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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. That is a lot of Khalil for a dead man. I guess death didn't stick.
  2. I am guessing this has little to do with the graphic novel. There were more people in the first 10 seconds of the trailer than there were in the entire graphic novel.
  3. So it wasn't just me. I had to mentally transpose words that made sense for a much larger majority of the dialogue than I wanted to have to do such. Here is the actual dialogue which should make it obvious: Guard: Hey! Stinky Woman: What are you doing back there? Stinky Woman: Mm, want to buy some... Stinky Woman: sex? Guard: Ew. Guard: Just keep it to the Royale, it's off-limits back there. Stinky Woman: Yeah, yeah, yeah, cool, cool, cool. Stinky Woman: Yeah, I'll do that, sir. Stinky Woman: I can do sex that would blow your tiny mind. Stinky Woman: I would sex-destroy you.
  4. Simmons was doing her job, the guard was not. NotColuson should have been put into the containment pod the moment they realized he was headed for a full recovery. Yes, the black lady guard was shot in the head. Sarge's team were probably not creatures like Izel? Snowflake is probably not a creature like Izel.
  5. Chris was last seen at the police station when Xander, Calvin and Ben were arrested for the murder of Xander's father. Xander, Calvin and Ben went free, Chris went to the military base where he spilled his guts and then had his memory wiped.
  6. It would be funny if that tattoo that Tobin has on his chest is a secret map that his father placed on his body to keep people from finding it.
  7. Why wouldn't the guard make the Smelly Woman come out of the restricted area even after she offered him sex?
  8. It was when the mailman delivered those copies of "Turtle Fancy Magazine" and "Better Homes and Tortoise".
  9. Why wasn't Piper on the ground screaming in pain! Wrap a piece a gauze around it and get back to work!
  10. It seems to me that in "sideways scene" it would be incredibly hard to move fast in a convincing manner, I wonder what the floor is made of?
  11. One think that I thought was kind of funny was that "Bitchcraft" claimed not to care about drag queen icons, but when Liv was was describing the the different Cher phases (she even had pictures and been studying), "Bitchcraft" was still better at it and going from memory. At least one of the drag queens was gay, if you can rely on the testimony of his ex-husband.
  12. Characters in the Beatles movie "Yellow Submarine".
  13. I actually enjoyed the character that Liv became in this episode and kind of wish the show stayed like the first season where Liv portrays different personalities and only solves crimes rather than starting all the widespread zombie, Filmore-Graves nonsense.
  14. They said the guy was excessively sweaty so I would guess sweat from his forehead might drip onto the sterile cotton swabs. What was the point of giving the dogs a steak? They didn't really say how the lawyer's brother was connected to the marijuana cartel to find out about the shipment on the train. The lawyer is probably lucky she is so good at her job, since the cartel would probably kill her brother and her for stealing from them.
  15. Yes. an adoption agency does have to check all aspects of your life because they provide supplement income to birth mothers and to know how much they can give they have to inspect all the financial aspects of your life. Good adoption agencies give financial, medical, legal, and psychological support before and after the baby is adopted.
  16. Did Lyta actually have a baby Zod and if so, where is he at now?
  17. The detective's supervisor is like all the other's except when she says "The Mayor is breathing down my neck for answers" and they give her what they have got, instead of yelling "That is not good enough, I need more!", she says "Thanks, keep me informed". I was kind of in The Inbetween (of alseep and awake) by the end of the show, so to recap, the serial killer attacked the original couple who caused the distress and the serial killer was shot and might be alive or dead and the couple both survived. Is this right, there wasn't a lot of time between the shot and the end of the scene?
  18. Every word out of Desna's mouth is do as I say or I am going to the cops. Desna is not a "Boss", she is a "Snitch".
  19. This is what I thought would happen, it just wasn't as funny or interesting as I thought it would be. I still hate his accent, but I thought Father Chuck would have bonded with Gwen more and Gwen would have loosened up a little bit around him (maybe even laughed) and maybe they would have become friends. Father Chuck is the master of getting confessions and they were in an interrogation room.
  20. From my take away, the phone call was the first time that Andy had heard that the bartender was pregnant or that she was putting the baby up for adoption. This just gave Andy and Dylan the inside track to possibly adopting her baby.
  21. Agencies get tens of thousands of dollars to provide babies to people who want to adopt. I think the parents adopting a baby would want to know if the mother was a crack addict, smoked or drank during the pregnancy. The agency would also have to get permission from both parents and probably check that the grandparents won't raise a legal fuss. The agency would probably also check that the mother was regularly visiting a doctor and had proper living arrangements. It is illegal to pay a woman in exchange for adopting her baby, but people can pay the expenses of a mother in the hope that she will let you adopt her baby.
  22. If it was me I would weaponize the "Curse of the Mummy's Tomb", maybe weaponize some Mold or Fungus specially designed to go in Cleopatra's Tomb. A highly lethal and contagious pandemic disease, a fitting end for you Tomb Robbers!
  23. If I worked at a bar I would never give out personal information about a bartender (especially female) like if they worked there or even if they would be working tonight without someone providing me with some information about who is asking. And remember he is a lawyer so he would know what kind of information you can give out to random telephone strangers. I am sure the person on the other end of the line said they were from So & So Adoption Agency and were doing a routine background check on a potential client.
  24. What's up with the new suit. http://imgbox.com/TWZehdgs
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