps in the story, they could easily flesh out details that were glossed over. All of the adult characters were in love with someone other than who the ended up with and how that occurred could be included. We know nothing about the Quagmires, especially the parents. The early years of the VFD before the schism are extremely vague. Who exactly was in the VFD, what was their founding principles, and what kinds of problems they were created to solve could also highlighted.
  8. Then you will get the comments that it takes two women to do what one man does.
  9. Japanese Tentacle Porn! I am so there baby! I give it my official stamp of a real Doctor Who episode. I get tired of these Christmas episodes where the stakes just got higher and higher. The Earth is in danger. The Universe is in danger. The Multi-verse is in danger. Just give me a decent story that I can understand. Missed comedic opportunity: The Doctor: Graham get me some Peanut Butter Cooking Oil so I can lubricate the gears. Later shows The Doctor rubbing her rubber rain coat with the Cooking Oil before doing her amazing slide. Verdict: I liked it, it was good enough for me. Make all the episodes this good and I won't have a complaint next season.
  10. Cloak & Dagger looking for Extras in the New Orleans area. https://www.auditionsfree.com/2018/cloak-dagger-casting-in-nola-extras/
  11. Episodes 1-5 will air at 8 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 29, 2018, followed by episodes 6-10 at 8 p.m. on Sunday on TBS.
  12. 5' 5" is IMDb is correct. All the monsters and demons that she fights on Shadowhunters must be a Pekingese in a rubber suit. Who knew?!!!
  13. Both characters did cut off their hair for the sake of the other character. Weird note: When they showed Jen driving away from the hospital (surveillance video) was she in that ratty pick-up truck they stole or in a car? (Too lazy to check.)
  14. There are whole regions of the US that say worsh instead of wash. I haven't lost any sleep over it.
  15. I would take horror shock comedy like Ash vs Evil Dead only funnier. I thought when Sabrina wanted to borrow the Book of the Dead to talk to her mother. I thought Ms Wardwell said something like we can't be having that happen.
  16. I think we know a lot about Wendy, I remember an episode where somebody wanted to move in with Wendy, but was so grossed out by the conservation of Wendy and her (I wanna say ummm... 3 ) roommates about work they couldn't eat their dinner. Any of Wendy's roommates would have been an easy way to find out what Wendy wanted from her Secret Santa. I am pretty sure that person was Christy, but I can't remember why she wanted to live somewhere else.
  17. I didn't really understand why the Indian grandparents were so upset that the kids were not observant of their Indian culture. In all of the episodes the grandparents claimed they were the ones raising the kids, so a lack of knowledge about Indian traditions would suggest that the grandparents were not practicing those traditions as well, or the kids would have been immersed in them.
  18. I thought the reason Ms Wardwell interfered was to prevent Sabrina from talking to her mother. The seance seemed to allow Sabrina's mom to become friends with some powerful magical entities and to have a secret conversation with Sabrina that no one else (including us) were privy to.
  19. I don't understand how Hilda could be talking to Susie's father, Mr. Putnam, and say Praise Satan, and Mr. Putnam doesn't even react. Didn't everybody in town know that in the past they had a witch problem.
  20. Second season of The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina on April 5, 2019.
  21. Best part about the episode was when Amy puts the Popsicles in the smoothie, sticks and all. She says something about fiber, but I don't think she meant the sticks. The man was drinking out of a carafe that said "MILK". The photo of the parking lot was surprising.
  22. People who have never read or seen it written might think it is like reef. A word they have heard way more.
  23. It was there, she passed in front of a green spotlight on the lawn right as they said it. I am surprised there wasn't a sleigh and a scruffy dog in the background to compete the scene. I had no laughs this episode. How often does anybody say the word wreath, to justify taking the time to learn to pronounce it correctly. The joke with Gloria and the retainer, that was supposed to make her look ...what?... It would have been funnier if they handed Lily the cell phone and it rings and she gets so scared she threw it in the air and it lands in the fountain. I have been holding a phone when it rings and it is terrifying if you are not used to it.
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