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Everything posted by PRgal

  1. @StatisticalOutlier Some people have ZERO RESPECT. People in my gym tend to be okay, but I'm there at a time when most people my age are at work. It's relatively quiet, save for a few older people (70+).
  2. My son is turning into a reading type (though his current obsession is anything Paw Patrol)! And an artist, too. He only started developing an interest towards the spring of last year. He loved art camp, though when I didn't know that when I signed him up (day camps here book up REALLY, REALLY fast. I wanted to put him in multisport, but it was wait list only. For every single (week long) session. And it was maybe one week after registration opened)). He says it was one of his favourite camps of the summer. I'm going to sign him up again this year.
  3. Maybe it's the coffee (provided that they drink it black)?
  4. I talk to myself from time to time. But I'm an only child and I grew up playing pretend by myself a lot. Playdates don't happen every weekend! I had a crazy Little House phase where I played pioneer teacher with myself. I think I mentioned this here before, but I even had a "pioneer girl" skirt made with an old duvet cover (hey, using what you have is a pretty Ingalls thing to do!) and often wore it when I played teacher...to imaginary students (I didn't use my dolls or stuffed animals). It was so much fun!
  5. I mostly buy from independent (bonus if they’re local) any/or sustainable brands though I have to admit that t-shirts are more likely mass market things like Old Navy. The local/indie ones are easy to directly speak with if you have issues and:or questions about sizing too. There’s one brand I love, but have found that lately, they’ve fallen into the trap of vanity sizing (though they completely deny it)! I’m not as small as I was in my late 20s and early 30s, yet I find that their XS pieces made since the pandemic are HUGE on me!
  6. I think I only know ONE great-grandmother's maiden name. And it's going to be pretty hard to track her family down since it's really common. To be honest, to really track down the women in my family, I'd have to go through a gazillion kinship books since women are barely a blip in traditional Confucionist cultures. And if the woman is a concubine? That blip is probably even smaller.
  7. I'm wondering if it's because some people have a tough time finding resources connecting to their families/roots. Immigrants often left the old country because of revolutions and/or war, so information could have been destroyed. If you're of Chinese heritage, your family kinship book could have been destroyed during the Cultural Revolution (where anything that is seen as "tradition" was destroyed) or during the Pacific War - or other wars/revolutions (I'm using the Cultural Revolution as an example since it was a HUGE Cancel Culture Campaign). In Europe, church records could have been burnt during various revolutions or wars.
  8. This. We didn’t send one out when my grandparents (at least maternal) passed. Mostly because they were non-English speaking (I guess my parents didn’t send one out to Chinese media). I know that my paternal grandparents had ones sent out because they were in Hong Kong and the obits were in Chinese.
  9. Sunset Boulevard is being revived on Broadway and Nicole Scherzinger is playing Norma. Goodness, this makes me feel old!!! She's only a year older than me! I guess that's reality - Both Patti LuPone and Glenn Close were around the same age when they were in the show.
  10. Yes, but not in the air fryer.
  11. I attempted to make airfryer crustless quiche based on a recipe I saw on social. It was near disastrous and I ended up doing scrambled eggs stovetop to go along with the dino waffles! Kiddo was okay with them (the waffles).
  12. I've never played the lottery, but my maternal grandmother did it all the time. I think the most she ever won was $50. I DID win around $25 from a slot machine when I was 23 at a family trip to Vegas.
  13. If it’s related to adoptions or illegitimate children, well, I understand.
  14. Wishing all my Primetimer friends a very happy 2024!!! Wishing everyone health, happiness and success!
  15. Same here! They’re the only people I watch.
  16. PRgal

    Barbie (2023)

    Finally saw the movie over Christmas! In the movie, there seems to be only one Barbie of every Barbie ever made (ditto with Ken). What happens if one, say, Ballerina Barbie was destroyed by her owner (or an owner’s friend/awful sibling), she becomes Weird Barbie? Thinking too much? Probably, right?
  17. For lunch, I had salad today that was sort of like a Niçoise - it had tuna, greens and hardboiled eggs, but no potatoes or beans. Then, for dinner, we ordered in Indian, a New Year's Eve tradition in my family! Dinner included butter chicken, saag paneer, garlic naan and pakoras. So yum (and so very full)! Champagne at midnight!! I think I'm going to nap for an hour before the ball drop (I have my alarm set for 11:30 pm). We were gifted a dinosaur shaped waffle maker over the summer and will be making that for brunch tomorrow (my son is STILL obsessed with dinos).
  18. I wonder how many people's lists I'm on!!! I tend to like the people here. You guys are a lot more well-adjusted than on some Facebook groups. I've been shamed more than a few times there just by bringing up cultural-related issues when it comes to donor-conceived children (and I'm not the only one).
  19. I often get the animal of the year the child was born, if they exist. Since the almost two year old was born the year of the tiger and there’s no tiger (yet), I’d get whatever. Do you have the mini (baby) animals?
  20. Cuddle and Kind totally rocks. Every new baby in my family gets one! Which one did you get? My son has Max(imus) the cat and a few others, including a dog (he was born in the year of the dog).
  21. Is anyone trying to put together a family tree? I have a good amount of info on my dad's side, but only the men. It's actually hard to get access to the women, thanks to millennia of patriarchal culture in China (kinship books basically only talk about men and the only kinship book I have access to is my dad's (male) line. I only know the maiden name of one of my great-grandmothers (my paternal grandfather's mom) and that name is Wong, so, well, good luck, honey). I've had AncestryDNA done, but it only showed 5-8th cousins. And because I'm female, I don't know for sure which side is which (it says "parent one" and "parent two"), though I think I can guess which side is which based on the origins of MY maiden name. And even if I had info, I would need a translator since I can't read Chinese. Not to mention the number of sources I'd need to go through if I WERE able to track down a few generations of the female line. As for my maternal grandfather's line, my dad doesn't think any records exist since he was a farmer. My grandfather may have been the first generation to attend school. Village scribes would have kept record, if at all, and since the Cultural Revolution was horrible and many documents, history and culture were destroyed, those records might not even exist anymore. :(. Wait, did I already mention this on another board?
  22. There may not have been segregation laws but unofficial ones did exist, at least in Canada. There's a famous case of a woman who sat in the wrong section of a movie theatre back in the 40s, unaware that the main part of the theatre was for white people. Now back to the episode: This has GOT to be my favourite not just of the season, but probably the entire series. I don't know how much of it was true, other than the fact the princesses DID indeed go out for a night of fun on VE Day. I'm sure there were things that went on that the King and Queen never knew about, because, well, teenage girls will ALWAYS be teenage girls :) (but the mom in me was wondering about the very underage Margaret and her behaviour....)
  23. I just found out about this show and have started watching. Surprised there's no separate thread/board!
  24. Pizza is the cure-all. 😊. I’m the type who over does toppings. Fully loaded all the way. But my husband and I always disagree on toppings. I like veggies. Loads of it. My husband is always pepperoni, mushroom, bacon, green peppers. Sometimes he adds weird things like corn. I’m more like zucchini, eggplant, roasted red. Goat cheese. I will add meat sometimes (prosciutto - it’s one of the only versions of pork I eat. That and char siu), usually arugula and burrata.
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